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Posts posted by clipper

  1. Oh Danny what have you gone and done mate. :o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o Someone mentioned my two most feared words "Del Prado" :angry::angry::angry:. If that is the case you have my sincere sympathies and even greater respect for taking on this project. Knowing how long these things take you must be one of the most giving people I know to do this for a friend. All the best mate



    Ps: I spent as much money bashing my Bounty as I did on the issues. It would have been cheaper and materials would have been of better quality had I binned the first issue and bought a quality kit.

  2. Dear Sherry, I lost my elder brother four years ago. We were both modellers and when he died I had no one to share my hobby with until I found this website and the marvellous people who populate it. I often think of him when I'm building my model ship and when I saw Anjas moving sentiment at the end of her posts I must admit to shedding a few tears. My sincere condolences on the sad loss of your brother


  3. Hi Nenad my friend, your constant attempts to overcome problems to your CS is impressive to say the least. May I respectfully suggest a tip with regard to the white sections in the bulwark panels. Have you thought about painting the sections white and then using a thin card overlay with the white section cut away placed over the top. the card would be easier to mark and cut out and it would also be quicker. Holding each overlay over the panel would allow you to see straight away if it is acceptable before gluing into position. All the best mate, believe it or not you will get there and amass a knowledge of model making that will hold you in good stead for future builds. Stay with this forum and help will be just a keyboard away

    Tony :)

  4. Hi Ed it's great to see you building a clipper :P , forgive me asking this if you have already covered the subject, but will you be fully rigging the YA. If so I cant wait to see you tackle all the iron work attached to the masts. I have the Billings Cutty Sark on the shelf and have decided to heavily bash the detailing if I can. If Niaid is anything to go by your build will be instructional to say the least. :)  :)


  5. Hi Matti, just a thought my friend concerning the thickness of the plastic carvings. Does the carving sit on the ship flush with the planking or do they sit on the peak / edges of the planking (on the contoured sections)  leaving gaps underneath. The extra thickness of the carvings may allow for shaping to the contours of the ship allowing the carving to sit flush. I hope that I've explained the question clearly my friend. I can't wait to start my Wasa, I've nearly finished my other build. When I start it I will also start a build log so that you can keep an eye on my progress


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