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Everything posted by texxn5

  1. Thanks Augie, I'm very pleased. They might be just a little bit big, but not much and it's the best option so far available. I think it really looks good. Now all I have to find is the 1/8" lettering for the name which goes between the 2 white stripes under the eagle and stars. The lettering needs to be Roman Font in white and gold. That's my next fishing expedition, or maybe I should say "whaling expedition", to keep in the venacular.
  2. By the way, Wayne thank you for referring me to the military market for the stars, that was brilliant. I got them in today. I found 2 Viet Nam Gallantry Crosses, which had a silver star on them. They were perfect. Here is a picture of the ribbons. Being a former Navy vet, I should have thought of those, but slipped the old mind. Thanks again. I'm mounting them now and will have a picture very shortly. They should be dry now so I'll check them and post.
  3. Hi Bob, welcome back. Thank you so much for the pictures. I greatly appreciate it. I'm moving along on this one, having a problem coming up with the right shade of gray for the waterways. I see you did your's with the yellow ochre. If worse comes to worse I'll paint mine the same. Did you use Model Shipways paints? The yellow ochre on mine seems kinda dark to me, but it's not bad. I like the pictures looking down, as it helps me visualize the deck structures and the lower rigging of whaleboats and davits, etc.
  4. Augie, I might take it out near the lake and picture it getting launched...unfortunately I don't have it coppered yet
  5. Thanks Scott, I greatly appreciate the photos. I'm unfortunately going to miss the re launch, but should be there in about a month. Hopefully they will have more of it done. I think they plan to sail her in March or April, so they have a lot of work to do.
  6. Hi Sjors, kind of looks like raccoon, or the white cat that jumped in burn barrell only to find ashes and closed his eyes but now looks like a raccoon.
  7. Hmmm, I hadn't thought about painting the blackened brass. It could be like gun bluing, actually it probably is the same chemical agent (too lazy to look it up). No idea how paint would stick to it.
  8. It's really looking nice Dave. Did you use the Blacken It for coloring the brass?
  9. Thanks Grant, I should have the stars either today or tomorrow. Wonderful idea. Having served in the Navy, I should have thought about the stars on medals, it just didn't pass my mind. The paint is shaping up and all I need to do is darken up the gray for a nice transition into the deck and bulwarks.
  10. You're right Popeye, it's amazing the transition it makes. Definitely a milestone for sure. Wasn't sure I'd be at theis stage at this time. Just got news my RV is to be in town this afternoon, so I should be on the road by Tuesday, so this is right where I wanted to be with the ship before I leave. Thanks for following and for all the encouragement.
  11. Thanks Mark, it's not at the level I want it yet, but I'm getting closer. I will darken the gray down considerably tomorrow, it's way too light. I'm going try to make it look like a natural transition from the deck if possible. Bummer on the MH. Guard rails and aluminum or fiber glass don't mix well. Tends to make for unpleasant days. The transparency on MS paints was surprising. Actually makes for heavy paint, which can look bad by itself. I couldn't figure out how to spray it without getting wrong paint in wrong places. Too many nooks and crannys to either paint or cover up. It'll be ok, but could be better I guess. Lot's of deck details to cover quite a bit of it.
  12. Second coat of black looks good now. I'm not sure on my gray waterway, looks more like it should be darker. I'll be mixing paint and trying to darken it down to look more natural.
  13. First coat of ugly looking black. White primer doesn't cover well on first coat.
  14. Hi Wayne, I'm currently working on the black, and it makes a big difference. I think the gray waterways will set everything apart properly. I'm getting happier as I progress. I've been told by the Admiral that no shipyard work happens in the truck.
  15. Thanks dgbot, I had spotted that in the plans as I attempt to decipher them. There are 2 eyes, blocks and a seized line that goes under and through the anchor deck. I will make these before I deck it. In fact decking the anchor deck will come much later in my build when I'm sure there's nothing else to do in that region. Thanks for the observation, it could easily be missed.
  16. The anchor deck in the bow will be planked and stained like the deck, but will come later in the build. Must have access underneath for some items.
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