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  1. I'm not so sure on how to start the build log. If anyone has any instructions, please let me know. the build logs I've seen so far are for the beginning of the model. I have completed the beginning and would like to continue on.
  2. This is how my decks look. I did not receive any light colored planking in the kit. At this stage it is not finish sanded nor has the finish applied. Any pointers ?
  3. I'm sorry to hear you are so dissatisfied with your kit. I have not started a log of mine. I'm afraid I'm not very good yet. At least not good enough to impress anyone. I've been doing this for about 20 years and have accumulated many kits and quite a man cave full of modeling tools. I really enjoy this and will continue for the rest of my life. The one thing that stands out about this particular kit is that I kind-of like the deck planking. It is darker (walnut) than others and looks good. I cut all the strips into set lengths and place them in a alternating pattern with contact cement. I have placed all these lengths together and used a magic marker to darken the sides before but didn't really see the advantage. Your attention to historical detail is great. This is the first time I've heard of companies that sold detail parts. I'm still learning. Thanks for your log!!
  4. Yes. The Sergal 782. I am doing the decking now. I usually do the deck planking before starting the hull planking. I am learning a lot from your blog. My kit came with 2 different kinds of hull planking wood. Balsa and lime. The directions say to use either. Is your kit the same? Which way did you go? Mike E
  5. Hi Mark, I'm working on this Victory as well. I will be following with enthusiasm! I'm about at the same place you are
  6. How's this build going? I just started mine and I'm not quite this far. I am still planking the hull on the lower portion. Yours is very good so far !!
  7. Is anyone currently working on this ship? Would love to start a build log with someone currently working on it.
  8. Welcome, I'm in Grand Rapids.
  9. Can anyone direct me on the use of this site? I have been building model ships for quite a few years and am looking for build logs with pictures on a variety of ships that I am building. I was hoping to get some new pointers and insight. I am currently building Corel's Wappen Von Hamburg, Mantua's Sovereign of the seas, Corel's Victory, Constructo's Victory, Corel's Wasa. I have built the hulls of these ships and am ready for the next step. Looking for any info on any of these ships.
  10. I built the Constructo Bounty a while ago and still have the instruction Manual and all the drawings if you would like them
  11. I am currently building the Mantua S.O.S. I have built many ships from all kinds of different companies. I found Mantua to be about average, if not below average, in instructions and material quality. This is not to say they aren't worth the money but (in my opinion) there are better models out there if you're going to spend that kind of money. Corel has a nice Wappen Von Hamburg that I building along side the S.O.S right now. Euromodel is a good company too.
  12. I am really enjoying this conversation. I am just starting my Wappen. This will really come in handy so keep it up! thanks
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