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About balsadustmaker

  • Birthday 02/09/1959

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  • Location
    North Carolina
  • Interests
    R/C boats, both scale and sail. Also starting but never seem to finish wood ship kits.

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298 profile views
  1. BTW, glad to see your back at the build ! Looks good.
  2. I know at 59 I could ask for a lot of things myself knowing that I would receive little or nothing 😁
  3. Not to worry django, I'm in the same boat as you (pun intended). I'm sometimes in awe of the craftsmanship that some of these builders possess. Hopefully I'll get there...👍
  4. Repositioning those windows must have been a royal pain, but it does look much better inset. BTW, thank you for the link Robert.
  5. Robert, just try to remember that this is supposed to be a relaxing hobby. Not sure when the relaxing part actually starts..... Shipyard Sid, would you happen to have a link to Gil's log? I can't seem to find it.
  6. Great work! She's coming along nicely. If mine looks anywhere close to yours, whenever I get started on it, I'd be grinning from ear to ear!
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