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Everything posted by grsjax

  1. Make one and use it as a pattern for a silicone mold to cast the others using a low temperature alloy.
  2. This isn't a top of the line scroll saw but I find that for the price it is very good. Well built and not much vibration when running. Used with out bolting it down on my workbench and had no issues. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07T4N9L93/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  3. Needs a new flex shaft. On\off, no speed co control bug I plan to add a foot control. Mounted on cast iron blocks but can be removed and hung up. Runs good and I got it cheap enough that I don't mind putting some more money into it.
  4. Just bought a used Foredom rotary tool off of ebay. Want to find out more about it. Tried a web search but nothing about a model 340.
  5. Could be. No laser cut parts so produced before early '80s. Other than that no info. What I am looking for has anyone built this model?
  6. Picked this up on eBay because I like unusual boat kit. Can't find anything about it on the web. Checked every forum I know of and the Constructo website (Diset is a brand associated with Constructo). Nada.
  7. Great topic. A cheap airbrush can be a good intro to airbrushing and it makes sense to get a cheap one to learn on because if you end up breaking it you arn't out a lot. Even a cheap airbrush can be improved with a few simple mods. Polishing the needle makes a big difference. Can't find it now but there was a website with lots of info on airbrushing, reviews of different models including some cheap ones and tips on using and improving performance. Best bet is to read up on how things work before taking the plunge.
  8. Been more than a month but thought I would relay some thoughts and experiences with my Dremel saw. I ordered the saw setup jig from Radical RC. Started to do a tuneup but immediately ran into problems. The part that raised and lowered the blade had stopped working. Started taking the saw apart to find the trouble and ended up doing a complete disassembly. Turns out the problem was the L shaped elevating screw had jumped out of the hole in the frame (part 6) and was turning free without doing anything. Problem turned out to be the spring (part 13 on the parts list for the saw) had broken. This is supposed to keep the elevating screw in the hole. Found the spring in the saw and I guess someone had replaced it in the past. What I found was a hooked piece of brass wire that had broken off. It doesn't show it clearly on the parts diagram but it looks like it is supposed to hook over the carrier (part 2). I tried making a replacement part out of brass wire but to make it strong enough the wire had to be pretty think making it difficult to get it around the elevating screw in the tight space available. Next used .75mm drill rod (like wire but stiffer) and after some adventures getting it into the right shape I did manage to get it to work. While I had it apart I went ahead and did some other things. One was to use a punch to spread the tabs on the elevating mechanism to tighten them up on the elevating screw bushing which removed some slop from the process. Lessons learned is that you have to keep an eye on the internals of the saw to keep everything working right. Disassembly was actually pretty straight forward but it would have been nice to have a step by step manual available.
  9. None that I am aware of but my experience with them indicates that some of the criticisms you hear of them are not really justified. Biggest issue I have with them is that they are not well mixed when you receive them and they need thinning even for brush application. That said if you mix them well and add 10% water/isopropayl alcohol (90%) to the mix they work really well. For spraying I use 40 or 50% thinning, sometimes more.
  10. What do you get for the high cost of the monthly installments. I saw the instruction PDFs on the website but not much about the actual packs of parts. How many packs do you get each month?
  11. Apparently the guy that was selling upgrade parts for the Dremel table saw on eBay no longer does. However I found a website that still carries these parts. https://www.radicalrc.com/category/Table-Saw-Dremel-Accessories-492
  12. I have a WEN 10" bandsaw that is great. Not the largest or most powerful but it does everything I need at a price point a lot lower than most. Another option if you can find one is an old Delta 12" bandsaw or one of the numerous copies of this machine. Very heavy and solid. I had one for years but had to get rid of it when we downsized and I no longer had room for big power tools.
  13. I would have suggested Foyles but I haven't been there in over 20 years so I guess that would be out of date. When I was there I went over to Greenwich and found several nautical themed bookshops there. Been a long time so they could be all gone now.
  14. Thanks for the advise. I tried scissors and that seems to work ok. Might have to find a really small pair to do some of the smaller bits.
  15. Picked up this kit off of ebay. Going through the contents to check that everything was there and in good shape when I came across what I thought was a small sheet of photo etched parts. On closer examination it turns out it is just a sheet of brass with the parts printed on the metal. Not sure how to deal with getting these parts cut out. The bits are fairly small and thin. Not sure it would work to just cut them out with tin snips. Any ideas or suggestions on how to handle this?
  16. Here is a build log for this kit.
  17. Avocado has a noticeable grain that may not look appropriate on a model. It is a nice wood for carving and other decorative uses.
  18. The trouble with being a pack rat is you end up not knowing what all is in the stash. I have couple of kits I picked up years ago that are missing the plans so hoping someone has copies they are will to sell. The kits are both Model Shipways solid hull. The sloop Gjoa and the clipper Young America. Managed to find a set of Young America plans. Still looking for Gjoa. Thanks
  19. Thanks Bob for the heads up about Midwest. Contacted them and they sent me a PDF of the manual today.
  20. I need a copy of the building instructions for the subject kit. If anyone has a copy they are willing to part with let me know. Doesn't have to be hardcopy, a scanned copy would be fine. Thanks
  21. Kind of inherited these books and have no use for them as I am not interested in warship models. Asking $10 each plus shipping (Media Mail unless some other means is requested)but open to offers. All are in English except the last one that is in Polish. Lots of good pictures and drawings of the ships. I have a few more that I will get posted as soon as I can get some pictures.
  22. I use a 50/50 mix of water and isopropyl alcohol (91%) to thin MS paints. Works very well if the paint is mixed properly.
  23. It does include the tools, not the glue or paint.
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