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Everything posted by Micklen32

  1. It's looking really good John I keep looking at it compared to the Spirit It is certainly a very different build as my cabins being square must have been much easier to do Does yours have a lot of wooden boards on the outside ? If you are not sure what I mean have a look mat the built photo They look a bit wierd and I am not sure what they are for Looking at pics on google it is difficult to compare because there are few of similar size, most of the ones being used now being so much larger I presume they are to hold things together a bit but I am not sure Mick
  2. Great site Edwin. Thanks for the link. Thanks all for the comments. Had a fairly quiet day today just doing a bit of painting I am actually waiting for some new glue bottles as mine have become all but not usable. Just did some painting and undercoating, painting the wheels, stacks, wheelhouse and stairs, also undercoating the motor and rails I also made and painted the banisters needed for the stairs Had a message from my man at OcCre to say my parts were on the way so everything should soon be good
  3. Just really reading this whole post carefully and I will have to post questions as I go When I did both of my sailing ships I used thread for caulking and for the Spirit I have used pencil as they advised I have to say I wish I had used thread again as IMO the finish is not as good Have you or anyone reading this used thread AND another method so they can compare ?? Have you used thread in the past Grant ?? Loving reading through the build in the hopes I will do it myself one day I am presuming the false decks are to prevent looking through a deck at a big hole ?? Mick
  4. Hi Sjors Two things I planked out the underside of the first deck instead of just painting it and I had to plank out the hull twice as I was not happy with the finish on the first so I guess a lot of it was my fault But A lot of the Ramin was split and also had rough edges and the sapelli I guess was what I double used on the hull When I do my next build as well I shall do a proper stock check as I stupidly forgot to do it with this one Oh well we will always learn and I am happy with the way it is looking And maybe not the end of the month. No Thanks a lot Mick
  5. Hi Edwin. No football is not my thing. I was a rugby and cricket player and also loved a round of golf until my knees gave out. As to my next build, I think it will be the OcCre London Tram as my wife really fancies that and I think it will look good as well. However at some time I want to do a big galleon and I think it will be the OcCre Santisimi Trinidad as that looks absolutely tremendous When I can afford it Thanks a lot Mick
  6. Hm Must have made a mistake somewhere last night as my post is not here Oh well, I will make a long one now as not a lot happened yesterday I managed to finish planking the last deck just having enough Sapelli to finish it, but I am nearly out of all strips and I hope that OcCre respond to my request quickly Anyway I made a start at the skylight Then with the skylight finished I put together the grids I had painted and fitted those to the deck in preparation for the smoke stacks and fixed the deck in place I then started made a start on the smaller smoke stacks and also the stairs That was it for yesterday and then today I finished primary painting of the stairs and made a start putting treads in There are two sets from the first deck to the second and then one each for the next two. Then a tiny little set up into the wheelhouse While the stairs dried I gave the smokestacks a coat or two and fitted their tops I will give them one more top coat before fitting The stairs are starting to come together and when finished are all white, but I am finding painting difficult as there are so many sharp edges to catch the paint Next to do were the main smoke stacks, bending the brass hoops ready to fit and giving the heavy bits at the top a coat of under Then as start for tomorrow I got the wheelhouse walls ready for planking, but I do not think I have enough Ramin to finish them Hurry up OcCre
  7. Hi Theo I will definitely be following this as I really do fancy building this one as it is a beautiful ship It is certainly coming on very well for you Good luck with it Mick
  8. I must admit I do like the Rocket and possibly would like to do it one day But then I like the Santisimi Trinidad as well and after having a close look at it I may want to do that more than the Victory But the next build is a bit of a trade off for something the wife fancies We shall see Mick
  9. Hi all Still hard at work on my Spirit build but already thinking about the next build After a discussion with the wife we decided to go away from nautical as the Spirit is my third The three models we have come down to couldn't really be more different They are all OcCre models and are the London Tram, the Barcelona Taxi and the rather large and complicated looking Jupiter Steam Train Now I know this is a nautical site but I know a lot of you have built other models and I wondered who may have built these or very similar models I am confident of building any of them but realise the Jupiter would be by far the most difficult, I think So can anyone give me ideas Thanks in advance Mick
  10. That looks to be just the sort of figures needed for the Spirit What I will have to find out though is where OcCre got the figurines they used in their photos Hopefully they would be a little more local to the UK Mick
  11. Thanks a lot everyone I am getting a little worried about how quickly this is going together But then I look at all the stairs, decorations, bits and bobs still to do Anyway today I was in hospital for a bit so not quite so much done I completed the third deck building and furnishing. The bar was finished and the chairs and tables fitted, also the grills that surround the smoke stacks I am really pleased with how this deck has come together. It is by far the simplest deck with just the bar cabin and the seating area. The smoke stacks are fitted later as are the stairs, also there are all the decorations and railings etc to be fitted, so plenty to do yet Here is how she looks at the moment with the removable doors in and out So now on the list I have the engineering deck to finish and then start on the smoke stacks and various stairways
  12. Well, today I started with some painting Then I did some painting The I finished off with some painting In the last pic I had already stowed 24 red and white chairs So as you can see, I did a bit of painting today I got the bar top looking not too bad but the yellow I was using for the tables and chairs was a shade thin and caused me one or two problems and may need touching up tomorrow I have found I am a bit short of decking strips of all things and also a couple of chair seats and a double bench so I have mailed OcCre and hopefully they shouldn't be too long arriving I cannot finish the engineering deck at the top until I get a few strips VERY unusual to be short of strips. Both my other kits had way more than enough
  13. OK so now we have to start work on the cabin on this deck which is actually the bar. Not sure why they have the bar at the top. I would have thought that after a few bourbons the last thing you wanted to attempt were some steep stairs Anyway here are the walls pre and post planking And then fixed to the deck, the front wall again being removable for viewing inside Then we start on the decorating again and with the application of a bit of glue the cabin is transformed Inside the cabin are some of the furnishings awaiting cleaning and painting. The bar itself in four parts, the bit that goes in the middle of it to hold the glasses etc I presume and the bar stools Here is the bar fitted together That is after quite a bit of filling to try and get the corners to fit snugly. With it being cast white metal the corners did not fit as well as they may have so I will do my best to fill what gaps there still are Finally more painting to do. Here are the furnishings of the bar all primed up So the day will start tomorrow with some painting and also trying to get the bar to look good
  14. Really enjoying this build. It is so totally unlike the sailing ships I did. Anyway first job was as I said yesterday, stick the next deck on So here is how she looks after that I then had a few bits to paint, some barrel supports and the floodlights, also I needed to finish the stairway by fitting the handrail Still need to finish and fit those things properly to finish the instructions for the second deck but they had to dry and the next thing was th plank deck three Well now I am getting back in to this and I flew through it That was it for today, Tomorrow it will be finishing off those bits and fitting to the second deck, then I need to start the cabin on deck three. It seems like I am flying through this but when you look you see I really have only done a small percentage Thanks for the replies as well.. I am going to leave them open Mick
  15. Today it was almost all small stuff. Making the single and double benches and the stairway from lower to second deck The parts for the stairway were laser cut and Just needed gluing While the glue and the white paint was drying I cut the steps and boards for the stairway and the benches The red things are the legs and backs of the benches, and on the right you see the stairway Next the cut strip had to be coloured. Notice I didn't use the word painted. This is because I used a watercolour pencil Much less mess and taking the painting one side, drying, painting the other side, drying and then touching up, I think it was quicker Next I made a very basic jig to help me glue the benches. Four bits of laser wood offcut Finally everything was put together. I still need the wood for four benches I was very pleased the way things went. To make life a little easier for me I used Loctite gel to glue the benches. Much more controllable and a very narrow nozzle. That is one thing I did forget to get, thin nozzles for the CA glue I do have one question. Do you think the stairway needs vertical behind the treads so it looks a solid staircase. That is not in the instructions but I did wonder I am not sure either way :mellow: Well tomorrow the second deck gets glued on, so a big day
  16. That is really good. I love that method. What I have tried is filling the grooved hoops with paint and then sanding off to remove any (a lot!!!) paint that had leaked over It didn't look to bad but was not a patch on yours So that method will be filed away for use Thanks a lot Mick
  17. Ok so today I virtually finished the second deck, for now. The only things left to do before fixing it to the main ship is to add benches and a couple of barrels. So, what did I do today Firstly I finished off the second cabin, putting the finishing touches to the outside Next was to start cutting and building the items going inside each room. These are some of the pieces to make the barrel store, shelves and a bench. Here we see that room finished in the background and in the foreground are the parts for the other rooms, parts like beds, tables, oven and chairs, also the bench supports for the deck benches Here is the kitchen and the grog store, I presume, all finished And finally the two bedrooms all kitted out The little things certainly take a long while but I enjoy doing them. From the close ups I do see I have to be a lot more careful with the paint brushes. You really have to strain to see those splashes at the top of the bedrooms IRL but they are there Oh well, a lot more painting tomorrow and making benches etc Mick
  18. Hi John. Happy birthday The King is really looking good and is really getting close I guess. So similar to the Spirit yet not similar at all. I am getting to the fiddly bits now where you have to build bits out of strips, for shelves, benches etc. I enjoy that sort of work, it is the fiddly painting I dread LOL Mick
  19. Hi all. I have several barrels to decorate in my Spirit of Mississippi build and the only decoration other than varnish are black hoops. Having no other painting on the barrels they need to be right first time. Not having done this before and painting not being my forte, has anyone any good hints for painting the hoops right first time This is one of the barrels and the idea is to paint the rebated hoops. Help please
  20. Well today just seemed to fly by with very little getting done and the problem was :- THESE!!!!!!!!! They seemed to take forever, needing several coats to get a good finish. Oh yes, remind me not to take close ups like that They look good with normal eyesight I know I am preaching to the knowledgeable here, but having the right amount of paint in the brush is crucial and mostly not enough is a lot worse than a bit too much To keep going between drying times I finished gluing the tables Again a job that seemed to take a long while with not a lot happening. It's the little jobs that seem to take the time on these builds It was getting late but I wanted a bit of work done to be seen on the ship so I fitted the second cabin and decorated. That took a lot less time than all the tiny stuff With that all fitted I was happy. Next is the tricky job of making and fitting the bits and bobs that go inside these rooms. More tiny stuff
  21. Regarding the sanders Grant, I am finding them so useful and also accurate to use. Whereas if you use a foam pre-made sanding block, or a piece of sandpaper as it were, you are much more likely to get a rounded finish, as these are solidly built providing you take your time you should get a square edge. The 10mm is especially good as it can get in to very difficult to reach places such as window frames. So in my opinion they are more than worth the small amount they cost. For not much more than an Amati sander I have the three sizes of sander PLUS six spare loops for each Mick
  22. Thank you for all the comments everyone. I would hope however that if you did see something that was maybe not up to scratch, or doesn't look quite right, you would be up to commenting on that as well Anyway, another productive day today. Last post you saw the second deck being started and I continued to construct the first cabin. Here is the first cabin being prepared with planking, windows and doors, also some of the walls being painted black. Here are three of the outer walls and the internal separating walls mounted to the rear of the deck. Next we have to work on what will be the removable front wall. Now you can see here that really I shouldn't get all the plaudits for the wallpapering as it all comes with the kit and it so easy to fit. Here we see the wallpaper pasted on. It really makes a difference doesn't it??? And here is the cabin with the removable front wall in place. OcCre do make it so easy. It almost puts itself together The front cabins are a bit different and require different windows. These have to have black outer frame with a grey rebate. This is the sort of thing I do find a bit difficult. I have cut a small brush even thinner, but............... I did make a start on the cabin, planking it and this time painting the inside white Just as a finish I thought I would show you my latest purchase. They are called finger sanders and are spring loaded to tension the sanding loops. They are made by a company called Proops and are available on Ebay. The spare sanding belts can be got from the same place and at £1.50 each for the 10mm and 20mm and £1.95 for the 40mm they certainly don't break the bank. Well I certainly hope the days to come are just as productive. I think I am very fortunate being able to work on this any time, for as long as like. I normally spend the afternoon and early evening constructing.
  23. I think I will stay with the thumbs for now as it makes it much easier to compose the page and takes up so much less room I have decided that for the casino and theatre the items inside will be glued down as I can see, as Sjors says, to actually open the side will be a bit tricky and I don't want them flying round the room Here is what they look like And here is the next deck just laid in place As I have said, painting is not my forte but I think they will do. Right now we start to look at the next deck which you saw planked in the last post That first needed edging. Now I have left the strip above the deck level as I think it looks ok. Comments please The next job was to paint the other side of the deck and then to start getting the cabin and doors etc ready for planking and fitting Finally before going any further I gave the hull and first deck a coat of satin varnish I suppose I did this more to make dusting easier for the wife rather than for looks. and maybe to fill the wood pores. I will see how it looks tomorrow before I decide whether to give it another coat or not I would imagine it will soon stop looking like a narrowboat/barge and start looking more like a paddle steamer Mick
  24. Well. The telly's staying. May have to build a big shelf Mick
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