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Everything posted by texxn5

  1. Here is the second coat. I'm thinking I will go ahead and paint the black top gallant rail, and possibly the bow next. It will be black. Then re evaluate and decide if she needs a third coat or just touch ups. The waterway will be gray, but I don't have any gray paint yet.
  2. Thanks Sjors, that's encouraging. I'm working on coat 2 right now, and it's looking better to me.
  3. OK, for the paint nuts on the site, here is the "first" coat of yellow ochre on the bulwarks. It looks like it might take 3 coats to cover the primer sufficiently. Really looking forward to doing it 3 times.....(boring). I'm still not sure I like the contrast between the deck and the color of the paint yet. Maybe once the rails top gallant rail is black and the bright white goes away it'll look better. Jury is out on this one.
  4. Thanks Popeye, finding the stars was great. I should have them by Friday and then can finish the stern, with the exception of the name lettering which I can do at any time. They will be white on either side of the gold eagle.
  5. Of course I wouldn't[t neglect you Sjors, actually you'll probably see these before Augie, especially if he's fishing....
  6. Hi Augie, I'm applying some yellow ochre to the bow bulwarks....first coat...still patchy and will require a second coat. It's darker than I imagined, but I think will be acceptable. It's MS's color scheme and paints so it should be correct. I'll sneak ya a picture with the 2nd coat later.
  7. Anchor looks great. Congrats Comodore, wow a promotion. Have you ever noticed how the word Comodore is spelled quite similar to comode? I wonder if that's coincidence? Could be how promotions are aquired......
  8. Thanks Dave, I'll see what I can find. The hard part might be trying to get it shipped to me on the road. Really appreciate you looking this up for me.
  9. Here is the rest of them. Next is the yellow ochre for the bulwarks which should look way better than rough primer.
  10. Today, I so far have primed the bulwarks and the paintable (almost) sides of the hull. Now for all you perfect painters, don't panic if it looks crude right now---I'm not finished yet. Also the aft end has some unpainted areas and that will be covered up with the hurricane house and stores & head rooms, along with the box that covers the tiller. I didn't paint those areas because I didn't want to waste the paint. The paint that bled onto the waterway will be a light grey color, so it's not a critical problem.
  11. yes Mark, I intend to. I've had a 40' 5th wheel before. We had actually bought a year old trailer, that the dealer said had only been used twice before and the previous owner traded up to a bigger trailer, and it actually looked and smelled like brand new. This one is 22'. Well, as luck would have it, it must have been hit by lightening or something. When we got it home, none of the major appliances worked. It has 2 microwaves, 1 outside in an out door kitchen, and 1 inside and they look like they've never been used. They wouldn't turn on. The a/c doesn't work on electricity, but works on gas. The furnace works, but really starts smoking and stinking like electrical burn after a minute or two. Tested quickly in 100 degree weather of course. The ac inverter wasn't working right, and the ac/dc charger for the battery wasn't working. The dealer freaked out, and after many hard hours of negotiating the factory is taking the unit back, and replacing it with a 2014 brand new trailer for the same money. So overall we couldn't turn that down. The problem is it keeps taking longer and longer than anyone says it's going to. Supposedly it should have been shipped today, so we will see. Sounds like you might have been down the same bumpy road.
  12. Just whenever you have a chance, I'd appreciate it. Peace of mind knowing someone else has used something and what their results are.
  13. Dremel has some wonderful tools. My rotary tool is cordless and that way I can take it outside and keep some of thee sawdust out of the house, keeps the Admiral a little happier. I also have the Dremel table saw and lathe. Great for small stuff. Thanks Dave, if I ever manage to get to Boston I'll tell Henry hi for you. Maybe I'll get to hit the road next week. Hopefully.
  14. 2mm blocks are a real challenge. Wish you luck. Where or what kind of blackening agent did you use and whre did you get it?
  15. Augie, you're right on....steering wheel it is. I even have a 12v/110v inverter so my dremel will work....actually it's for my computer but will work well for the dremel. Buzzzzzzz
  16. Hi Wayne, no the RV still isn't here yet. It was supposed to be here last week, but it hasn't been dispatched to a driver yet, so it's still in Indiana. Yeah, I'll be carving the steering wheel as I drive, I'm sure the Admiral will have something to say about that.
  17. By the way Grant, MS doesn't make the stars, which I think they should since they are very focal on the stern
  18. dgbot, thanks for the advice. I just lightly brushed it with the steel wool to knock down any bumps in the wood grain. I hadn't thought about rust.
  19. Thanks Mark, that is exactly the right size, and I found some on ebay which I bought today. That was an excellent idea to check military ribbons. Thank you very much, that will look wonderful.
  20. Hi, I just now found your build. Looks very nice, and of course a lot of very hard and skilled work.
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