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Erik A

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Everything posted by Erik A

  1. Hi Guys just wanted to add my 2 cents worth. I have been watching these builds progress for a while now and am absolutely in awe of all of you. the skill in which these have been built are amazing and to be honest rather intimidating to me. my skills are far less and to even attempt this would have to devote a fair chunk of time upskilling. i am part way through the de Agostini Victory and also part through the endevour longboat. struggling a little as i never seem to have enough time. from a watchers perspective please continue with the 10 build. really enjoying the progress and when i pop onto the page and see that there is another new entry in Chucks build log. well its a real lift for me to see each new part. many many thanks for starting and sharing these outstanding builds with us lesser modellers.
  2. Thanks Reg I will get on and get some more of my Victory done then. need to get a bit further along to warrant the spend to the wallet holder. she wont part with the dollars if i have part finished items laying around. im in the process of re designing my back yard so am looking at building a man cave so i can actually look at builds like this where i need to make stuff
  3. been looking at this build and thinking about doing it but the fact we live in NZ and freight cost is a big downer plus i dont really have the space to do any scratch build works. would be interested in what you had sent over and rough costs if you dont mind Reg Awesome build as well. great work
  4. well its been a while since i did anything with this kit and have been looking at getting back into it. been a long year what with personal injury and illness, house relocation, renovation projects, overseas trip, wifes medical issues and subsequent job loss, the awesome event that is covid 19 and having to work through due to being an essential service. had many weeks of being the only one at work. been really struggling to get things done and over the last few weeks have been reviewing the kit and getting all the bits and pieces back together to make another start on it. last work i did was put infill on the bow and stern and have most of the shaping and fairing done. need to finish that off then planking begins.
  5. welcome from another Kiwi. i am part way through a victory and have had it on the shelf for a bit while i do many home projects. hope to be able to get back to it soon i understand that the Billings instructions leave a lot to be desired so ask away and im sure that you will get great advice from the master builders here
  6. been watching these builds with great interest and have been considering "having a go" unfortunately for me i have a super busy life at the moment and i havent had any time to do the Victory that i am part way into so will have to hold myself in check until i get a lot more done on that. been nearly a year since i last did any on it Im also in NZ.
  7. nice workbench... just went looking for a similar one here in NZ as my wife has kicked me off the dining room table... exact same bench here is $400..... might have to continue looking 😣
  8. this was built a few years ago (started 2010) and then they sailed it all over the place including England and the USA (2016). there are some very interesting youtube clips on the building of this ship and the sailing of her
  9. belated welcome from another Kiwi. been off overseas for a few weeks and now back with lots of projects around the house to complete... only 2 of them model ships though... LOl welcome again
  10. welcome from another Kiwi
  11. i tend to bounce around but on the same model. currently building the De Ag Victory and have several start points. ie the main build as per the instructions and also the ships boats as a separate project also have parts of the masts underway and other bits and pieces as well. one thing i find is that when i have completed each individual part it goes into a bag or box that is labelled accordingly with part and stage. then all those completed bits goes into another box for safety
  12. in about 5 weeks i am heading to the states for a visit and one of our ports of call is Washington. we have an air BnB directly across the road from the naval base and one of my must do is visit the naval museum. along with all the smithsonians along the mall unfortunately we only have 2 and a half days there. so going to be a full on period for us
  13. I only have two kits and one is the AL endevour longboat and the other is the De Ag Victory. both seem to have good directions etc so have voted accordingly
  14. My son got a piece of wood from a house he was working on. About a meter long 4 x 4 a very deep red and hard as stone. Think it may be Jarrah. I will get a pic next time I'm at home. Currently away from home as getting house relocated. Sort of wonder how good it would be we counted the rings on it and there are well over 50 on the 4 x 4 piece so must have been a very old tree
  15. Progress so far. Latest update I have yet to take pics but have done infills on the bow and the nearest bulkheads to the bow and the stern
  16. Hi Everyone new forum member and have the HMS victory underway. i had been looking at doing a wooden ship for many years and never got around to it. then i saw the new Vasa released by De Agostini and given i am of Danish descent thought this would be a good start.... then i saw the amount of paint works and thought maybe not. so i did a bit more looking and coincedently a complete De Agostini HMS Victory came up on our local Ebay type website. This was a kit that the seller had purchased on the weekly subscription so had spent over 2 years collecting it. then they held onto it for another 2 years before listing it. they wanted $1000nz for it which is a little bit more than half price (price from the UK website is approx $1900nz including freight) i kept a watch on it and it listed 3 times so i asked what their best price was on it and they were pretty hard in that there was no room to move. then another one came on so i now had 2 to choose from. did the same thing with the new one and asked what was their bottom dollar so he gave me the ridiculous amount of $600nz which i promptly accepted and went and picked it up as it was local to me. this was also about 4 years old as he had also collected the weekly subscription then held it. in this case he was in the middle of building the bounty and didnt have enough time or the inclination to start so listed it for sale. havent spent as much time on this as i would have liked due to work commitments and currently i am relocating my house so full on with that project as well. however i have made a start and i think im at about stage 20. i will post pics to date when i get home tonight.
  17. ditto. and the amount of paper plans is cool. way better than working off a tablet with PDF plans. not that my eyes would cope lol. going to watch this with interest. looks amazing
  18. Hi Everyone. new member here from New Zealand. also a member of modelspace forum and currently doing two builds. I have build logs there and will start them here as well. HMS Victory and Endeavor lifeboat by Artesania Latina I started the lifeboat as a means to enter into the world of wooden ship building and then got a absolute bargain on the Victory. so set myself up and got started. then life sort of gets in the way a bit so very slow progress currently. Im 56 currently and did a lot of plastic models when younger.... ok like 40 years ago :)been looking at these builds for a while now and finaly decided now was the time to make a start regards Erik
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