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    texxn5 got a reaction from riverboat in USF Confederacy by Augie & Moonbug - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Looking good Augie....and you thought I was building fast.....planking is around the corner.  We're heading back to Houston.....the shipyard will reopen next week....
  2. Like
    texxn5 got a reaction from Shipyard sid in Le Soleil Royal by popeye2sea - Heller - PLASTIC - 1:100   
    Hello Henry, hope you are doing well. Just to let you know, we met up with Dave (lambsk) and Fran today for lunch. We both have very fond memories of meeting you, and our tour.

  3. Like
    texxn5 reacted to Piet in Hr. Ms. O 19 1938 by Piet - FINISHED - scale 1:50 - submarine of the Royal Navy Netherlands in service 1939 - 1945   
    Hello friends,  after my return from the dentist's office and after a light lunch of soup and yogurt I ventured back into the the garage aka shipyard.  I took the glued up dive planes and rudder out of the clamps and shaved them to close to the correct size. 
    The final shaping and sizing will be done on the boat.
    I started with the rudder and installed two small pieces of copper tubing to support the hinge pin and act as bearings.  This can be seen in the first pic.  I did manage to drill a 1.3 mm hole through the rudder for the brass hinge rod but changed my mind in how to hinge the rudder.  I'll make two slits on the side instead, to install small pieces of rod as hinge pins, which will be epoxy cemented in.  I'll cover the pin centerline with strips of wood, actually kinda made into half-rouns or half ovals.  Needles to say that this must be done when everything else in that area is completed.
    I also started with the installation of the dive planes.  This too will get the copper tube treatment for the hinges.  I am using 1.2 mm brass rod for all the hinges.
    The rudder and dive planes still need to be shaped like an airfoil.
    I still need to shorten the propeller hubs a little because they stick into cutouts of the dive planes and I want to be able to install the props after the propeller shaft support structure is mounted to the hull and the dive planes are in the way.
    It's now a matter of noting the sequence of assembly before I run into a snag and have to tear things apart - - - again 
    Here are two pics I took this afternoon.

    the port and starboard dive planes shaped to my sketch.  Final shaping will have to be done on the boat but that requires that I also permanently install the propeller shaft assembly, which requires that they must be perfectly horizontal.

    After I epoxied the two small copper tubes in I carefully and slowly filed them down so that rudder fits snug between the copper tubes I already installed into the keel.  Still needs a lot of work as noted above.
  4. Like
    texxn5 reacted to Piet in Hr. Ms. O 19 1938 by Piet - FINISHED - scale 1:50 - submarine of the Royal Navy Netherlands in service 1939 - 1945   
    Hello everyone,
    Today was a good day,made good progress.  I first fiddled with the small deck pieces and rails over the torpedo launch are to try and make them lay nice without a wiggle and even with the rest of the deck.  After some scraping here and there and twisting they seemed to fit quite nice.  I then cemented the wood decking to the rails .  I used a slow curing epoxy cement so I could position the 1 mm deck pieces to the rails in situ and then remove them from the boat to clamp the wood to the rails.  The cure time was 3 hours which gave me the chance to paint the launcher area with gray enamel.  It's looking really nice but is still in need of some touchup.
    Tomorrow we'll check the deck pieces for fit, again.  One never knows what the paint will do.
    I also finished installing the dock bumpers and put the poly urethane to the deck structure sides and the top side of the ballast tanks.  I put two coats on but it needs at least one more coat to seal the paper really good.  It got rid of some of the "fuzzies" from sanding and scraping the paper.
    I also started with the dive planes and rudder.  I am making them from a three layer sandwich of 1 mm plywood.  That way I shouldn't be afraid of warping.  They are cut out and being glued and clamped till tomorrow.  Then they'll be finalized and checked for fit.  Then they need to be shaped a little like an airfoil.  Installing them with the hinge pins will be a challenge.
    I don't know how much time I'll have tomorrow and how I'll feel after a two hour dental visit for a double tooth implant.  Cut the gum, drill two holes in the upper jaw and screw the titanium studs in.  Sow it all up and presto, done         I am actually looking forward to it, these two will be the last ones and then I'm done with the restoration.  
    Okay, we are now ready to look at a few pics of the progress of today.  Sorry no pics of all the small pieces for the rudder and dive planes, forgot 

    After a lot of fiddling, scraping and twisting these pieces I got them to lay down very nicely.  It may just work to have them removable      But I'll wait till the paint has dried and see what it did, if any, to change the nice fit.

    Another shot of the deck area, still unpainted.

    This shows the dock bumper strip, sorry for the out of focus pic.

    Here we see the painted launcher area.  Yes, there are a few spots that need touchup.

    Another shot of the launcher area with the port door open.

  5. Like
    texxn5 reacted to Piet in Hr. Ms. O 19 1938 by Piet - FINISHED - scale 1:50 - submarine of the Royal Navy Netherlands in service 1939 - 1945   
    Hello all y'all,
    Today I completed the new starboard door for the side launch torpedo launcher.  Booth doors are now hinged and operable.  I checked wether that troublesome 12 mm tube will fit and yes, but barely.  It is still a no go with that tube and will have to come up with a viable and practical alternative.
    Perhaps my sights were set too high, that's what you get when you are "an airplane man"           So - - - perhaps it's time to come down to the ground and think about something else and use the kiss method (keep it simple stupid).  As I said in my previous post, I have the time to think about it.  
    I started on the deck rework above the side launch torpedoes.  I'll try to make that entire section removable but it may just not work.
    So far I'm pretty satisfied with what has been accomplished.
    Here are a few pics of what's done in the last few days.

    Here I have both doors open and stuck the 12 mm brass tube through both doors.  There is not much room to spare between the tube and the upper and lower edges of the opening.  Needles to say, this is a no go.

    The new port side door is finished and installed.  Both doors work just fine and close much better then the previous ones. It may appear that there is a gap on the bottom but it's pencil marks left on the card.  Once the boat is painted it'll look much better.  As they say, paint hides a lot of errors   
  6. Like
    texxn5 reacted to mtaylor in Hr. Ms. O 19 1938 by Piet - FINISHED - scale 1:50 - submarine of the Royal Navy Netherlands in service 1939 - 1945   
    I understand perfectly what you are working towards.   I just see that launcher as being a work of art itself. 
  7. Like
    texxn5 reacted to Piet in Hr. Ms. O 19 1938 by Piet - FINISHED - scale 1:50 - submarine of the Royal Navy Netherlands in service 1939 - 1945   
    Thank you Mark, John txxn5, Ian, Remco, Popeye, Aship- - -, and Sjors, for your "like" votes, really appreciate it.
    I took today off as a day of rest and just now logged on to this marvelous forum, what a bunch of friends.  Thanks all for visiting my shipyard.
    @ John (Jim Lad), thank you and yes, when I squint along the bow I can almost picture her slicing through the waves.  Did I mention that I'm planning to make a painting of her like that? Hope I live long enough with all my planned projects 
    @ Popeye, thank you for dropping in and your encouraging words!
    @ John texxn5, hello my friend, watch out for Micky though, oh sorry, he is a mouse, not a rat     Yeah, I keep plugging at it but it's all the little details that take the time.  It's been indeed a pleasure to have to and Diane visit and see my dad's sub taking shape. The torp launcher will be build, have no fear but it'll be one of the last projects I'll tackle.  No, I have not contemplated buying a resistance welder, Too rich for my blood.  I'll have to do with silver solder and soft solder, both are no problem for me.
    Be careful traveling!
    @ Mark, thank you for your kind words.  I am very fortunate to have a few contacts who have provided me with many photos of the actual build of the boat.  A few even with my father on them.  Re, the launcher, well, that's a thought but I like to have the launcher as a model in place on the sub.  The idea is to have her as my father knew her for the three years he was involved with her and sailed on her.  If a few other modelers can build the launcher and one of them even make it work, then I should be able to do the same.
    The plan is to leave the doors open but if asked I can also close the doors.  With the center hatches removable I can take the launcher out and display it separately at times.  I hope you understand my aim.
    Cheers, to all    oh what the hay let's have another one   
  8. Like
    texxn5 reacted to Jim Lad in Hr. Ms. O 19 1938 by Piet - FINISHED - scale 1:50 - submarine of the Royal Navy Netherlands in service 1939 - 1945   
    She's really looking good, Piet.  I love the bow shot.
  9. Like
    texxn5 got a reaction from riverboat in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Now that we're back in the Gulf of Mexico area here was last night's dinner....yummmm

  10. Like
    texxn5 got a reaction from riverboat in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    This one is for the drool factor.....

  11. Like
    texxn5 reacted to Piet in Hr. Ms. O 19 1938 by Piet - FINISHED - scale 1:50 - submarine of the Royal Navy Netherlands in service 1939 - 1945   
    Thank you Ian and Popeye for dropping in and looking at my build.
    Ian, right now it's just a thought.  It depends on "flexy" that assembly will be.  If it does not lay flat and stable on the support structure that I have no choice but the glue everything to the support structure, except for the center hatches.
    All I can do is give it an honest try.
    Yes, that launcher is quite an intricate contraption and so is the aiming "computer." Here is a picture of the O 19 launcher assembly at the boat yard.  And then to think that I have to make a model of it.  I already have the tubes though, in brass.

    This shows the real McCoy before it was installed on the O 19.  It is shown from the front to the rear.
  12. Like
    texxn5 reacted to Piet in Hr. Ms. O 19 1938 by Piet - FINISHED - scale 1:50 - submarine of the Royal Navy Netherlands in service 1939 - 1945   
    Thank you Andy, Popeye, Ian, Paul and John for dropping in and your kind word.
    This day was a good day, got some stuff done.  Went to the local hobby store to inquire on that Evergreen plastic stuff Ian mentioned.  Evergreen what?????  Needles to say they don't carry it.  But I needed some gray paint anyhow so the 5 mile trip was not lost.
    This afternoon I started to shape the port exhaust shroud and tried to make a mirror image of the starboard one.  Well, I surprised myself, both came out rather well and with some extra critical viewing and checking they are very close to being an exact mirror image of each other.  I am one very happy camper         
    I sanded the poly'd area around the deck torpedo opening and the doors. Also looking very good but I'll give it one more coat of poly.
    I also completed both docking bumper strips (wales) but have not glued and nailed them on yet.  I need to make a cradle first for the sub to lay on when on its side to protect the protruding parts.
    I think my next task will be to fasten the engine exhaust shrouds.  I have been looking for some real small but long wood screws to screw them to the deck frames but nothing local.  I'll try the #4 screws I have and hope I can hit the centers of the 1/4 inch poplar frames.  I like to add the screws to help draw them into the side of the deck and help in the glue clamping.  The Admiral piped in and told me "drill pilot holes for these screws Piet."  Aint she helpfull - - -  Hmmmmm "Yes dear, thank you"  Hey, I'm not stupid    After 50 years of marriage I begin to learn     
    I have a question regarding the Evergreen styrene sheets.  What kind of glue should be used to glue it to wood?  Do treat the wood first and if so, with what?  What kind of paint should be used on it?  Any prep before painting?
    Okay, we'll see.  I'm also close to making the torp door hinges and and installing them.  Lots to do yet but there is progress, and that's a good thing.
    Here are a few pics for yuns to look at, that way my Dutch friend in Schiedam is happy.    

    Looking down on top of the aft deck with both close-to-being-finished exhaust shrouds rubber-banded to the deck sides.

    Looking aft across the deck with both engine exhaust shrouds temporarily held in place with a rubber band.

    Both engine exhaust shrouds seen from higher above the stern.  They kinda look like gun turrets but in reality they do look like what I see in the photos.  The pipes are just stuck in with the port side being a dowel, I ran out of copper tubing.  They do run parallel to the ship's centerline though.

    Ster-on view.

    This pic was taken by the boat builder, Wilton Feyenoord in Schiedam, the Netherlands, just before the launch, Sept. 1938.  It shows the exhaust shroud with the opening for the exhaust pipe.

    Another photo of the O 19 seen from the stern showing the exhaust shroud.  I used these and a few other photos I have to guide me in shaping my shrouds.
  13. Like
    texxn5 reacted to Piet in Hr. Ms. O 19 1938 by Piet - FINISHED - scale 1:50 - submarine of the Royal Navy Netherlands in service 1939 - 1945   
    Hello everyone, I could spend some time in the dockyard today, it was raining on and off.  
    So, today I cut the little slots into the crossbeams over the deck torpedo area for the T "irons".  I made the space between then the same as the small hatches for the dingy compartment, 12 mm. That works out to .6 meter.  I am tentatively planning on a 25 mm length, which is 1.25 meter.  That may change to a little smaller, depending on what I can determine from the photographs and what Gino suggests.
    Actually there are many hatches all over the deck of this boat and I will not make all of them removable, just to much work. The only ones will be over the deck torpedo area, the rest will only be indicated.  One problem is to show the rails where the hatches sit between.  Have not figured that one out yet.  I mentioned to Gino that I have bought one piece of N gauge flex track.  I do have to remove the narrow flat part where the wheels ride on and that's a labor intensive job.  That stuff is rather tough and small but seems the only way that will look good on the deck.  We'll see.  Perhaps someone here on the forum has a better idea.
    I also put two coats of poly urethane on the deck torp doors and the surrounding outside area where the doors go. I may have to put an extra coat on and let it dry real hard before I can sand it down. So far it looks okay.  Once that's done I can make and install the hinges to the side doors.
    Besides doing that I also shaped the starboard engine exhaust shroud to almost satisfactory.  The final shaping will most likely be done after it's glued to the deck sides.
    I also made the two rubbing strips (wales) at WL 7.  Again, looking at photos and guessing for size I think I came up with a passably thick strip.  Now I need to find some 3/4 or 1 inch very thin brads to nail it to the hull frames as a clamping aid while the glue cures.  I have .9 mm brads but they may not be long enough.
    Have to go to the local hobby shop tomorrow anyhow to get some gray paint and will ask about that Evergreen plastic stuff and see if they have these small brads.  The hardware stores don't have them in the lengths I want.  I could use sewing pins though in a pinch but they bend easy.
    Oaky, here are a few pics.

    This shows both engine exhaust shrouds temporarily rubber banded to the hull.  I already shaped the starboard shroud some. There is much more to do and a few pics down it shows close to be satisfactory. I just wanted to show how my Rube Goldberg twisting setup worked. The port side does not need any fitting to the hull.

    These are the two T "irons" for deck and hatch supports.  Kinda out of focus but just squint a little and you can see the T shape 

    These are the cross beams to help support the T "irons."  It's hard to see the little cutouts for the T "irons."

    This shows the cutouts for the T "irons" better. Both T "irons" are laying on the forward deck, ready to be put in. Their final installation will have to wait till I'm happy with the side door hinges and the operation of the doors.

    Both T "irons" are temporarily laid in the crossbeams to check the fit of the deck pieces.

    The starboard engine exhaust shroud nearing its final shaping. Yes, the pipe will be positioned parallel to the boat's centerline.  Fastening them will be a challenge.

    This is a shot looking forward of the starboard engine exhaust shroud.
  14. Like
    texxn5 got a reaction from riverboat in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Yes, Sjors, shame on both of us...no pictures....what can I say????? But the Belgian Ale was cold and good!!!! So all was not lost...
  15. Like
    texxn5 got a reaction from riverboat in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    This was an interesting item on the grounds of the fortress.  Read the sign for an explanation.....

  16. Like
    texxn5 got a reaction from riverboat in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    There are cannonball holes and bulllet holes in many of the walls. The first wall was where they held the firing squads....bad place to wind up....

  17. Like
    texxn5 got a reaction from riverboat in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Well, today is our last day in Charleston, and we had a most wonderful day.  It seems that Dave (lambsk) from the MSW Forum, whom many of you know lives here in Charleston.  We managed to connect and had lunch with him and his lovely Admiral Fran at one of Charleston's quaint and very old restaurants in Historic Charleston.  What a wonderful and delightflul time it was.  Once again, the power of this Forum has shown through, bringing people together from all parts of the world because of a common interest....model ships.  It was like reuniting with an old friend.  We have been communicating with each other for months and to be able to put a face with the person as well as his ship is quite remarkable indeed.  Many thanks to Dave & Fran you are most gracious hosts, and we are very happy to have made some new friends. 

  18. Like
    texxn5 reacted to SkerryAmp in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    He truly is a magician Wayne!
  19. Like
    texxn5 reacted to trippwj in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Greetings, John - enjoy the visit to the land of magic!  Stop by and say "how-do" to my Uncle if you get a chance (no, not one of the dwarves.  He lives in St. Cloud!!!)
    How long are you in the Orlando area, and how were you able to get them to stop talking long enough for a picture?
  20. Like
    texxn5 reacted to mtaylor in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Hmm.... a Mickey Mouse outfit if ever I saw one.  
  21. Like
    texxn5 got a reaction from GrandpaPhil in USS Constitution by Texxn5 (John F) - FINISHED - Revell - PLASTIC - 1:96   
    Thanks to all for all your help and support....I'm walking around today realizing, there's nothing else to do.....(well, still a few lines to tighten, and touch ups)...strange feeling...I've never seen this one finished in person before...

  22. Like
    texxn5 got a reaction from gjdale in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Well, we're in Kissimmee now. We went out last night and look what we found.....
    First we saw Augie steering his ship....
    Then we found Mark and Piet loading and firing the cannon.....
    Then to top it off.....there was Sjors supervising the whole thing....what a rowdy looking bunch!!!!
    Enjoy guys....

  23. Like
    texxn5 got a reaction from SkerryAmp in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Well, we're in Kissimmee now. We went out last night and look what we found.....
    First we saw Augie steering his ship....
    Then we found Mark and Piet loading and firing the cannon.....
    Then to top it off.....there was Sjors supervising the whole thing....what a rowdy looking bunch!!!!
    Enjoy guys....

  24. Like
    texxn5 got a reaction from mtaylor in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Well, we're in Kissimmee now. We went out last night and look what we found.....
    First we saw Augie steering his ship....
    Then we found Mark and Piet loading and firing the cannon.....
    Then to top it off.....there was Sjors supervising the whole thing....what a rowdy looking bunch!!!!
    Enjoy guys....

  25. Like
    texxn5 reacted to Force9 in USS Constitution by Force9 - Revell - PLASTIC - Revisiting the classic 1/96 kit   
    The workshop is back to shipshape and things have settled down enough for some build time...
    The gun deck has come along:
    The first need was to finally get the beam stanchions in place.  These were some of the first items I attempted for this deck, but I couldn't get anything satisfying...  I first thought to just use some stanchions from the extra Heller Victory kit in my stash, but those were too wimpy.  I bulked up my own version and test fitted those... Still too wimpy.  And worse, I couldn't seem to keep them consistently straight and true.  

    Finally I decided to use my thickest rod and position them into holes drilled through the decking.  I did the base and caps using the square tubing in my styrene pile.  I reamed it out with the appropriate drill bit matched to the rod and slid them into position along the rod with enough sticking down to pass through the deck.  That did the trick.
    To keep all the deck features secure I added some rod underneath to fit through similar holes drilled into the deck:

    The appropriate holes were drilled through all along the deck to accept the various components

    You'll notice that at some point I decided that the pumps should all sit on a raised platform amidships.  Just seemed like the right thing to do.

    Here are some views of all the gun deck features test fitted:

    I've put one of the Admiral day cabin bulkheads from my Heller Victory in place to see what it might look like if I added the Captain's suite to the deck.  It has potential, but I think I'll stick with my stated intention of not including this and keep the gun deck cleared for action.
    Spare anchor stored amidships:



    I think I'm just about ready to paint the darn thing!
    Thanks for following along
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