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Everything posted by Egilman

  1. I forgot, we can cast our own parts now, that definitely a better option....
  2. You can easily make them with a bit of trial and error, it is just a flat ring of plastic with a slot taken out of it so they will cone shape to fit the tire.... might take a couple of tries to get it right but it's not hard...
  3. One last note: she was in the 551st Bomb Squadron/385th Bomb Group stationed at Great Ashfield. Her aircraft designation was HR-T and the unit designation was the Square "G" Color scheme: Standard Olive Drab over Neutral Grey, Yellow Lettering/numbering Red outlined stars & bars. Tail: Insignia blue "G" on a white square background, yellow serial "232008" and below that a yello "T". Left Fuse would be the yellow "HR" and Star&Bar ahead of the waist gun position and a yellow "T" following. Right Fuse would be the same markings positioned as shown in the images below... of course this is late war, early on she appeared like in the photo above with the vertical stabilizer in bare metal, blue square with white "G" and black lettering on the tail. The rest, Olive over Grey with yellow lettering ws standard Unit emblem.... And a period write up of the planes history. She flew 111 missions over Germany.....
  4. That's cause it was a partial number mate... in the post above this one I've identified her... 42-32008 and she was named Li'l Audrey the apostrophe was actually in the name.... Here is another image of her...
  5. B-17 42-32006... B-17G-35-BO: 42-31932 to 42-32116 This was Duration Plus which was forced down in France 03/03/44 eventually salvaged 10/15/45. I found her.... B-17 42-32008... B-17G-35-BO: 42-31932 to 42-32116 Delivered Denver 01/15/44; Kearney 01/29/44; Assigned: 551BS/385BG Gt Ashfield [HR-T] 02/21/44; Returned to US: 121 BU Bradley 06/24/45; 4168 BU Sth Plains 07/05/45; 237 BU Kirtland 12/10/45; Scrapped: Albuquerque 02/07/46. LI’L AUDREY.
  6. That's not a B-17 code number, all B-17 code numbers were 4 digits up to the model "F" and from there, their code numbers start at 240000...... (although there were some "F" models with 4 digit numbers, assembly line modification to earlier airframes) And that is a "G" model with twin cheek guns, believe it or not that helps.... The airfix kit is a "G" model also.... so none of the Little or Lil' Audreys we have posted will work as they are "F" models.... I'll do some more looking around....
  7. Yeah it's the pic, the same image is posted to the B-17 DB.... And looking through the DB, I find that there were two "Little Audrey's" 41-24560... B-17F-25-BO: 41-24540 to 41-24584 33 of the 44 aircraft in this production block were lost to enemy action. (only 4 of them returned to the USA after they were worn out) 42-29477... B-17F-55-BO: 42-29467 to 42-29531 When 24560 was transferred into the 369th BS she was the earlier aircraft named "Little Audrey" and 29477 was renamed "Joan of Arc" (lost 10/14/43 over Schweinfurt) Update: I found a third... 41-24523... B-17F-20-BO: 41-24504 to 41-24539 Originally called "Golly" was renamed "Lil Audrey" and then renamed again to "Snooks" She was lost 08/31/43 after a mid-air collision with.... 42-29816... B-17F-70-BO: 42-29732 to 42-29831 "The Eager Beaver" over the english channel with only one survivor from the two crews.
  8. If you mean this Lil Audrey, I'll be sittin in.... Aircraft # 41-24560
  9. I built one of these as a gift for my father-in-law about 30 years ago.... If memory serves they built into wonderful representations with few real defects... A real blast from the past..... Sitting in on this one....
  10. Figured while I'm on a bit of a short hiatus on this I would clean up my artwork and get it scaled correctly and submit for a printing quote..... Scale for 1/25th measures 116mm high and 573mm long.... The quote back was for $98.00 to print two of them, of course they will be two piece overlapping decals..... The image is hi-res in case anyone wants to save it. (or it was when I uploaded it, you can access it by clicking on it and expanding it then copying it into your favorite software or to your HD. It measures 2048x415 pixels)
  11. Ahh... late to the party, but, I see the main attraction hasn't arrived yet, just being introduced.... Grabbin a seat......
  12. That's not the cannon mounted in fighter aircraft, (well a modified M-61) with the Navy's Phalanx system adapted to 20mm rounds, mounted on a mobile chassis.... Limited to 1,000RPM in burst mode The Israelis are the only ones that actually used it to shoot down an enemy aircraft in combat.... and they did it only three times. It was mostly used in the same manner as the M-16 modeled above, as infantry support. It's no longer in use by the US military being finally phased out in 1994. (replaced with the M-6 stinger equipped Bradley AFV. Currently the US Army uses the actual Phalanx system (known as the Centurion C-RAM Scroll down for it) mounted to trailers for DIVAD. (can also be mounted on a HEMTT) and I understand that they are phasing that out as well.... Guns for DIVAD have been rated as ineffectual for several decades.
  13. But I already promised SWMBO a floaty thingy. After this current build.... (but I think that the guns and motive power is not going to be what she expected) And SWMBO is much more powerful than the Borg.....
  14. Artillery/mortarman Huh? that's ok, I like artillery. The only thing I don't have in the stash is what isn't being molded at this time... (and a 8" howitzer) based on the long tom gun which is still easily available. (including their standard or substitute standard prime movers) Beautiful work...... nice collection....
  15. Everyone else is in the same prison, so if someone was brave enough to do that, (defy the government) he would be crushed by the demand for cakes with metal accoutrements... and then of course the government would see to his edification..... But, yes, we need to see your army brother... that is if you really want to display the contents of your arsenal....
  16. Nope there isn't, and the guvenor has just built the walls a bit higher, since it is claimed that no one is following his no large gathering orders, he has now ordered a stay at home decree, closing all non-essential businesses. and everyone needs to stay at home unless an emergency happens.... We are one step away from martial law...... (here in Washington state)
  17. GAWD! youse guys with your US Navy builds.... (gotta... resist.... temptation......) Gorgeous work my friend...... EG
  18. Just ordered up some Mr Surfacer 500 & 1000 and the matching thinner from Sprue Bro's. Should be here in the next couple of days. Meanwhile I will start setting up the tandem unit. (the wheels and tires should arrive in the next couple of weeks) But I also received my replacement wheels and tires for the tractor and the suspension parts I've been told are on the way.... so If I run out of things to do with the trailer, I'll switch back to the Tractor.... Solid resin and solid rubber tires, with the correct tread pattern as well! They actually look the part and will not disintegrate, split apart or go flat....
  19. Well I just thought I would ask, I mean going through and doing a fantastic dio of a WWII collapsed/destroyed stone church somewhere in France/Germany would look strange with a late '60's jeep. The m-60 is what stuck in my mind.... Not trying to be a rivet counter and an M-16 and M-151 are entirely believable in the right context, but your builds are too gorgeous to make that kind of anachronism my friend.... (so I figured I should mention it)
  20. I'm very familiar with Verlinden, his items were always pricey, but well worth it.... The reason I asked was I was wondering the setting with a classic late '44 M-16 which is very well built and an also very well built M-151A2 MUTT complete with wading kit, and M-60 all fitting in the same diorama....... M-16's were extensively used in Vietnam one of the best local defoliators around, so the MUTT isn't unusual in that respect, just wondering about the WWII setting... Beautiful work on both I may add...
  21. It looks absolutely beautiful.... Nothing done at this point is going to change that....
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