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Valeriy V

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Everything posted by Valeriy V

  1. The catapult on these ships can be a lot of fun for lovers of small details. HMAS CANBERRA
  2. Perhaps this information will be useful to you. Setting up a paravane on HMS London.
  3. I enjoy following your interesting work. Let me make a small clarification on the design of the wiring and fastening of the chains for the security paravane. For this, an additional platform with bollards was welded on the bow of the ship.
  4. The thickness of the deposited copper is 0.3 mm, with a current strength of 0.8-1.5 A and a time of 24 hours.
  5. Thank you all for your likes and support. Everything is fine with me and I can continue my work.
  6. Joachim, thanks. These technologies were invented long before I was born, but now, in the era of plastic 3D, they are simply forgotten.
  7. In a galvanic bath, I deposited copper on a lead-tin ingot. Then I smelted the tin and got the finished copper hull of the boat.
  8. Gypsum mold cast in the shape of the body of the master model.
  9. Making a 40 foot steam boat. Master model for the boat hull.
  10. Kate, this is a great shot, a great interior, and a wonderful piece of craftsmanship!
  11. Roger was wrong. This post should be moved to the Ras Ambrioso thread. It can be done?
  12. Ras, I'm sure this trouble won't stop you! As a separator, you can try using ordinary stationery tape. Before applying the epoxy, tension must be applied to the stocking. I am posting a photo that I took on this forum, but, unfortunately, I do not remember its author.
  13. For those who need a working model of the Maxim machine gun (1: 1), the drawings are posted on the Internet. https://forums.airbase.ru/2018/03/t82671_133--detali-vooruzheniya-i-oborudovaniya-3.html#p6137565
  14. I remembered that I downloaded this photo from the museum's website when there was an announcement that the museum was closed for reconstruction. Apparently, after the completion of the reconstruction, the model remained standing in the storerooms and was not included in the exposition.
  15. Lou, I use not only a giant match but also the same huge fingers.
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