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Everything posted by Egilman

  1. And the master car builder opens up shop again... I'm going to have to put an engine and wheels on my chair to keep up.... I'm in...
  2. But the Baron shot him down--'CURSES, foiled again!'......
  3. They look perfectly fine to me Carl..... to both my Mk1 eyeball and through my pocket microscope.... Nice work on a difficult color combination....
  4. Not on a B-25, the curved plexiglass waist gun cover was introduced on some mid war models and was permanent, on the aircraft models that carried waist guns, the gun was on a pintle with a rubberized canvas cover in the lower left corner of the window.... This cause the waist guns to be staggered when mounted on both sides..... The B-25's never had an open waist gunner position.
  5. I would say they would pass for the top of the line detroit production.... Color corrected image..... The camera didn't read the light conditions properly, caused them to be too dark and muted.... The chrome looks perfect the paint is stunning. It's a beautiful lady in waiting....
  6. I"m here, still hunting around for my pocket microscope though....... ;-0
  7. Now that is a good sized airplane model..... (I see some of what looks like fishin' line, you gonna hang her up?) Gorgeous paint job!
  8. Definitely pullin up a big comfy lounger for this one....
  9. Now ya TALKIN' I hope you don't mind me taking the liberty of color correcting the image.... I'm sure she will get her dance..... She really can strut it.... Beautiful girl my friend Impressive.....
  10. That the reason I don't do them either, can't build a display cabinet big enough.....
  11. Easy answer, Field drab with lightly applied black wash.......
  12. Yeah she's asked me several times how it's coming along...... (and it is right there on my desk in plain sight, yeah I gotta clue) thank you brother.... Thank you, I'm very glad you are enjoying it..... (I don't know about the great part) I've gotta find the time to get it done, she deserves it....
  13. There are some people in the modeling world that simply need their friggen heads examined..... Something I just don't understand is people that can't see brilliance when it slaps you up side the noggin......
  14. Now that is a battle hardened vet if I ever saw one....
  15. You and me both brother you and me both...... Please do, your techniques of aging I've never seen before..... And we love to expand our tool boxes.....
  16. Just goes to prove my theory..... Models should to be treated as ladies, it's easier to understand them that way, there are some where you have to go back time after time for more, those you got to tease and tease the beauty out of, those that are just simply there for you, those who have to be shown who's boss, and finally those that wind up in divorce/judgment/cemetery. (shelf of doom/trash can/binned) Looks to me like you have her well in hand..... {chuckle}
  17. They have special requirements, that's why I call them ladies, you have to tease the beauty out of them before they satisfy.... A reminder that everything good requires effort.... That's what makes them special, when done, and done well like we see here, means you have actually accomplished something...... EG
  18. Now that's the ticket..... Ardennes in the winter supporting the infantry.... Beautiful job!
  19. I know that my friend, I'm suffering from the type of car. There is no door hardware except for a pull latch much like those on cars today. The dash has two oval gauges, a speedo and clock, the rest are arc type meter gauges and the gas gauge is a bubble vial type that actually had live fuel in it.... There is no aftermarket for them as there is none for this model.... One of the reasons it's been on the shelf for so long.... As has the V-16 cabriolet.... OOB is pretty much what you get with one of these.... Very Very nice roadster my friend, she looks much better with a full suit of clothes and jewelry, ready to prowl the town...... Great Job..... Gonna be a stunner when finished....
  20. I wish they had that stuff for mine, but then again I'm doing OOB, your dash is much prettier than mine..... Nice work.....
  21. I do suspect that when your done restoring that honey, it's going to come with the 28 point dealer inspection certificate, correct? That is so beautiful it ought to.... I have to keep reminding myself your working on a model, not a real car...... Absolutely fantastic work....
  22. Aw, she's a lady brother..... you can't just leave her hanging half dressed..... :-)
  23. Our pleasure.... it was a fun build. Barris did some great stuff.... what you really need now is Grandpa pulling up in Dragula..... You stay safe as well my friend....
  24. Yeah, we have those up here too... They know they are usually laughed at and are tolerated as long as they don't make asses of themselves... (too many good people with firearms around here for them to risk it)
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