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Everything posted by Kusawa2000

  1. Hey Gary: Good to hear from you. Still plugging away on the Agamemnon. Finishing up the shrouds right now. slow progress but getting closer to completion. I will definitely look for ya if I have any questions I think you could answer.. keep the pics coming of your Alfred!
  2. Gary: Good to see you back at it.. I have been working on my agamemnon on again... off again as well. life sometimes seems to get in the way.. Will be keeping a eye out on your progress lad.. Good to see you out there again Mike Draper
  3. Chris: I have been waiting for a Bellona kit of quality for a very... very.. very.. long time. I know you had done some work on a version years ago and the only question I would ask is.. when will it be released..
  4. Hey Chuck: I really wanted to go to Vegas but my son is competing full time in Biathlon and needed to get some $$ his direction... I heard a good time was had by all
  5. Mort: Many thanks for the kind words.. Me getting back to shipmodelling has been long overdue
  6. Mtaylor.. thanks! It was a struggle to get back into it... but now that Im working on her Im look forward every chance I get.. its amazing how life sometimes gets in the way MIKE
  7. Everyone: Its been a long time since I posted any progress.. in fact a VERY long time.. Got distracted with life and work but thanks to some fellow ship modelers and friends and family, I have got back into working on my Caldercraft Agamemnon. In the last few weeks, I have managed to get the masts built and started on the standing rigging. Its been really great for me to get back into it.. in fact the first few nights working on her I spent looking for parts and pieces that were sitting on the desk collecting dust! Im on a roll now and hope to get her done in the next year... Its been great checking out the other new Agamemnon's out there that are now located on the Forum. With winter now settled in the Yukon (-21c tonite) I will have more time on my hands to tackle the Aggy. Hope you enjoy the pics Mike Draper Whitehorse, Yukon Canada
  8. Chris: Just a quick check in with you on the Bellona. I assume with all that is on the go right now with you and Amati the Bellona is still on the back burner as far as a high priority for a kit? Just thought I would ask.. :-) Mike Draper
  9. Bill: What a different the 2 bulkheads make.... wow. I can also appreciate the work that goes into those 2 pieces.. Congrats on the progress! Mike Draper
  10. I had researched that you have the hardware in place (eyebolts) but you don't need to have the rigging in place as they often didn't add the rigging until they needed the guns for battle. I personally don't put the rigging in place as I would agree with Aggy, it can make the deck a bit cluttered. I have attached a pic of Agamemnon as a example for you. Mike Draper
  11. Hey Everyone: Just a quick update.. working on getting the masts installed. Don't remember this being as much work as it has been. Managed to get the lower foremast completed and now working on the lower main mast. It will be good to get these done as Im keen on getting started on the shrouds and ratlines (I know I will regret that statement but Im keen to start rigging). Anyhow, enjoy the quick pic Mike Draper
  12. Sjors: I understand your approach and I will definitely will be interested in how it turns out. I would recommend you pre measure and dry fit the railing beforehand as I remember I had to adjust my railing in order to give it a good fit. Keep us posted! Mike Draper
  13. Sjors: Great pics showing the overall look.. I was wondering how your Agamemnon was looking as well as making me realize how big this model will be when completed :-). Those pics will come in good use to compare the overall look as I have been having some problems getting the masts inserted into the deck as the holes in the deck were not lining up and the mast (for a while before I realized my mistake) was sitting higher than what it should be... One question I do have... you haven't put on your hammock frames that run along the railing of the hull. While I understand that those things get bumped by your hands during the rigging process you may want to put them on sooner than later as I found the measuring and getting them installed required a bit of unfettered access to the railings.. Just a thought...
  14. Sjors: I will most certainly take you up on your offer if the need arises.. so far so good with the books in my library and the great pics and posts on these forum.. and you make sure you keep up the great work at your end. Mike Draper
  15. Sjors: Between your work and Mobbsie you are making the work on the masts a lot easier with my Agamemnon (Im just building the lower masts). I just hope my ratlines look as great as the ratlines on your Agamemnon. Congrats on how they turned out! Mike Draper
  16. Looking forward to the carving work on the stem towards the bowsprit.. Always was my favourite part of the SOS. Keep up the amazing work Bill. Mike Draper
  17. Hey Mobbsie: I have your postings bookmarked as I will assume I will have a few more "what the hecks?" with these plans.. thanks again. While I have some support books that can help me out its always good to have pictures to work from. Thanks again Mike Draper
  18. Hey Mobbsie: I have to send a "thank you" your way. I was translating the plans for the fighting top on the foremast and I was not having much luck figuring out how the lower foremast configured with the fighting top. I found your pics you posted back in 2014 and they were a big help.. so thanks getting that information out there.. saved me a bit of time in educated guessing. :-) Mike Draper
  19. Hey Mobbsie: Thanks for the posting. Its great to hear that there is another ship modeler that has indulged in a woody joe kit. it was a refreshing break from the 64 gun ship. Working on the masts now.. going a lot easier than I had originally planned. Will post some pics later this week. Mike Draper
  20. Hey Everybody: I have been not posting too much on this forum as I have been distracted with another model project. A couple of years ago I visited Japan and I was lucky to be steered towards the line of Woody Joe kits. And as a souvenir I decided to grab a couple of kits of the temples that I had visited while I was over there. Attached is one of the kits completed -the Horyu Ji temple -unfortunately the Agamemnon had to go in a holding pattern for that time.. good news is that I finished the temple a month ago and Im back at the Agamemnon. I have started the masts and bowsprit and will post some pics soon.. While it was great to work on the temple Im glad to now make that final push to mast and rig the Agamemnon.. stay tuned for more progress shots.. Mike Draper (in the midst of the heat wave in the Yukon)
  21. what I have used in the past for scoring is getting those old fashioned double edged razor blades that have a protective cover on one blade and using a dremel cut into the blade to leave a little piece that use to score the wood.. then slowly run the razor up and down the wood.. works great for me...
  22. Damn.. this loss of good people is happening way to much of late.. Sorry to hear about the forums loss of a good lad and one that had always a good thing to say... My hat goes off to a great ship modeler and a good person Mike Draper
  23. I also got a email today about the monograph and I noticed they have added a separate sail and hull plan that is printed on high quality paper suitable for framing. From what I can read on the email and on the website its included as part of the monograph package. That is also something to look forward to as well! Mike Draper
  24. Chuck: I would be into that.. I remember they have Sam Adams on the west coast as well. I also remember seeing some Alaskan Amber which is my beer of choice when I go over and visit our Alaskan neighbours to the west. If you ever get to Juneau the brewery is worth a visit.... MIKE
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