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Everything posted by Jeff59

  1. Hi guys, a quick update on my Mikasa build. Still on the mast, have added more rigging and etch.
  2. Short post just to highlight a point in the mast build, have decided to fit photo etch rigging two pieces at a time this time as painting all six fitted at once was a nightmare to hand paint, honestly I was like Clarence the cross-eyed lion from the series Daktari for those old enough to remember this. 😂
  3. Thanks Alan, have to say I’ll be a happy man to get past this part of build, everything is extremely fragile and I feel like a bull in a china shop 🙄
  4. Next goal was to mask of for painting, and paint. Then it was assembly top mast and do some rigging then fit etch ladders. Next stage is to fit more etch and more rigging and start working on the jib, but feeling when I get this mast fitted onto model I will have turned the last big corner. 🤞Take some photos and post, next time the mast shall be on ship and rigged. 😊 Then I’ll be a happy bunny. 🤛
  5. Evening guys, been held up by lack of enthusiasm and other jobs but have kicked myself back into action 🙄 Shall start with a small update on the little I have achieved. With the spars fitted to the main mast the next issue is keeping them there as the slightest touch dislodges them as I can testify, bet everyone is the same at this stage of the build, can’t wait to see it in a protective display case, ie stop breaking it and stop having to dust it. 😂 Anyway, fitted the tiny eyelets to spars, min glue is the secret here because you don’t want to block the even tinnier holes for the rigging, and yes, they are needed.😂 I had to doctor some of the etch for my own ends, the actual etch rigging for the spars had to remove apart from a tiny part, this I used for glueing my Lycra rigging to. Also had to add additional wire and etch for walking ropes underneath the spars whatever the terminology is for this, but it’s all fiddly. Shall put some photos up shortly, got to go for my tea. 😂
  6. Have fitted the last parts on this side, you can see how I’m thinking this works, anyway that’s me for the night.
  7. You can see that the first two rungs are turned on the mast to line up between the rigging eyelets, also trying to keep the rung spacing the same, again a tiny amount of thin supper glue is the goal here, sometimes this is not easy. Best approach is go really slow 👍
  8. Another small post on mast, this involves fitting extra ladder rungs from were the kit etch stops, up to the underside of the searchlight platform, since photos and information on this part seem scarce I have used my imagination again 😂
  9. The extra ring collar I used to add a bit strength, removing all but one attachment point and bending this one to 90 degrees slightly further out just to try and give a better fixing, then carefully glue this with thin supper glue working around the mast, fixing it as l went. You can see were I bent the fixing point on the collar in the previous photo 👍 once the glue had time to set I fitted the spar into place and proceeded to glue this as well, taking care to get it true and square in both planes. Next job shall be to fit extra ladder rungs so the guys can actually get up to the platform above. 😂
  10. Next was one of the etch parts for this spar, alteration, remove ring for fitting around the upper mast since we are now fitting it to the much thicker lower mast, and file what’s left to suit contour of said mast, this done I then glued to mast at my chosen spot.
  11. Quick post showing progress on main mast guy’s, I lengthened the main spar same size as spar on forward mast, no guarantee that this size is right, just a guess, I went for 110mm 🤞 so cut both spars on pencil mark using a fine hand saw, then made sure end was square using emery stick, then glued together.
  12. Thanks for the compliment, hope this works for anyone else trying it. 👍 was just a rush of blood to the head. 😂 So made a start to main mast today, show how I did alterations. 🤛
  13. Thanks Chris, but honestly it’s not that difficult and looks the part, difficult, the Pontos funnel caps and supports for end of bridge wings, I’m sure all the people who have built Mikasa will agree, she does come with some challenges 😂 but again thanks. 🤛
  14. Well that’s me up to speed again, so you all have a great modelling year ahead. Regards Jeff. 🤛
  15. You then ease this part onto the deck attachment and lightly glue with thin supper glue, then stretch The Lycra and hook up other end. 👍
  16. Once cutting this part from the part for my upper rigging like so, I then split the bottom eyelet so I could attach this to deck fixing. The other end on the Lycra shall attach another piece of etch with open hook once you sort out what length you want the Lycra to be, ie leaving it shorter to stretch it onto attachment point, it works surprisingly well. 👍
  17. One thing that worked for me was using my extra etch to get bits for rigging and attaching Lycra to the parts, worked quite well I thought. Maybe similar etch parts can be purchased from parts for First World War aircraft? I cut pieces from the rigging etch to try this. Shall put some photos up to show sequence.
  18. On the rigging side of things, the best chance of getting a likeness is by looking at lots of the old photos of the ship, wouldn’t go to much by what she is today at museum, just my opinion. Old photos don’t lie. But you do have to look and study them for a while, I’ve corrected my attempts more than a few times. Next photo made my mind up on this, must be an early one of the preserved ship. 🤞
  19. Glued the mast in position using Gorilla Super Glue, gives you 10 to 45 seconds before bonding it says on instructions, so I double check the fit before applying the glue to mast then quickly lined up and inserted into deck, in ten seconds it was just about solid, about had kittens, but got away with it. At least I know what to expect when I come to do the main mast. 😂 And by the way it’s solid.
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