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Everything posted by ErnieL

  1. We used to race these things in out Dory races in Gloucester, Ma. A couple guys pulling for all they had and these would almost skip over the water. It’s amazing how seaworthy these flat bottom boats actually are. You’d never believe it without actually being these. A great build on a nice little kit, and it brings back a lot of memories for me. Thanks!
  2. You too? I do that so much I’m starting to feel like Helen Keller. Fat bit of good it does though, I’m just as blind with my fingers as I am with my Mk.1 eyeballs.
  3. You and I both are planking challenged. On my Speedy build, it’s now Take Three for my second planking. What I have finally convinced myself to do is to SLOW DOWN and not get ahead of myself on my build. It’s one of the hardest things I’ve had to do. I, like everyone else, want to get to the fun parts: the cool topside stuff, and as a result I tend to rush the basic hull work. This last go round frustrated me to the point of where I relegated Speedy to the Shelf of Doom for over a year. So, I admire your tenacity and hopefully I learn much from this interesting build log.
  4. I received my copy of HMS Sphinx today from Chris, and shipping was almost, but not quite, overnight. Consider me floored! Yes, Sphinx will go into the stash until I have Speedy and a couple fishing boats under my belt, but at least she’s here, safe and sound in my stash. I’m currently looking in the Sphinx box for the extra pear planks I ordered, and will jump back on Speedy this weekend.
  5. Well, it’s now time to resurrect this build and get back on it. Been busy over on LSM, building plastic, and shepherding my business through the China Virus as best we could. We made it! I’ve been picking away at it, but now with DocRob building the Royal Barge over on LSM, my fires are now relit. I’ve stripped the second planking back to the main wale and am going to start afresh, this time paying more attention to tapering the second planking as I go. I’m going to approach Chris and attempt to source 20 or so pear planks to make up for those I goobered up. I’m drooling over Vanguard’s newest offerings, with new fishing boats and a real, honest to goodness sixty rate post ship!
  6. Well, if worst comes to worst, she’ll be yellow ochre, black and white above the copper. Live and learn, I suppose
  7. Thanks, and yes, I'll certainly begin generating some sawdust filler. And beveling the top edges as well.
  8. Yep, surer have and I agree. I'll start tapering the bow planks on the next line.
  9. Good Lord! Check out the visible projects! 1/32 Sea Fury racer airframe 1/32 AEG bomber fuselage 1/32 FW.190 A-3 engine 1/32 Ki-45 engine 1/48 B-36 Peacemaker interior yikes!
  10. Thanks Sjors, but you do know this my first ever ship of this type, right?
  11. Hey folks. It’s been awhile, we had a death in our family and the estate took awhile. Ive been piddling away at the second planking, but haven’t had time to really sit down for a genuine bench session. Had a couple hours this evening and here’s where we stand today. Obviously not my best work, but for a first attempt, I’m not totally uptight. I might have waited a prank or two too late to start fairing them together, but I think it’ll work out. Im seriously concerned about the gaps, but we’ll fill as needed with sawdust.
  12. Chris, you’re trying to drain us dry, aren’t you? I’ll certainly be there, even though I’m still knocking about at Speedy’s hull. And thoroughly enjoying it as well. My father in law passed last month, and some woodworking on the bench is just what the Doctor ordered to relieve the stress from in laws and gold diggers. Without the ship kit, I’d be swearing at a plastic model of some type.
  13. I got mine today! Plus, from Dave, I received this: So, I now own all five of Chris’s releases, plus the 1/72 Bellerophon. Without purchasing another kit, at my building pace I now have enough Vanguard Models kits to give me 574 years of quality bench time, give or take a decade or two.
  14. I most certainly agree there. If only for totally selfish reasons. Chris, my skillset improves slowly and can and does improve as our product line grows. You know Jim beat me over the head for the best part of a year, and now that I’m in, I’m hooked for life. I love the idea of a 26, a 36, and 44, in succession. Possibly after that, maybe a 50 gun 4th Rate? Before tackling the 64s... That being said, I’d love a 1/64 scale revisit of the classic Royal Navy 74. Bellerophon beckons in the scale you’ve chosen that everyone loves. And maybe even a heavy American frigate? Although I’ll buy your 1/64 Victory design, I doubt I’ll ever build her, and even if I do, it’s years down the road. The one thing I absolutely love about the Vanguard kits is how, for a newbie like me, are almost idiot proof. Not that craftsmanship is left at the door of course, but because you make it mighty hard to misread an ambiguous booklet or line drawing. I’m in for every one of your future releases! Keep ‘em coming, please!
  15. Bob, personally, I like the continual pressure to be slightly less than what you’re aiming for. It’s easy to boost it slightly, but awful tough to be as precise when reducing it.
  16. Yep the pics ARE misleading, but I did fair it in a touch more.
  17. Ive been away from the bench of late due to a death in the family, and have only had a couple hours to work on sanding the first planking to shape. I think she’s starting to really look the part. I’m going to smooth this as far as I dare, then give her a skim coat of filler, although I’m not sure she’ll really need much, if any. I see a couple slight wows in the form, but I think most, if not all should sand out. My glacial build progress is legendary in plastic circles, but this is insane. Jim built the entire Flirt and I’ve gotten as far as thinking about stern planking. 🤩 Comments?
  18. Brilliant build so far! i just received this kit as well, and Bellerophon is my eventual unlucky victim as well, so I’ll follow closely.
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