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Everything posted by Darius359au

  1. Wales are done ,I have to get the coppering done but I need to get some spare money to order new amati plates - weirdly I can't actually order from Amati's online store because they dont actually have Australia in the list of countries BUT if I was in Brazzaville Congo or Ulanbattar Mongolia I could buy them😳 ,hope to order them soon from Cornwall models in the UK. (the black on the wales is ink ,I bent and coloured them back just before I stopped working on Pegasus ,once I sand them I'll either pant them black or use some Fiebing's leather dye!)
  2. Happy with the result for the new bulwarks ,look better and a more realistic thickness to them
  3. Had some mental health/health issues so haven't felt like doing much of anything,(clinical depression down cycle and getting diagnosed with a non malignant Lymphoma really sucks😟) Installed the Batten while waiting for new copper and started on the inner bulwarks. (boost in my depression meds is slowly helping ,feeling less "Meh") Batten installed(Ironically the shorter of the 2 sword blades in the picture is a Hanger , precursor to the Cutlass😎 ) , and new bulwark planking.
  4. Thanks Alistair I'll probably get 1 after looking at it , I was going to replace the metal "boat" like object that comes in the kit!
  5. Allan the guns are second party turned brass from RB Model , back in 2012 they were the best one's available and better than the kit guns - as you said most people wont know the difference and they do look good. Richard
  6. New work , I've been watching Olha Batchvarov's Pegasus build so I'm borrowing an idea from her and added waterways and adding a new layer of bulwark planking to add more dimension and thickness to them. My new mini plane came in handy for the waterways😎
  7. Small photo dump mainly making the new stem and some random pic's from the early stages!
  8. This is not so much a build log from the start as a log for a restart from where I left off ,I had a full build log back on the old forums before the great server crash's in 2013 , I really didn't feel like rebuilding it after the 2nd crash and losing it all again .so I kind of just left it! ,after buying the corel Victory cross section and getting irked at it I decided I restart Pegasus and finally finish her. There isn't anything early on in the build that's different from other Pegasus builds other than I had to build a new Stem because the kit one shattered , partition for the fo'c'sle, added the missing sweep ports ,bought new turned brass guns/swivel guns and started the coppering. I've removed the copper because after 3 moves in 2 1/2 years a couple of years ago the original plates are MIA and I'd made a few mistakes so I'm ordering replacements and re-doing it! , I also had and have plans to add missing parts with the help of David Antscherl's Swan Class books , so things like gangwalk's , billboards and linings etc Richard
  9. I use this one , trumpeter master tools pin vice 0-3mm quick video review of it
  10. Ok I'm putting this on hold for a bit - the accuracy and quality issues are irking me and it's either stop for a bit or chuck it at a wall! I will get back to it but at the moment it's a case of "Blah" , good thing is it's making me get off my butt and restart work in my HMS Pegasus!,(just realised I stopped work on Pegasus not long after the great server crash of the old forums back in 2013😳) Richard
  11. Haven't done much work on the cross section due to health issues,(bunch of tests to diagnose a possible problem kicking off a major depressive episode ,just haven't felt like doing anything!) Anyhoo got the gun deck planked , liking the look of the lime compared to the beech I bought and the walnut of the kit , once again the plans are off - if I followed the plans exactly there would be no room for the squaring or mast partner... to paraphrase Pirates of the Caribbean Their not so much plans as guidelines! Gundecks not fixed in place yet ,just test fitting (didn't notice one of the stanchions had fallen out before the photo😏)
  12. Ron That was in my build ,thanks for taking the time to do these! Now I need to get access to a resin printer... Richard
  13. To quote Dennis Nedry in Jurassic Park "Item number 151 on todays glitch list" for this cross section is the guns! ,Building the gundeck and decided to look at the guns and maybe get the kit guns for the 32 pounders ready , bit of a surprise when I found them way too big! Measured them ,checked the sizes and did some scale conversions... their 35mm long , plug that in to a scale converter and they end up being 11'6" where as the 32's should be 9'6" or 30mm😒 - the kits models for the 24 pounders are the right size and i haven't checked the 12's yet but looks like I might be in the market for some replacements at least for the main guns!
  14. Thanks Allan , I was trying to figure out why the wale is too high with the gun port, in the plans it's all lined up! , it's not the 1st time the kits given too many planks ,had an issue with the inner planking in the hold and the outer hull planks from keel to wale as well. Planks are glued with white glue so might try some water on the top plank and soak it off , (ironically fixing it would make the plans work🤔🤣) Richard Edit - water worked👍
  15. Main Wale done , going to stain it black with ink - my plan is splashes of colour to contrast with the wood instead of fully painting and covering it! I may or may not add copper tape to the lower hull but haven’t decided yet. Just waiting on some Limewood for the deck planking to be delivered now.
  16. point of no return and scary part ,marked up and cut out the gunports and entry ports - thankfully there will be planking to hide sins😎
  17. And another change of plans😎 , I didn't like the look of the hold pillars , way too spindly for something supposed to hold up under multiple decks so quick google for some pictures and replaced them with something that looks better👍
  18. Still plodding along ,interior planks done to the top of the Orlop/bottom of the Gundeck and externals done to the bottom of the Wale - still fighting the frames to keep everything square (a few fillers and slightly tapered planks works). Just waiting on some 1x3mm limewood for the decks , not happy with the beech I used on the orlop , colour's nice but the speckles are meh ,(of course this leaves me with a largish amount of 1x3mm Beech to do something with..)
  19. Orlop deck ,Pump Well and Shot locker done - used Beech for the Orlop deck and I'm not sure I like it , I think I might get some Limewood and compare!
  20. *sigh* stupid modelling obsessive compulsiveness is a disease , My brains been bugging me about the Limber boards....so guess what's got limber board's now🫤 ,gone with appearance more than scale exactitude but their in now! Should have known this would happen seeing my main hobby is 1/35 and 1/16 scale armour , usually with an interior with the 1/16 ones! , now I'm looking at the Bitt's and extending those now😏..
  21. @kostas_gr Thanks for that ,one of the first things I did was look at the builds here for idea's and how too's @allanyed thanks for the suggestion , I'm keeping things fairly simple for this build though and just add big stuff thats obvious and not worrying too much about small things that can't really be seen.
  22. Thinking of replacing the walnut for the deck planks with a lighter wood like Limewood or maybe Beech to match the real decks , I think it would look better and break up the "brownness" of all the walnut in the kit.
  23. Building board check and progress , left hand half frame has been a pain in the... it's not square and it's bowed in the middle length ways so it's thrown out the planking (had to nail the keelson and keel inplace because of the issues), - ended up ignoring the plan and setting the orlop deck supports in the right place and square 1st , you can see how far things are out in the last picture! now it's all square from the orlop it should all line up properly.
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