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Jorge Diaz O

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Everything posted by Jorge Diaz O

  1. Hello, it will be a great model of the HMS Triton, we hope you upload more photos soon
  2. Hello, very good work, do not worry if you do not make the perfect model, we are all learning and try all the ideas that you can think of, I follow you in your work ... What wood are you using? To translate use google
  3. Hello, third attempt for the keel, I think it is much better, already nailed and continued with the manparos
  4. Hello, again the false keel, folded and put in place ... I hope to start soon with the helmet liner.
  5. Hola,nuevamente la falsa quilla,doblada y puesta en su lugar...Espero comenzar pronto con el forro del casco.
  6. Hello, can someone help me with more information on the decoration of the mirror ??? Please
  7. Hello, the HMS TRITON bow mask is not very defined, it does not have epic details and I will try to improve it.
  8. Day of hard work, I look forward to my rest and start with the lining of the helmet, use alpine nothufagus wood, commonly called Rauli
  9. Hermoso.hermoso,hermoso...De mis favoritos señor.
  10. No puedo subir las fotos, espero hacerlo desde mi casa esta noche, él ha avanzado en los manuales y en la falsa quilla.
  11. I can not upload the photos, I hope to do it from my house tonight, I have advanced the manparos and the false keel.
  12. Hi, I use Google translator. HMS TRITON 1773 I discovered it eleven years ago, I could not build it, there were big changes in my life, earthquakes, divorium and job changes, I hope to take this opportunity and start its construction.
  13. Great, thanks for responding, very good detail, I'm attentive to your publications sir.Great work
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