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  1. Thanks there, yep she turned out well, now onto my next build, I'm building the Amati Hannah ship in a bottle!
  2. Random question, Anyone have a Amati Hannah kit lying around on their 'to do' list that is never going to get done, if so I'll happily take it off your hands!
  3. pics attached, what are your thoughts? even added the spinaker pole too! last thing is probably to print off a union jack flag and pin on !
  4. I'm out of rigging string, so have ordered some more but am tantilisingly close to finishing by first build:
  5. after this the sails, they came preprinted which at first I did not like, so decided to sew over all teh lines in white which helped. I then dipped in 50:50 white glue and water, and left to dry, this created a great effect on the canvas and made the sails look quite real, as it 'ruffled' the fabric. I also applied 2mm strips of fabric to all edges with CA glue (both sides of sail) this took ages but was well worth it, they look great now;
  6. after this I applied all my deck furniture which I had made prior, whilst waiting for the hull paint to dry, shoved in the mast, and she was nearly done.
  7. after a few coats I had a mirror shine, removed the tape and the matt of the deck looked great. also while I remember I actually oiled the hull with Tung oil prior so this may have had something to do with it, but was worth it as has brought out the walnut a treat,
  8. ok so then on to varnish, and what a nightmare, I applied humbrol gloss and it was useless, it frosted and teh whoel hull went a frosted white!!!! i tried polishing it out, but to no avail.... later that day I was in Aldi of all places, and saw they had a can of gloss varnish on sale for £2.99 and thought I'll try it, turns out its brilliant, saprayed over the humbrol varnish and magically all frosting dissapeared, I think its something to do with humidity, but any way DONT USE HUMBROL GLOSS VARNISH its useless!
  9. Hi LMDAVE, apologies for being a bit annoying, but I think you've missed a few bits (unless you meant to!) firstly at the bow of the boat there is a couple of pieces of 1mm x 1mm wood strip right at the front of the boat edge (See Figure 63 in instructions) also if you check Table 2 of the deck plan and look to the starboard bow side, you will see a long 'pole' this is also show on the same page in its own diagram box and is called 'Tangone' (Part No. 105) it some form of tapered 2mm x 150mm pole that is mounted on deck, you'll see they are mounted in the remaining little brass supports from the kit. No idea what it is? or what it represents but thought I'd worth mentioning
  10. and then finally added the water lines and sprayed blue after I coated on some filler and sanded oads with wet and dry, final finish is really nice, near mirror finish, last thing to do is spray the hull with some humbrol gloss varnich, then I can remove the deck tape. Can confirm the yellow frog tape is superb, no leakage at all of paint, just brilliant stuff.
  11. masked off and sprayed undercoat, whilst that was curing, blocks, lots of blocks. dull but once you get in a groove not so bad, made 31, which I think will do?
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