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Everything posted by Vane

  1. I am sorry but I cant really figure out what order you are doing things in here? Are u planking both 1st layer and the 2nd at the same time? And adding Canons as well?
  2. Yes but i just got curious when i saw the other kit.
  3. Ever since I discovered 1:64, I have only bought that size. Easy to work with and i want all of my ships in the exact same scale as far as possible. But there seam to be nearly chaos in scales on the kit market so i guess we all think differently. Does scale matter to you and why?
  4. I probably have to wait until I start working on her for real and do more on my other kits. Here you can see her in comparison with my Granado and Snake.
  5. And there she is!!! Just dry-fitted all of the ply. She will be a Beauty... :-)
  6. Whales added and sanded. For once, i didnt use pins... the Chuck method with CA. It took some time to get used to … with my fingers constantly stuck on the model like a kid licking a metalpole a cold winterday. I am seriously thinking of using Tanganyika Wood for the planking since i dont know where to get boxwood in Europé.
  7. Time to start fintuning the gunports and adding the wales!
  8. Lots of work done on all my 4 kits this weekend so i decided to take some photos tonight of the current state. Here dry fitting the mast which soon will be glued in position. Just a few more blocks to tie.
  9. Its kind of exciting to see how the various kits in ur business developes. Thanks for keeping us all in the loop. I definitely will order a Vanguard kit when its time to add another kit to the shipyard. We will see what it will be but i definitely want to support you getting your shop on the way!
  10. I got several kits going on at the same time. When it come to planking its kind of effective to do two alternatively. You put a board up on one… and then do the other kit while waiting for the first one to dry.
  11. First layer of the whales in place... one more to go!
  12. Its a huge difference between the Granado and the Snake kit. So I guess there has been alot of product development. Its too late to change on the Snake now but once i start on my Diana i Will go with the method that worked best 🙂
  13. I just noted that both Victory models and Caldercraft have kits in the same scale 1:64. So which one is best and what's the difference?
  14. Thanks. I havent done it on my Snake yet where u add three 3mm stripes on top of the 2nd planking. Here you start with the whale which is bigger (2layers of three 4mm stripes).
  15. The pre bending tool makes it a bit easier... but I hope i got this right. It feels that everything else will be relying on getting this in exact position!
  16. Chris, I Think Speedy looks really nice and its definitely on my wishlist. Perhaps you have already said it in previous posts but what size will it be in? Is it similar to Snake/Cruizer or much smaller?
  17. I Will do the whales in walnut, paint them black and then try a few options out...
  18. The whales have been marked out. This kit design differs from others i have done where u start with doing the complete whales by adding 3 strips of 1x4mm walnut in 2 layers. After that you start with the 2nd planking.
  19. Thanks. Well I am quite happy you are some steps ahead of me on both the Snake and Diana so i can just sit back and relax and let you guide me through it... but i very much doubt I will come near your quality!
  20. We are just guessing but as I said… its not rocket science!
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