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Everything posted by cog

  1. You've got a nice array of paint there, mate. How do you keep them "in shape", Jack?
  2. Depends if that red fly turns up or not ...
  3. Looks like it, I just need some pilots, now the plains are on autopilot
  4. Ze vlying zircus ... Could have done with a some what cloudy, or sky blue background ...
  5. Not much choice but to scratch it mate. Not seen anything like it in 3D printed, and PE ... fat chance you'll find something like it
  6. Good to see another plastic & PE modeller. I love those Japanese ships
  7. Somehow they always do, Lou ... Maybe change my screen name to "Tricky Dick"
  8. Thanks, Ken. Quick to build, and most important: Fun to paint. Just finishing off the "rigging"
  9. Two new additions https://youtu.be/DSdFOMtpx9w https://youtu.be/BCN6FzMLcyg
  10. Thanks for the Pen & Sword Books link, Dick. Can't get a proper file from the pdf, 6 very wide pages without content ... OC ... any relationship with this writer: https://www.pen-and-sword.co.uk/The-Captain-Class-Frigates-in-the-Second-World-War-Paperback/p/17798 ?
  11. I would like to see that. I think most ships from the same type from that period would have similar capstans. Although V&W are quite a bit smaller than the Tribal class ships. Development would mainly be in speed and armament which makes differences in these parts unlikely.
  12. I'll get some photographs from the drawings in the book mentioned before, and send them to you if that's of any help(?)
  13. Like the sliding windows on the classic Mini Mk I, Mark. So you know when you see one of those Very simple and effective, but you break your arm to get it out, or in if you hadn't twisted it
  14. Looking at the Tribal Class (1935 and 1936 Programmes) chapter in British Destroyers by E.J. March, You are not so far off. The bow is curved slightly less, than Trumper's model, but not as much as some tend to define it. Actually, the Trumper kit is actually quite close to the photographs as you stated. The hawseholes are further for'ard and closer to the deck. Zulu was build by A. Stephens, and was the most expensive from all Tribal class destroyers built: GBP 351,135 the others were between GBP 337,000 and GBP 344,000 Interesting detailup set. Let me know when it is available. Still have a third kit in my stash ...
  15. You could blame it on the wine, Chris. You still made quite a good job of it, if you don't mind me saying. I would look at the model, and most likely find me something simpler to build.
  16. By the looksof it he has everything ready for fitting out, rope-wise that is
  17. Gun ports look nice an' crisp. I found walnut a pain to put on, even as second planiking. Nifty jig to keep your ship on ... might steal the idea.
  18. If you feel comfy with the thickness, Mick, so will we. Nice name plate. How come your photographs are a we bit blue-ish ...
  19. Different radar, no torpedo tubes(?) ... to make the wiring from the main mast to the rear brace might pose a problem, could make the brace from a single piece of brass though ... I'm missing depth charge throwers like these (Micromaster at shapeways) there should be four according to the last conversion on wikipedia
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