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Everything posted by Bill97

  1. Ok guys what do you think? Not perfect, but I am satisfied.
  2. Went with something kind of like a rail with baluster. Basically a ladder laying on it’s side. Then added a piece below the bottom rail that ran between the cathead timbers. Once the glue dries thoroughly I will sand it a bit and paint it. Top rail white to match sides and maybe red balusters. Bottom rail earth brown to match rest of bow.
  3. The model in the Swedish museum definitely has one.
  4. Hubac I am sure you are right. Guess I will fabricate a rail to join the two sides. Wonder why Airfix left that detail out?
  5. Ok gentlemen here is my first question related to the actual build. The Airfix 1/144 edition does not show in the instructions, nor include a piece, that connects the two side rails at the front (see pic of instructions and my photo pointing to area I am talking about. A review of other model pics on MSW shows a rail across the front. All except kpnuts who also built the Airfix. What do you think? Should there not be a rail here? Sailors could have just walked off the front accidentally. Do I need to fabricate something?
  6. That should say “at the museum” not on the museum. Auto correct can be aggravating : ).
  7. Thanks Jeff and Michael. Jeff I like your “what if” theory. Maybe I will just leave it alone. Michael that is a great question from Hubac’s. Do you plan to weather it to look like the actual ship on the museum? That would be a fascinating take on the build! Will be anxious to see how your’s proceeds.
  8. By the way dancooper I have been debating going back and and at least lightening the deck up so as to not appear so weathered. That is still an option I am trying to decide if I want to gamble with. : )
  9. Your right dancooper. I had that exact thought when I was painting it! Even when I considered adding a little more black wash around high traffic areas. I wanted to add some color to the deck. May have been better if I had gone with a “new wood” finish but this is the same process I used on other builds and it blends well with the other ship colors. But you are exactly right. Will be anxious to follow your build as well. Welcome to the Wasa. What is your plan for painting the ornamentation? Solid gold or multicolor? This 1/144 scale is tiny. I may use a combination of both which I have seen on other builds.
  10. As you suggested Backer I painted the back part of the gun ports black. It does add depth. I like it a lot. Thanks again. I also got the rails painted white and the ornamentation along the rails painted green with faces. The bottom 6 horizontal raised boards are painted a slightly darker brown (Vallejo Leather Brown) against the Vallejo Dark Earth. Adds a little depth and texture. Little by little it is coming along.
  11. Great idea Backer! I will try that. Got the second coat of red on yesterday. Definitely better now. Going to mask and paint the horizontal raised “boards” that run the length of the hull a darker brown and then continue with the ornamentation. Will see how far I go until I just throw all my paint out the window and switch to all gold! : )
  12. And so the detailed hand painting begins!! Assembled the hull and deck sections. Did a little putty and sanding to seal up some visible seams. Masked, primed, and airbrushed the hull a Vallejo Model Air dark earth color. Always seems to take so much longer to mask and prepare than the actual airbrushing takes. Hand brushed the first coat of red (I decided to go with red instead of blue since I am going to attempt polychromatic ornamentation). Definitely need a second coat of red to make the color “pop”. After that I will continue painting the ornamentation under a magnification lamp with tiny brushes. Wish me luck.
  13. Safely encased in it’s custom built case! Included “Plymouth Rock”. Like to keep my ships in cases to prevent dust collection and possible damage from little fingers. I like to include a remote controlled LED light as well for evening illumination.
  14. Decided to try polychromatic on the characters. Figured if I did not like how they came out I can always paint over them with a solid gold. Going to take a while but I have no where I have to be. So I will enjoy. BTW I found what another builder did with the verticals inside the bulwark. They just painted them the same brown color as the deck area. White at the top for the rail support and brown at the bottom part.
  15. Thanks Backer. I really like your color scheme and will try to replicate most of it on mine. I admit that your’s being wood, instead of plastic like mine, does show up in the finish. I really like the actual wood grain in your finish. Replicating that on plastic is not as realistic but I will give it a good try. I am going to attempt enlarging your photos to get the character detail. When I zoom them on my phone the blur out to much to see the detail of each character. Like you said this might just be to mountainous of a job at this scale. I can foresee ultimately going gold guild against red background. Backer, or anyone else that reads this build log, if you could shed some light on one other painting question I would appreciate it. I hope this is my last painting question. On the inside of the bulwark there are molded vertices that follow down from the rail support posts (see photo). I will probably paint the rails and support post white when viewed from the outside of the ship. Wondering how these vertices are treated on the inside of the bulwarks.
  16. Thanks Hubac. No. I like red just fine and after our full discussion have decided to go wit red. Have primed over the test areas already painted blue end ready to go with red. Also based on bolin’s advice about painting the bulwark I am going to paint it and the riser door sections of the deck a weathered wood color. I have seen that area red as well except for the doors, but doing it the same weathered wood as the bulwarks, gratings, and other wooden elements on and around the deck. Even though I would love to paint the characters polychromatic (and I may continue experimenting with them), due to the very small size of the characters at 1/144 scale I may have to settle for gold. Some of the features are only visible under a magnifying glass. But wow monochromatic does look good! I have the steady hand and patience but wonder if it would look like just a bunch of colorful dots to the naked eye. Now that I have a plan wish me luck. I will post progress as I proceed.
  17. Great Bolin. Appreciate all this analysis paralysis. 😀
  18. So are you thinking it was most likely red?
  19. Bolin I am not sure what you mean when you say “sad that the blue color did not turn out to be the correct one”. Earlier in the post you say research shows blue was the correct color?
  20. Thanks Hubac for the compliment and thank you bolin as well for the future confirmation of the blue color. What I have yet to find in photos of other builders who went with blue is if the inside wall of the hull is also blue as well as the door sections of the deck assembly. All the builders I have seen that use red on the exterior also have red on the inside. If I go with blue would the primed area on the next photo also be blue along with the door sections?
  21. Have not posted an update of progress for a few days. When I have had time to work on my Wasa I have experimented on weathering the deck sections. I have also debated and experimented on red or blue as the primary color. Who would have thought this would be a tough decision. I know there is strong opinion for either option and photos I have seen using either show both can produce an impressive model. I am just going to have to pick one and go.
  22. Hello Backer. I also enjoyed Chimay, Duval, and Leffe, but who is counting! 🍺 My Wasa is 1/144 scale. So I am guessing about half the size?
  23. Hello Backer, what scale was your Wasa build? I went back and fully read your build blog. Almost considering printing it out complete with the pictures. Like so many things you did! Techniques like how you painted the anchors are impressive. BTW early in the post I understand you are, or were, in Belgium? Spent a lot of time there in Jurbise and Mons a number of years ago. Drank my fare share of Grimbergen as well as a number of other fine Belgium brews!
  24. Hello Backer. I looked back a few years at your Wasa build. Beautiful job. Very impressive. I just opened the Airfix 1/144 scale Wasa. I am planning my painting scheme. I really like the detail you put in the ornamentation instead of painting all of it a solid metallic color. Mine is a much smaller scale and the figures are very small but I think I am going to try to copy some of your art work. Hope you do mind. I truly mean it as a compliment.
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