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Jim CT

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  1. Of all the ship kit manufacturers which have the most detailed build instruction? Latina Artisia seemed decent, but Occre seems to be inconsistent. The HM Lady Nelson had good enough, though not great, instructions while the HMS Terror is a few line of text and photos. Any thoughts or sources would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Jim
  2. Sorry, we have a freezer in the basement and it has curved edges so I use that. And slightly rounded metal or wood that doesn’t move will do.
  3. Use a steam iron. I put a towel on a freezer then steam the wood, not too much, and then gently pull the wood under the iron using the rounded top of the freezer to get the bend I want.
  4. Are there any close up photos of where all these lines tie off on the deck and bulwarks anywhere on the net? The Amati instructions are nothing more than incomplete blueprints. Very frustrating. Thank you, Jim
  5. As a newbie, not to seem too stupid about it, but you refer to Build Logs, but using search renders nothing and I’ll be darned if I can find another link in the menu.  A like would be very helpful, if possible.


    Thank you,


    1. Chuck


      Ahh!!! A build log is a topic that out

      r members start that details their progress on any particular model.  

      If you go to the main forum page,  and scroll down a bit you will see an area for for folks to start these.  There is a bar that reads “member build logs”.  There are two forum areas under this.  One for scratch models and another for models being built from kits.  They are broken down by era based on the date your model was built and launched.  We have thousands of such build logs on almost every kit.  And a thousand more for scratch built models.


      click this link 




      then click on any era to reveal the many build logs.




    2. Jim CT

      Jim CT

      Thanks Chuck.

  6. GL Barlow I‘M new to this site and have had some trouble finding the PDF page for the Lady Nelson. Could you provide me the link? Thank you, Jim
  7. Thanks Chuck. The videos of you planking at some event were insightful.
  8. Hi Chuck, Ooops. I am new to the world of model shipbuilding and this site. I was trying to find your video about measuring before planking. Could you please guide me to that video? Thank you, Jim
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