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Everything posted by Kusawa2000

  1. Richard: Its great that you got a chance to get up to my neck of the woods.. Too bad we didn't meet up as I could have showed you some pretty amazing areas in the back country. I had some friends up last summer and I took them for a 3 day boat trip down the 90 mile long Tagish Lake and did some wilderness camping. Maybe you can get back here some day soon. Yes.. I did manage to finish my Constitution. Here are some pics that I took when she was finally finished. I was actually got a chance to see her last fall in Boston. It was a really surreal experience for me actually standing on her decks. I just finished working on the Aggy tonite.. ripped out some of the ratlines and redid them as I didnt like how they looked. I will be loading some new pics soon. Good to hear from you! MIKE
  2. Henrik: Actually this winter has been pretty warm and as a result not a lot of snow.. but for us we are now down to 4 hours of daylight so its giving us lots of time to work on indoor projects. The push is on to get the Aggy finished.. lots of work ahead of me still.
  3. As you can see its been a while since my last post. I was planning to wait until I had finished all of the ratlines, shrouds and stays but I decided to post so pictures of my latest effort. Life and work had delayed any progress for a while but I have decided to get back at it to make that final push to completion. Part of that was deciding that I needed to get the Agamemnon done and part was my interest in starting the Modelshipworld/NRG Chuck Passaros Winchelsea project. In any case Im looking to get the standing rigging done and then look to rig it with running rigging with sails. So far with the ratlines nearly done and getting some progress into stays and shrouds Im feeling that the end could be in sight soon (I can try to optimistic 🙂 Enjoy Mike Draper
  4. Chuck: Do keep us posted on your success with the use of acid free tissue paper. Also, any thoughts on what adhesive to use? I always find that a bit of a challenge in getting a adhesive that provides a smooth adhesion. Mike Draper
  5. So Chuck: in reading the posts, the intent with the friezes is that a downloaded file will be provided and we hard copy it at our end? And if that is the case I would be interested in what would be recommended for paper (or cardstock?) as well as adhesive. Reading these posts are a real incentive for me as I am making a push to get my Agamemnon done before I start the Winnie. At this point Im nearly done my ratlines and stays. Getting close to the final stretch. Keep this discussion going. Its been great reading! Mike Draper
  6. Jack: I assume when you are ready to receive payment you will provide us the details on who and where we provide payment. Looking forward to seeing the final product! Mike Draper
  7. Chuck: Thanks for the quick response! I think I will stay with the boxwood. I will wait for Jack to send out a post on when we can order a set. MIKE
  8. Chuck: I hate to be a pain but I just read your post on the price for the resin casts and you are right.. the reproduction is amazing. Im also really impressed on what Im seeing with the jujube carvings as well. While I had pre-ordered the boxwood, the quality of the resin and jujube is great so Im just debating on whether the boxwood is the way to go. Do you have a finalized price (or even a ballpark) on the jujube and boxwood. Im still leaning toward boxwood but Im just curious on the price difference.. Sorry ahead of time for crawling out of the weeds with this question.. BTW still plowing away on my Agamemnon -making some good progress in getting this project out of the way 🙂 MIKE
  9. Jack: Any timeline for when the boxwood carvings will be available. No rush on my part, just curious on when you figure they will available for purchase. The jujube look great! Thanks again Mike Draper
  10. Gerard: Its great to see information on this ship released as a monograph. Congratulations. I do have one question. Is this monograph a limited release or are you planning to have it available for purchase long term? Any information would be great. Mike Draper
  11. Chuck: Thanks.. I was figuring that but I was wondering if I was missing something. Appreciate the quick response Mike Draper
  12. Chuck: Thanks... I did notice you had the tick strips in the download section for chapter 2. Saw your videos on tapering the planks on the bow.. You made a onerous process for me a lot easier.. thanks... I did a less streamlined version of what you did (I soaked the wood) but I did have lots of problems in wood shrinkage and the wood getting "furry". I do have one question for you as well as the group build members and I apologize ahead of time if I missed something. I notice the plans for the project are at 1/4 scale and the wood products are at 1/4 scale but I notice a lot of the build logs are at 1/48 scale. I do admit I haven't read every group members log, I am curious in the interest at 1/48 vs 1/4 scale (either than the sheer size of the model?) Any information would be great. Thanks again Chuck for this project. Its got me keen on starting something different and new as well as me renewed impetus to get my present Agamemnon project completed. Mike Draper
  13. Chuck: Thanks for taking the time to putting together the videos.. I have to admit I had a "ah ha" moment on getting those planks to fit flush and snug on the bow. Thanks again! Mike Draper
  14. Chuck: Have you downloaded a print version yet of chapter 2? I have checked out the build links on this forum and I can find chapter 1 but not chapter 2.... just want to keep up to speed on everything. Mike Draper
  15. Chuck: Thanks.. I suspected that would be the answer on the Build log.. I also found the materials list as well which I will definitely use.. and yes.. I am now making a big push to finish the Agamemnon. Im way overdue in getting that finished... MIKE
  16. Chuck: I am planning the Winschelsea as my next project. I do want to finish my Agamemnon which Im busy rigging ratlines right now. Getting to work on the Winschelsea kit has given me impetus to make that final push and finish the Agamemnon. Its been 5 years so far mixed with job and life... I have downloaded the plans and ordered the bulkhead set and the wood for part one and two as well as have my pre order for the boxwood ornamentation. Im hoping to get to the Winschelsea in the next 6 months but my question is it in my interest in setting up my build log now or wait until Im in a position to actually make sawdust? Also, I am interested in using Alaskan cedar for the planks.. which boards that you sell would you recommend for milling (keep in mind Im using your bulkhead set?) MIKE
  17. Jack: That works great for me. Thanks. I will be watching for when the sets become available.
  18. Chuck: Thanks.. Sounds like a plan.. I assume there will be announcement on this newsgroup on when the sets will be ready and how to order from Jack. Mike Draper
  19. Chuck: Just curious.. when will these ornamentation and figurehead sets be available for purchase? Thanks Mike Draper
  20. Chris: Just checked out your website and congrats on it now being active. I was happy to notice that you have the Bellona on your planned kits link. As a long standing member of the "release the Bellona as a kit" club, I eagerly awaits its release. I have been following your kit development over the years and glad to see your consistency in maintaining a standard of quality in kits as well as your interest in getting interesting kits out there. Keep up the good work and dont hesitate to bump up the Bellona release date a few months or so! 🙂 MIKE
  21. Henrik: I dont know if you are a sucker for punishment like me but with my Agamemnon I got rid of the lower dummy guns and scratch built carriages and bought full length guns for the lower deck. I like how it gives some depth to the lower deck guns and looks more "real". If you are interested I would be more than happy to explain to you how I did it and post some pics on your forum. Let me know and I can give you a description. Also.. there are a few things on the Agamemnon that the kit has as inaccurate and I can give you a heads up on.. You have taken on a beautiful ship and will be pleased as she comes together.. Im so far logged 2000hrs and Im just working on teh standing rigging.. and Im planning to rig her with full sails! Have a good one Mike Draper
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