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Everything posted by Kusawa2000

  1. Chris: Thanks for the update. While I am keen to see the Bellonas release sometime soon, I do have enough projects to tie me over for a while. If the release date does firm up please keep us updated. Your Victory kit is impressive and incredible level of detail but I do have the Jotika kit of the Victory in the sidelines -couldn't fit 2 Victorys in my building schedule. But Im still keen on seeing more pics on your development process. Keep up the good work Mike Draper
  2. Chris: While the subject has come up, is there any updates on the release of the Bellona kit through Victory kits? I was impressed with your prototype and have been waiting for news on its release. I know the Revenge kit and this Victory has been on centre stage but I was wondering if there is any idea of the Bellona being released. Thanks for any info you can give Mike Draper
  3. Chris: Thanks for the response on the hull planking as well as the great pics of her planked hull.. incredible detail Mike Draper
  4. Chris: Are you planning to have a double plank on Bulkhead or single plank.. from just looking at the framing and gunports you have designed so far I would think you are doing single plank. Are you also in a position to guess what wood you would use for planking? Enquiring minds want to know Great job so far.. extremely impressive work Mike Draper
  5. Everyone: Thanks for the compliments. This model has been taking a lot longer than I have planned but I have been happy with the progress (it would be nice if I could more time away from work!) If you haven't noticed I have using colour schemes that I saw on some models in Annapolis (pic attached). While there is quite a bit of red I like how it contrasts with the black. While I have been trying to follow what my references say the Aggy could have looked like I did take a bit of artistic licence on the colour of the beams and pinrails around the masts. Again.. thanks for the compliments on the aggy.. so far.. so good! Mike Draper Whitehorse, Yukon Canada
  6. Thanks Russ.. been a bit of a slog with the treenailing and getting the rails completed but I think Im starting to make some progress Mike Draper Whitehorse, Yukon Canada
  7. Everyone: With the days getting longer and the snow finally melting I have now made some noticeable progress. I have managed to get forecastle area filled up with some deck furniture and capped with rails. I took the liberty and painted the railings and fiferails modeling after the models I have seen in the Preble collection at Annapolis. After treenailing the upper deck I thought this would go fast but it has been a lot of picky work. Hope you enjoy the pic Now with that done I will move to getting the deck furniture done around the main mast as well as get some guns populating that area. Its good to see a few other Agamemnons on the forum.. great beast of a project for sure. Have a good one Mike Draper Whitehorse, Yukon Canada
  8. The last I heard through this forum a few months ago is that they are busy right now trying to meet the demand for their existing kits and don't have time and resources to release a new kit and the demands it would create. I am also waiting for this kits release. I have posted a few pics of the kit prototype that was posted on a blog a few years ago showing the kit. Hope we hear some news about her soon. I think this will be a kit that will be definitely a must buy Mike Draper Whitehorse, Yukon Canada
  9. Hey mobbsie: one tip on cutting out gunports and minimizing the wood from splitting and cracking.. cover the area that is being cut with Painters masking tape. It wont clog any drill bits if you drill through it. And after you have removed the waste wood in the port hole place tape adjacent to the porthole when you are sanding the edges smooth.. helps the wood from splintering again. Worked for me on my Aggy. Mike Draper Whitehorse, Yukon Canada
  10. Martin: Congrats on joining the Aggy club. She is a big beast of a kit but fun to build. You will find her size a bit intimidating but it will get easier once you start she her hull lines coming together out of all the bulkheads and planks... As a fellow Aggy builder let me know if you need any help on the hull construction (Im finally getting into planking the spar deck). Regards Mike Draper Whitehorse, Yukon Canada
  11. Robbyn: Depending on what ship you want to build my best experience has been with Model Shipways out of the US and Caldercraft out of the UK. Model Shipways seems to focus on American ships but have great plans and kits that contain all of their parts and if you do find a part missing Model Expo is great in supplying missing parts. I have completed a USS constitution kit from this company. I am presently working on a caldercraft kit (Agamemnon) and Found the quality of the kit has been great. While I have had to do a little kit bashing (no blocks for the guns, treenailing the deck) they kits have been complete and parts of high quality and plans that are user friendly. Both kits are available online to check out Hope that helps Mike Draper Whitehorse, Yukon Canada
  12. Everyone: More pics for my progress folder. The first one I had posted earlier but got lost -shows the rigging work I had done on the upper gun deck. A bit of work but worth it. The next photo is a quick pic of the progress that I have completed so far.. have the spar deck half planked (still needs to be sanded and treenailed). Once the planks are all done I will get the bulwarks planked and then finish off with the grates and deck furniture and then I can finally start on the stern ornamentation and channels on the bow and port side.. finally some tangible progress! :-) Glad to see this forum getting back up to full speed after the crash... Great stuff! Mike Draper Whitehorse, Yukon Canada
  13. Everyone: So to get the progress of my Caldercraft back into this folder, attached is my most recent progress of My Aggy. I have the stern and gallery windows. I now have the spar deck on and have begun planking the deck as well. Once I have that completed I will provide a updated pic of that as well Mike Draper Whitehorse, Yukon Canada
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