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    Stockholm, Sweden

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  1. Dear friends, Decided to follow the instructions building the lower sections of the masts in series instead finalizing the one mast with all building moments. Started with the mizzen mast yesterday. It was some time since a worked on the masts. I cut myself twice before I found the knife skills 🫤. Best regards Henrik
  2. Relocated from Norrköping to Stockholm two months ago. My workshop is now getting ready for some modelling. Best regards Henrik
  3. Dear friends, Just a quick update of this weekend's work on the woolding and the iron band s of the lower main mast. Best regards Henrik
  4. Dear friendly modelers, After a long brake I have now taken up my Agamemnon build again. My last build was a tube phono amplifier but now I am back at the ship yard. Today I did some painting of the main mast mast and the assembly of the boarding pike rack around the main mast. Needs to be repainted but at least the boarding pikes are there. Very fiddly. Best regards Henrik
  5. Dear friends, Although there is a sort of hiatus in my Agamemnon build I thought I could show something else. A relative of mine sent me a picture. It depicts my father with one of his model boats. I think the photo is taken around 1947-48. He later became a naval architect but unfortunately passed away many years ago far too early. Later in life he a built a sailing boat in scale 1:1. Is there a particular ship modelling gene which is passed on for generations? Does anyone recognize the model? I hope I am not getting off topic in my build log? Best regards Henrik
  6. Hi all, Just a short up-date so that you do not think I am dead or have lost interest. The wife and I are going to re-locate to Stockholm. Our house is put on sale, another one with work-shop potential has to be bought (not done yet). Until then I will be on shore leave. Best regards Henrik
  7. It looks very nice! Where did you get the blocks and dead-eyes from? The model is 1:150. Mine, in scale 1:64 are tiny for my aging, soon 58 years old eyes 😊. Best regards Henrik
  8. Without knowing any details about the Heller kit of yours, I suggest that you fix the masts and do the detailing of the rigging with the level of details according to your ambitions before you do the yards with their blocks but blocks on the masts are probably better to attach to the masts before you glue the masts in place. She looks very nice! Best regards Henrik
  9. Hi Piotr, you are a very lucky man to have such a supporting wife. My admiral always asks me in a rather derogatory tone where I am going to do with my models when they finished. "I do not want see them in our living room". Then when it comes to the holes in the deck my suggestion is that you add some kind of circular "seal" with a inner diameter close to the mast diameter and an outer diameter slightly bigger than the hole in the like it is done on my Agamemnon model. Best regards Henrik
  10. Hi Piotr, Could you please explain your technique used for the wooden deck. It looks so nice! Best regards Henrik
  11. Hi Piotr, Thanks for starting a build log on Heller's Le Superbe. According to Scalemates.com the kit dates back to 1977 so the man who wrote the instructions for Heller in 1977 has probably retired or sailed over to the other side 😌. I have a suggestion for the rigging. Unless you already have a basic understanding of rigging I suggest you get hold of "Rigging Period Ship Models" by Lennarth Petersson. This book gives a basic understanding of rigging of a frigate of the same period as your Le Superbe. I suppose rigging in 1:150 scale has to be simplified a lot but the most prominent details of the rigging can probably be replicated. Anyhow, welcome to MSW and happy modelling Piotr! Best regards Henrik
  12. As usual thanks for all likes and nice comments. It is very kind of you all. Here comes a picture from the first dry fitting of the fore-topmast or to be honest a piece of 8 mm dowel which eventually will turn out to be a fore-topmast. Best regards Henrik
  13. Last week I started with the lower foremast.This week the foremast was painted yellow. I added the bibbs (instruction call them bibbs but I have seen the spelling bibs at MSW) and glued together lower mast top and gun wales. Cross and trestle trees are glued together and painted. All dry fitted for the photo. I have also done the woolding but not the banding. Best regards Henrik
  14. Dear all, Thanks for all the likes and comments. It has been a wile since last update (more modelling than build log). Agamemnon himself sits on the bow now. The bowsprit is getting finished. For the moment it is just dry fitted. The iron bands on the bowsprit I made from masking tape which I painted black before applying to the bowsprit. Instructions call out fore cutting stripes out of black paper but black painted masking tape was much easier. The lower part of the foremast was something I started with last weekend. Best regards Henrik
  15. Hi Pontus! I have been using Admiralty Paints Yellow Ochre. It is a water soluble acrylic paint which is rather translucent with a not very saturated yellowness. Brightest yellowness is achieved with a white base cote but painted directly on walnut and with two or three layers you get a sort of dirty color which I think imagine look realistic. I read Anthony Deane's book Nelson Favorite HMS Agamemnon at War 1781-1809. In that book it is explained that it could take years before a ship got repainted and in the meantime colors got bleached by sun light and dirty. Best regards Henrik
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