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Petes Shipyard

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Posts posted by Petes Shipyard

  1. Hi OC 

    I am returning after a long time away and I stumbled across this thread.  This a fantastic project. 

    Now a wee little story:

    About 10yrs ago, whilst I was still serving, I started a Military Hobbies and Bookstore as a side project.  One of the things I would do between deployments was commission miniatures painting and I was contracted to paint a few Napoleonic figures for a gamer who also wanted display them whilst not using them on some custom made boards.  As I said it was only a few.....THOUSAND!!!  Ended up being 2800 figures, OH did I mention they were 15mm and I had NEVER painted 15mm before that.  He must have thought I did a good enough job as I then had to paint something like 4000 Romans for him and about the same number of Persians and Greeks.  Varnishing was the worst part, so I can understand the "joy" you are having.


    Keep up the great work.



  2. Gday Brethren of MSW


    Well it has been 4 years since I last posted....where the hell did it go.  In that time I have done NONE of said projects.  We moved to South Australia with the wife's work, then a year and half later we were moved further up the state with her work.  That put a serious cramp in the plans.  Then I had a number of contracts to fill...more delays, and after that some medical issues from a misspent youth in the army.  Now I am sorting out trees, fences, water and a house on our land.  So hopefully I will get to actually START building something....SOON!!!  Ah the joys of being an adult.



  3. Gday Lou

    Sorry can't bring myself to share her at the moment....it is so true when they say a good woman is hard to find.  Especially if she tolerates or encourages my hobby!!!

    As to what I am going to work on first. I am one of those sick twisted individuals that likes a real challenge.  So I am going to make a plastic kit in 1/350, 1/700, wooden kit, a group build on here and a scratch build off of a set of plans!!!

    So the lucky ships are:

    King George V 1/350 by Tamiya

    Akitsushima 1700 by Aoshima  (dived on the wreck a few years ago)

    Not sure as to which one, perhaps the Scottish Maid, any help on subject choice would be appreciated

    Group build is the H.M.S. Triton both full and section

    Scratch build from plans will be S.M.S. Emden


    Coments and advice always welcome.


  4. Gday Brethren of MSW

    Name is Pete and I am here to build.  I have a love of all styles, shapes and designs of shipping from all periods of history, as well as all nationalities.

    Though I must admit that I am not a greatly experienced modeller as I spent more pf my past travelling on the water and serving in the military.  I recently married the most wonderful woman.  Not only does she think I am wonderful, she also fully supports my new hobby.  A wonderful example of this happened just this afternoon when I was looking at an airbrush and compressor, working out when I could buy them.  Wonder Woman asks me will they be used, will it make for better finished models and do I really want them.  After 2 mins to answer here questions out comes here card and she buys them both.... what a woman!!!

    Not quite sure what I will build first, I was able to buy 25 x 1/700 plastic kits, half dozen 1/350 and 35 paper plans at a clearout sale of a small town variety/toy store.

    What do I hope to achieve here?  The aquiring of the knowledge and skills required to complete these and any other kits/scratch builds that take my fancy.  Also to make friends with other mad men and women.

    May your masts always be straight.



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