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Posts posted by Papa

  1. Hi everyone, I finally have a chance to work on my Syren. 


    I've completed putting the figurehead on which was an adventure in itself.I ended up breaking the lower cheeks off while fitting the figurehead. Also I've been able to get the swivel brackets, pinrails and cleats installed. Now I'm working on my carronades. Two are done and fitted. 

    Very nice model.  I like the keel jig very much.  Your design or a commercial purchase?


    Ron Gove

  2. The  plan of the Benjamin Latham published in the (Former East) German Magazine "Modellbau Heute" in 1987 or 1989 does not show anything like that. See for yourself here: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-5c0tef95LTc/Tjw2f6WVc6I/AAAAAAAAAnw/Biv0C9B_87E/s1600/01.jpg

    I believe that the Model Shipways plans are based on Smithsonian data by Erik A. R. Ronnberg, Jr..  I wonder if anyone knows which is correct.  It is possible that both versions are correct, showing the vessel at different times of her life.


    Ron Gove

  3. I need 1/4" scale oarlocks for the Benjamin Latham seine boat.  None of the usual suppliers have any in stock close to this scale.  I have been waiting for 2 months for canadian dealer who claims he has them on order.  Has anyone tried to make locks from scratch?  I am thinking of just putting in thole pins, even if they wouldn't be accurate (I don't think).




    Ron Gove





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