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  1. I've had to move just after xmas Steven and it's all in storage unfortunately.
  2. Steven, I agree with your assessment on the width of the door. I will definitely have to consider my options. I could change it to 2 half size swinging doors, place some barrels out front and hang a tavern sign up top. Or possibly add to the thickness of the archway, shortening the width along with hinges and a an opening latch may just make it appear better smaller.
  3. I Havnt Steven, I simply used the outer measurements of the metal door frame supplied in the kit. I will look into it once I have the forecastles sorted.
  4. A few photos of progress on my Carrack a lot of dry fitting on the two bow decks at the moment with the bowsprit proving very troubling. im looking forward to having this section complete with ladders and railing in place. Still not happy with the door to the stern cabin, it seems way to big and maybe covered in walnut it won't appear that way. cheers Peter
  5. I for one, as others are, simply in oar sorry i meant awe, couldn't help myself. I think the Emperor needs a sunroof above him in the awning. He's way to good to be hidden. In response to others asking what's next. I'll hazard a guess at a Carrack, it's just the scale I'm not sure on
  6. Absolutely stunning work and attention to detail Steven. Im starting to consider that you commanded one or even a fleet of Dromons in a previous life. Can't wait to see it up close once Emperor Dan allows parole for us Victorians.
  7. Looks amazing Steven, been a real pleasure to watch your model evolve to it's current form. The men's on the yards look spectacular and I'm pleased you've decided to leave all oarsmen in place. Looking forward to restrictions ending and heading up your way for a few days. Cheers Peter
  8. Just found the log as I've been given this model as a gift and have decided to start it to give me a break from my Carrack at times. The build log will be helpful and I commend u on the progress, it looks great. In regards to the walnut filler, I had the same idea with my Carrack but was glad I tested it with some dummy planks on a board with various gaps in between. As walnut colour varies so much it wasn't surprising that the filler is hardly a match . In the end I used walnut sawdust mixed with some PVA glue and forced it into any small gaps. You might want to do some test pieces and find what suits u best. I look forward to following your build. I've added a little test piece picture of the walnut filler. Hard to see but b4 I coated it with raw linseed oil the filler dried a light purple colour. I am leaving my carrack in all pure timber, no stain or colour at all, but I wanted to see what the filler looked like when stained. hope this helps in some way. Regards Peter
  9. I wont know what to do with myself. Steven. Is that a nice sized Carrack burning brightly in the back of your mind? The Facebook highlight was well deserved as your Dromon is a thing of beauty. Regards Peter.
  10. A long time between posts. Family issues, winter and covid 19 have definitely hampered my progress. so I'm just posting some pictures of where I'm at. This kit bash is starting to find its own shape. Too many mistakes to mention but it's satisfying when u get a result. To those who are finding motivation throughout lockdown periods could u please post me some. Stage 4 remains in Melbourne,Australia for another 3 weeks and who knows beyond that. Hopefully the weather warms and I can get back to it on a more regular basis. cheers Peter.
  11. As the famous cricket commentator Richie Banaud would often say Steven. Simply marvelous
  12. Very impressive Steven, thoroughly enjoying the build logs. If u make to many arms, u could always sell what's left. Making u an arms dealer.🤪
  13. The model continues to impress Steven. If you could bottle your patience and sell it i think it would be one of the more expensive ones on the market. Port or starboard, glad I'm not trying to pee at that particular time on the ferry. And ask Louisa where she thinks the Myki touch on and off ticket system should be placed.😂
  14. Well I had to come along and have a look, very nice work so far, and I'm not surprised at all that u have decided to make it up as u go along, the only thing metal that's of any use are the cannons and anchors in my and others opinions. Looking forward to seeing how it moves along Cheers Peter
  15. The shields are masterpieces Steven, my favorite is 2nd row, 6th from the left. All that colour will truly bring the model to life. The flute player also looks amazing. Looking forward to seeing it completed.
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