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Everything posted by Egilman

  1. Thank you Nick, later today I'm gonna try and get more done..... but gotta get the admiral to the doc first.... not a virus thing but still......
  2. The Admiral says you can come decorate the house anytime.... That's high praise around here......
  3. Thank you Denis, I don't know what she has decided to do for parking, but it is up to the admiral where....
  4. Judging from the Takom kits I have, they are one of the top two or three in the model armor world....
  5. Thanks Ed, It's been frustrating for the last week or so to say the least.....
  6. Thank you Kurt. It's appreciated..... (I just wish the outside forces trying to stop me would take a crack as someone else for a change....)
  7. Smokin hot build there Denis, Nice work.... (good recovery too)
  8. {Chuckle} that's ok, we knew what you meant....
  9. Well life is beginning to give me a few moments occasionally to put a few bits on in places.... All I've got left is the front bumper, turn signal lights, door handles, spare tires and canopy left to go. A hour or so is all it would take and it would be finished..... (if life would get out of the way)
  10. Not me, I was telling the Admiral/CFO/chief cook and bottle washer back at the beginning of March that they were going to drag this out to July/August.... Predictable as heck..... (it will be over just before the NFL season starts, they REALLY do not want to **** off the football fans)
  11. If it's a sherman, or any other US armor, Olive Drab overall...... Like I mentioned above, Testors/Model Masters Rattlecan.... Fastest way to put a true olive drab finish on anything... goes down thin, dries extremely fast and has the optical properties of real US Army Olive Drab....
  12. Yeah they were, but they still flew Me-109's during it.... (and afterwards) I would suggest it, it's not a scheme you see very often...
  13. It was actually the unfaithful queen Neferteri.... In the Theban pebble torture.... But I also liked the Human Siamese Knot..... Very interesting in what they were showing to us as young children.... {chuckle}
  14. The Bearded Beauty - Mitzpah... B-17F-10-BO Flying Fortress, Tail # 41-24453 Coded LG-O. History: Assigned 322BS/91BG [LG-O] Bangor 29/8/42; Bassingbourn 29/9/42; in taxi accident with John Hardin 18/11/42 at RNAS Yeovilton, Missing in Action 28m Schweinfurt 17/8/43.... See Also: B-17 Database
  15. Looks like a heated bath and a gentle massage... Boy you sure do treat your models nice.... :-)
  16. Yeah, she's only available in 1/700th scale at the moment.... unless you want to kitbash the resin Atlantic models type 1
  17. Not that their releasing, that they haven't included what I think is the most needed ship class in 1/350th.... Brooklyn class Light Cruisers But they don't care about 1/350th anymore cause they now realize that the real issue is bigger is better.... People will pay hundreds of dollars for those behemoths....
  18. Nope, actually paint it with Testors Rattlecan Olive drab.... You won't be sorry....
  19. That about all we have left since out govuener just incarcerated us for another month....
  20. So when are we going for a drive? When you fire up that engine, I bet it's gonna purrrr....... Beautiful work....
  21. Great Name.... You do beautiful work..... and historically accurate also.... It's what we do....
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