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Everything posted by Egilman

  1. I don't remember where I got it from but after the war they recovered somewhere between 20-25 of them in flyable condition. And yeah they were assigned to the "Commando" units for secret missions which undoubtedly included dropping bomb at some point..... They also had several B-24's but just a few, B-24's generally didn't fare well crash landing so it wasn't as easy for them to repair them.... Somewhere in my library I have a book of reminisces of a pilot that flew for KG-200, If I remember right there was no real proof of what he said but he did say it.... KG200 was top secret and not much of what they did was recorded nor did a lot of the records survive.... I've told people about the B-17's that the germans were flying during the war and some of them called me crazy and wouldn't believe that the Germans were interested in flying enemy aircraft..... Heck the Germans would use anything they got their hands on if it would work.... So did the russians and so did we.... (the vaunted 88 comes to mind) and the germans were all about learning new tech especially when it came to building 4-engined aircraft..... Your info coincides with what I remember when I was researching it..... one of those almost forgotten paragraphs of history that are fantastic to those not familiar....
  2. My understanding was they used them as high speed transports. they were faster than anything the germans had as transports and they were well familiar with their toughness/durability.... I imagine that it is possible that they used them as bombers, but I don't recall reading that...... KG 200 was their special projects squadron, stuff that they wished to keep secret....
  3. I sincerely appreciate this Lou.... I will let you know. (although I'm pretty sure it (the KH) will be more than I'm willing to pay)
  4. I need a "D" model to go along with my "B" model, I have the Seminar UH-1B already in the stash. the Dragon kit isn't a bad one at all but yes I'm waiting to see what Kitty Hawk puts out there. If it's anything like their MH-6J Littlebird that's where I'm going.... (unless it is too expensive, KH models have been progressively going up in price lately)
  5. US Coast Guard fluorescent red-orange (FS 28913) or fluorescent red (FS 28915) It was used on USAF rescue craft also.... I looked it up once cause I need it for the air-sea rescue Huskie I have..... I know that Testors made it for a while but I will look around.... Well, that was quick.... fluorescent orange is available from Testors (1367A), Model Master II (2041) or Gunze (GSI Creos) (H98), or for fluorescent red, Gunze (H99), Model Master (1775) the last one your local Hobby Lobby should carry... You will want to airbrush it over white primer.... Now in the real world, Coast Guard aircraft are painted FS 12197 hi-gloss International Orange and White. But Model Masters international orange is a bit too dull, over on the Arc forums they say MM's Chevrolet engine orange is the perfect match under most light conditions MM's international Orange..... MM's chevy engine red.... You tell me.... others use Zero Paints, mclaren red/orange..... Personally, I like the Zero Paints the best
  6. Ken got the reference Denis, all the captured/rebuilt B-17's the germans had (around 25 or so) were labeled DO for Dornier 200 and assigned to KG 200 hoping to keep it secret... They used them quite often cause they simply didn't have any other aircraft of their own design that could do what the B-17 could..... The German pilots that were graced with the opportunity to fly them loved them.... When you built the Wolfhund, you inadvertantly built one....
  7. Yeah, me too, I can't build that tiny stuff anymore....
  8. That why I grabbed it, unfortunately it is coming from Austria, and they have suspended mail service to some countries cause it the virus crap. The seller is paid so he will hold it till he can ship it... Unfortunately it will join my burgeoning collection of 1/32nd - 1/35th scale helicopters.... It up to at least 13 now not counting this one....Still need to get a Huey and a Jet Ranger....
  9. Thanks for that Jack.... Beautiful Airplanes.... Read this.... Fokker D.VII Or this.... Fokker DR.1
  10. I will be when SWMBO gets done with me... I just acquired a TR05107 off evilbay for 41.00 shipped...
  11. Personally, I don't see the distinction.... The Smithsonian, after the war, tested the D.VII airframe to 13 g's at the behest of the Air Corps to find out what it took to break one....
  12. in their later years, in their early years they built the baddest fighter planes in the sky....
  13. Sitting in here too, Your getting into my wheelhouse now..... (the only thing wrong with the Trumpeter kit, it is scaled too small)
  14. These arrived today...... So I guess I will be getting back to work.......
  15. Denis, someone was saying that you have an affinity for the DO-200 also..... hear tell you built a model of it.... :-)
  16. Yeah it looks like it, and back then there was no internet either, that's how you missed the OD/Grey wing tip also, you can't do it if you don't know about it........ Nice build though of a very venerable kit........
  17. Absolutely Fantastic, especially taking essentially a toy and turning it into a work of art!!!
  18. Ya beat me to it! I use that technique for doing Motorcycle rims.......
  19. He was a great flier.... The classic attack for an FW on an "F" model 17 was a nose on attack... Shortest on target time, but most vulnerable angle with the least risk..... The chin turret was developed to counter this tactic...
  20. Yeah, it would be almost vertical pointed down as it spun trying to track, you would see both barrels.... Unfortunately, the FW would be long gone out of range.....
  21. NICE JOB!!!! Had to be a ANG bird, the AF would never let them get that dirty...... (at least not an operational aircraft) EOL is not something modeled that often.... Well done...
  22. Seriously, the wife is going to give me the askance eye and eventually ask about her boat.... But I'm strongly leaning towards the Revell 1/32nd scale Corsair..... I suppose it will fit on my shelf if I fold one of the wings...... I'm being corrupted by great modeling......
  23. My understanding was they were green, but as they aged, like all the other colors, they faded, eventually to yellow, then eventually to grey.... So it would really depend on the time period your depicting as to what color it was.... Personally the areas that were shaded most of the time stayed green the longest. Wheel wells were shaded most of the time so I would go with green....
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