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Everything posted by Vane

  1. Maybe its just the angle of the photo but be careful so this is straight?
  2. Thanks, its just that everything becomes so small in 1:98. I prefer the 1:64. Yes, I hope i will give my old Victory priority but the grass always looks greeneron the other side so its difficult not working on my newer kits.
  3. I couldnt figure out how to add a signature with my builds... any tips?
  4. Thanks. You can find quick links to my other builds at the end of the first post. I am also doing the Granado, Diana and Corels Victory. I mostly do wood glue. But I am slowly moving towards CA. It takes some time to learn and I am not there yet. Lots of planks get more stuck to my fingers than the hull 😛
  5. Some extra work needed for messing up previous stages...
  6. Great to see the progress. One question, why did u replace the nose?
  7. Thanks, i really enjoy this part of the work and snake is kind of straight on model with not too much planning and thinking. I done a few misstakes that take some extra time but soon the hull will be finished and next stage of the building process will began.
  8. Thanks. I have some great kits on the way but it is likely that I will take some time before i seriously start building this kit. Need to work on the others first and also improve my skills along the way. Diana is kind of my Dream build but I need to learn more before i will be ready for it!
  9. I am very thankfull for this forum and especially the buildlogs that are invaluable help. When it comes to my Diana build I will carefully study the following logs which I think are excellent: 1) Finished build of HSM Diana by Ray 2) Ongoing build of sistership HMS Jason by Beef Wellington - This one possibly one of the most impressive builds on this forum 3) Ongoing build of sistership HMS Ethalion by RobDurant 4) Finished build of HSM Diana by Barbossa - Unfortunately started in the middle of the build 5) Ongoing build of HMS Diana by PeterHudson - Still in the early stages of the project
  10. Great build, this will be very helpful when I start with my Diana kit!
  11. I got the AOTS books for all my kits besides the HMS Snake... perhaps they can produce that one also 😉
  12. I had to get a used copy from the other side of the world...
  13. Usually the hobbyshops dont sell so much and prices are thereafter. Nowadays i basically order everything online. Also I think alot of the tools you need for modelling preferable should be small and light and dont need to be that powerful. When it comes to a drill/rotary tool i think i will go with a 12v instead of batteridriven, simply because of size and weight.
  14. These are what i have at the top of the list so far.... its not a huge investment. Less than 400euros in total.
  15. I have a very old electrical minidrill that I want to upgrade. Probably to Proxxon 12v with a stand so that drilling holes in the Canon carriages gets simplier. Disk sander also seam handy instead of tappering all stripes with a knife. Once i get to the yard stage again, a mini lathe should be a bliss.
  16. Its so easy just to buy alot of stuff that never get used in the end. Thats why I am asking the question. Once I start looking into this… I just want to buy it all.... but I thnk its better to aim for the essentials first. Proxxon seem to be the way to go I guess.
  17. Yes, I been looking into a similar one by Proxxon. It kind of look like alot of work would be easier with this one. Especially during the early stages in the build.
  18. To specify the question. I need to finalize these 3 projects: Granado, Snake and Diana.. all in 1:64. What electrical tools will speed up the process for me?
  19. I have started to build several kits in the Caldercraft Nelsons Navy series. Much of the work has so far been done manually with sharp knives, sandpaper and files. So if i want to make life more easy with some powertools. What electric tools can you recommend that you are actually using to speed up your wooden ship work?
  20. Perhaps one factor is what tyoe of boats you build. If you are interested in 1line ships from 1700 the scale will be much smaller than on small fishing boats. But is somebody else like me and wants to do everything in the same scale? And not mix.
  21. I kind of want to raise the bar on each one of my kits. Once i start working on the Diana i really need everything to be top notch. But with my Victory i just want to finish it as quickly as possible to the Good enuff level. Granado is somewhere in between 🙂
  22. Its already completely black after the first layer... but when i read the more professional buildlogs they seame to do several and also sanding in between. Just looking at all buildlogs we all are aiming at different results/quality. Some builders just glue the pieces together without any sanding at all others do it so perfectly so there is not a single visable scratch or crack.
  23. Thanks for the explaination. When i did this on my kit i first did the first layer, woodfill, sanded, 2nd layer, sanded, measured, cut gunports and painted.
  24. So how many layers of paint should I give this whales before starting with the 2nd planking which will be natural?
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