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Everything posted by cog

  1. Hmmm, I could look it up in my destroyer book, but am currently abroad. I'll have a look when I am back home.
  2. I don't think it matters where they would stow them, Mark. When you consider the damage done on those ships ... splinters flying everywhere ... if not bomb fragments, parts of the ship would be flying around That's probably a leftover from the 1600 and after period ships. To avoid men from having the idea safety was an option during battle, and in that time to avoid splinters from a shot up boat to fly over the deck, decimating gunners NIcely done so far, RGL. "Just" one last tedious effort
  3. I wouldn't have bothered masking to be able to paint canvas. A brush would have done the job just as well IMHO, or am I just lazy ...
  4. No Mark, that's the place where they stored their deck chairs. You wouldn't want them to sit on (partly) shattered chairs, now, would you!?
  5. Not to shabby mate, she actually starts to look like a vessel with some teeth (missing) ...
  6. I hope not to many crossing from red to white and vice versa ...
  7. Never said camouflage is easy to apply ... even selecting the proper colour isn't easy ...
  8. Nice painting, I found that some tape works better against bleeding than others. Further more a q-tip rubbing the edges helped me to avoid most of the bleeding. Nice painting though
  9. strange dogs they have downundah. The one in front we would call a cat up here ... You wear a straitjacket too?
  10. Which is why you can build it faster if you use 3D printed parts ... where is the agony and headaches, the joy of loosing parts in the carpet monster's jaws ... the search for the missing "link" ...
  11. Yupz, still here, and sometimes there ... hope you are doing well, Chris
  12. Oh slimey, using Mr.Surfacer, and sponge bob to give it structure. Nice touch. Enamel as from Humbrol, or do you stick to Tamiya enamelish? Nice going mate
  13. No oilcanning ..., not that the Roma would have much of it visible (if any), compared to the USN builds
  14. Back to your old tricks, ... beating it up. Those for ugly warts around the mast are winches? No 3D, or brass improvements for them?
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