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Posts posted by Grisha

  1. Ok, Take II. I started a build and a build log, got very discouraged because it's a beginner's model and I found myself stymied by something new at every step, and scrapped the build log assuming I wasn't going to continue. I've taken a couple of deep breaths and am going to give it another go. 


    Here's the image from after I assembled the frames, placed them (incorrectly) on the bottom piece, and attached the stem and transom (possibly also not quiet correctly.) I'm about one step past that and about to cross my fingers and see how planking goes. 





  2. On 6/22/2016 at 11:40 PM, tkay11 said:

    There have been quite a few who have given up on even those kits labelled as simple. I'm not sure that there is an even simpler kit for them. It may be more that the hobby is just not for them.



    I think that's what happened to me today. Nothing I'm reading or finding on youtube is making it seem very clear how to do the basic first steps. I'm at a very early stage and already have what feels like an irreparable mistake. I'm frustrated to have spent $200 on this but I just figured I'm reasonably intelligent and could figure out a beginner's kit.

  3. My Swampscott Dory kit came with a little note that suggested starting a "build thread." If I can manage that, mine might be unintentionally hilarious, as I haven't built anything since making a few pieces of furniture in shop class that were, how shall we say this, not easily mistaken for professional products. I'm hoping it'll come out great but there's some chance it's going to look like a cubist painting of a ship. 


    The Swampscott Dory was the best combination of "something that might pop up in Moby Dick" and "entry level." I am not a seafaring sort but went to the Whaling Museum in New Bedford six or seven years ago and it awakened some interest that I think led (slowly!) to me ordering this kit for a lockdown project. Enthusiastic semi-competence, ahoy!

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