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  1. Long delays due to life and stuff. Messed a few things up (rudder) and could not stomach redoing all the steps so we’ll just call this a learning project. Don’t zoom too close.
  2. Some progress. Know what’s super not fun? Not masking off appropriately and having to cover up dark blue overspray with a million coats of white. I do, however, enjoy the white and blue contrast.
  3. Long delay - you all know how it is. Double planked because it looked nice that way even though it is going to be painted.
  4. Decided to do the deck 1st after looking through instructions. Danish oil on floorboards.
  5. Not highjacking at all. Thanks so much for the info and pictures! Those are fantastic old postcards.
  6. Starting what looks like a nice easy summer build. With all the pre-shaped parts, it certainly looks like a beginner kit which is fine by me. They even give you a cute little pre-made basket. The only issue was with the pre-formed clear plastic "bulbs". 2 were essentially flat but OcCre already replaced them. Can't find many (any) pictures of a real boat with lights but it seems simple enough. I may even put some LEDs in for fun.
  7. I have had terrible experience with both wood and plastic for Vallejo primer (falls off if you look at it funny) and Badger was mediocre at best. My black Vallejo primer has been relegated to making washes or just filling in unseen areas. So far, tamiya rattle can or just plain old primer/filler or enamel primer have worked the best. Both tamiya and primer/filler sand wonderfully. Seems like the more odorous the primer, the better the adhesion so I have pretty much given up on acrylics for priming except for miniatures.
  8. 100% worth it. The time saved in painting many parts at once with out the spray can tidal wave of paint, the accuracy, and the smooth coverage are all worth it. I’m an not a good painter but my airbrush makes me look good at times. Also check out lots of posts here and good old YouTube for tips. I’ve also gotten into using oil paints and acrylic washes to good effect (at least I like to think so). I just wish I had paid more attention in art class years ago.
  9. Did some “light” diorama-ing and discovered it is hard to recreate prairie grass in 1:12 scale.
  10. Seems like things went quickly once I stopped mucking around with the hull. All together, I am ok with this build. The steam engine was the most fiddly but also the most interesting. As mentioned above, directions are...lacking. I used this as a learning project and discovered that I can’t make rope coils, suffer from “bad at planking syndrome”, and paint/stain decision paralysis. The torpedo looks nice though.
  11. Took a break to get outside chores done and then messed around painting the hull and generally being unhappy with how it came out. It looks too “plastic” but at some point I think you just have to move on. Did the coal box things like others before me and like how that looks. I just keep coming across small details like trim on the inside of the boat that I missed on the first dozen instruction reads. Can’t say I’m a fan of written out instructions but this seems to be how many kits are done. Isn’t a picture supposedly worth some number of words? Not sure why all pictures are uploaded upside down. They are correct on the ol’ iPhone. A furry resident also had something to say about instructions...
  12. This is perfect. I love buying new paints and an always wondering, “what’s that paint color/brand” when stalking build logs.
  13. Wondering what brands people use for their primer, paint, etc. I think during build logs, these details would be very helpful to new folks like me.
  14. Planking done! Filler and paint will hide my shame. I seemed to have flubbed the bottom few planks a bit but the remainder look good and all will be well when dressed in black. Also started work on the torpedo.
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