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Everything posted by Egilman

  1. Well I snuck some time to get her finished..... Mostly what was left is the furniture and accoutrements that a classic car is famous for..... Spare tire boots and its canvas top.... Here they are in primer white.... Assembled and placed in position..... This essentially completes the dressing out of a classy lady.... And the final tour.... And the wife has fallen in love again... she has claimed it and it's going in her big glass case in the living room.... Finished! Thank you for the likes and comments it was a fun trip down memory lane, a pleasant diversion.... EG
  2. Looks great, and I feel real bad right about now for mentioning the tires... I shoulda kept my mouth shut... My sincere apologies.... EG
  3. Well earned my friend a journey to be enjoyed and a tribute to be respected.....
  4. Dark and foreboding truck my friend... nice work.... Would you mind if I make a suggestion? reverse the tires, the treads are pointed the wrong way... I"m sure there were times where a tire got mounted backwards, but not all six of them.... EG
  5. Minor hitch in the giddyup brother, well within your skills as I have seen right on this log.... Don't sweat the small stuff and that is small stuff..... Just make sure it is completely degassed before you try and fix it... Beautiful work a mossy to be proud of.... (I'm sure your father would love it)
  6. The color of the bags depends on where they got them from, Standard US issue were OD green painted heavy burlap, very quickly they turned into a close resemblance to heavily shaded Field Drab, this would be the OD Green muted by the canvas color underlying it...... other than that if they are locally sourced bags they would be anything from light tan/wood color to black... The shape and form sure looks like freshly filled US Army issue sandbags to me... given the fresh refurb condition of the tank, that would be appropriate... (btw... you might want to paint the cannon's muzzle black before you use it) Beautiful work by the way, can't wait to see your setting...
  7. I know that my friend, it follows the line of the reinforcing... Beautiful job with those decals...
  8. Bloody OUTSTANDING!!!! Nice job, Great Recovery my friend...
  9. Good looking work, not going to say much about the type model or version as it is just a practice piece, but what I see looks good for a refurbed M4A1 with 76.2mm gun....
  10. With us it was the local Boys Club that had an indoor .22 range, you would have to wait for two hours for your turn, get in line that would circle the room on shooting night... Hundreds of 10-14 year olds learning to shoot straight...... (and handle weapons responsibly)
  11. As with most armor artwork, most people wouldn't know the difference..... and I'm sure there were a few in the 6th at that time that had such artwork.... Looks good to me my friend..... like I said I"m not a rivet counter.... you nailed the look of a fresh newly refurbished M4A3 perfectly
  12. "Modeler's License" ? Looks to me like you nailed another one.... Great Job.....
  13. Harking back to a much simpler/less confusing time.....
  14. it's a bit easier at twice the size......
  15. A good lesson for not giving up, I hate to see great work go to waste, thank you for not giving up on it...
  16. Nice recovery Brother.... now just a little decal action and the recovery will be full...
  17. Both sides check.... Doors? Nope, the doors in the movie are just plain gloss black....
  18. Thank you, they say patience is a virtue, well we are being particularly virtuous on this one..... (grrrr........)
  19. Well parts are beginning to arrive...... Decals.... Small Tractor Parts.... Still patiently waiting on my hubs, wheels and tires for the truck and trailer though.... They will eventually get here, eventually.... EG
  20. My brother still has a 650 Maico he takes out once every blue moon....... I"ve told him he should restore it (it's complete with all it's panels) but he still likes to ride it every once in a while. It's going to kill him eventually.....
  21. I think they are fine as is, any more thinning and you start to lose structure (strength) and the edges will start to lose their definition...... they look good right now...
  22. All is fine, typical admiralty longevity issues..... {chuckle} Thank you Brother... Nothing serious at all, just a bothersome flare-up...... Thank you Nick...
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