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Everything posted by Micklen32

  1. Great job Sjors Really coming along and looking great now Loadsacannon The Endeavour has 16, that will do for me for now I have started the log btw but the bar isn't quite open yet Keep it up Mick
  2. Well here we are with my fourth OcCre build This will be my biggest build yet and I expect it to take me a while My previous ship builds have been the Sergal Racehorse and Thermopylae The Racehorse being a quite small ship at 1:48 scale was a nice easy starter whereas the Thermopylae, a much bigger ship at 1:124 scale really tested me You can see the site I built for the Thermopylae here http://micklen.50megs.com/ My most recent ship has been the OcCre Spirit of Mississippi the log of which can be found in my signature This build however will be my most advanced as it includes full sails Here are the bits out of the box. Please click on the thumbnails to open the photos in Photobucket Here are the two parts boxes containing all the small parts. It doesn't look too much until you start counting things Next are the miles of cordage and the small sheet of pressed brass These are the thinner, simpler laser cut sheets such as decks These the more complicated pieces and coloured parts And the thicker, heavier cuts that are the bulkheads and the like Here are the sails The planking, other wood strips and rods The stand, an extra I purchased And finally the various instructions I was really happy to see the main instructions to be in Spanish AND English The diagrams are in Spanish only but there are only lists of what parts are on the page and that should be easy to translate The instructions are a surprisingly small set of five pages but the photograph book and the diagrams are very comprehensive I shall probably start work on the false keel and the frames tomorrow Let me know if the Photobucket photos work well and if not I will try to use the system on the site but I did have problems with that Here's to the start
  3. Well the Endeavour has arrived I may have to make a bit of a start earlier than planned as I need more parts for the Taxi I thought the sheet I had asked for was all I need but I am an idiot and need more off another sheet I hope I don't make these sort of mistakes with the Endeavour The actual building of the ship looks fairly normal But the sails......................................................................................................................................... I may need a pointer or two there The diagrams for everything, especially the ropes and sheets look very good I wouldn't want this for a first build though, not personally My little Sergal Racehorse with the Thermopylae to follow were perfect Anyway I am just off to start a log with the photos of the parts It will be on my Sig later Keep it up Mick
  4. What superlative work Grant I can only hope the Endeavour turns out close to your quality of workmanship Keep it up Mick
  5. Well the tracking says Tuesday but it arrived at Stanstead today so it may come tomorrow I still have the Taxi to finish I have to rebuild the suspension and then it is just the fiddly bits to stick on Maybe a day, maybe two We shall see The Endeavour however may take a while and a half Having looked at the videos in 'Build the Endeavour' there is an awful lot of work there The rigging and sheets look endless and there are more blocks than I can count on two hands And possibly two feet as well It does look really enjoyable to me though and will make a beautiful model I intend to make a case for it from acrylic and the necessary wood as a ship model with full sail is not good to keep out in the dust Mick
  6. Great job Adriaan It certainly came together well It gives the model another dimension Very well done Keep it up Mick
  7. The cannons look very nice and perfectly level I can understand why shims would be necessary as the smallest part of a mm differing level shows up like half a metre on a model As far as I can see all the cannon on the Endeavour are either on the main deck or swivel cannon on the railings so I shouldn't have too many difficulties I shouldn't say things like that should I Keep it up Mick
  8. Hmm Sjors later post may throw a light on that Regarding my models I did say I had got them direct from Spain but actually that did not include the Taxi as my wife got that from Cornwall Model Boats in the uk and as you can see from the photo the picture pages were in Spanish but the instructions came in both Spanish and English Why the model shop said they did not do English Instructions I do not know With the Taxi the pictures are purely pictures and that was in Spanish but the Tram pictures were the instructions and they came in both Spanish and English I am hoping therefore that the Endeavour will come with English Instructions Mick
  9. Sjors I can assure you I read your comment most carefully as I do all comments The thing is your comment did not demand a response as such I suppose it is my bad habit of not replying to all posts and thanking people, only those that provoke another comment or question So I apologise for not responding to your comment but it is not normally in my nature Thanks for being there though Keep it up Mick
  10. Thanks everyone for the support That's very kind of you Robbyn but I am sure I will be able to handle it Steve, I have had a look at the site and the photo looks virtually identical The only difference I can make out without a magnifying glass is the top row of paint on the OcCre appears to be blue whereas the 'Build the' version appears black That could be a print thing though because otherwise they do look identical The only thing is the Build it model says 1:48 whereas the OcCre says 1:54 Adriaan, regarding the colouring it seems very different to the replica ship as that seems quite heavily painted whereas the photos of the model show very little painting with virtually everything on deck being natural wood At least that would make my life a lot easier Also regarding the instructions, I have got all my models direct from OcCre and they have all arrived with English instructions so hopefully..................... Mick
  11. Looking very nice Adriaan Paints and laquers can be a nightmare can't they The OcCre version of the Endeavour is said to be taken from the original model Now whether they mean when it was a coal carrier or when it was converted for Cook I don't know I would like it to be as it was when Cook had it I will have to ask them Any ideas where I may get info on the colours and layout of the Cook version????????????????? Keep it up Mick
  12. Definitely looking good Sjors I like the drill press in the background and the rest of your lovely tools you showed I have a dremel and a hand drill They get me there though Makes it a bit tricky if I need to build stuff though Keep it up MIck
  13. Best of luck with that Adriaan I am sure it will come together My Taxi parts are in the box with the Endeavour and that is due to arrive Tuesday so I reckon I should have the taxi finished by the end of next week I hope Keep it up Mick
  14. Hi there I have the kit arriving early next week I have found a few builds of other kits but not OcCre I was wondering if someone had done it and if they had any tips, hints, pointers etc Mick
  15. Beautiful work Theo They are outstanding I can see this being a marvellous build Keep it up Mick
  16. I have contacted OcCre and they are sending the sheet and small metal parts I need with the Endeavour They are such a great firm and will not accept payment even though it was my fault I am really looking forward to getting the Endeavour and seeing if she is much different from the other kits on here She seems a popular build especially as a first build I will be very interested hearing from you to see if any major work needs to be done to her to make her more realistic They do say that OcCre are generally the most accurate with their kits We shall see The kit is arriving Tuesday Mick
  17. Just to make you feel good Adriaan I have made a massive and stupid mistake with the taxi I have used the suspension the wrong way round and it is irrepairable I have had to ask OcCre to send me one of the laser cut sheets Luckily all the parts are on the one sheet I feel a total idiot It was such a stupid mistake caused I think by having the carriage upside down and looking at the photo the other way It wasn't until I put the wheels on that I realised what I had done What a prat Mick
  18. From the meagre experience I have of planking on the Racehorse, Thermopylae and to a lesser extent the Spirit you cannot give it enough time so that the sanding you have to do is the absolute minimum I tried my best not to force the planks too much and ensure any gaps were as large as possible to avoid having too many 'toothpicks' in there It will come together eventually Keep it up Mick
  19. Whilst putting the suspension together for the taxi a couple of laser pieces broke and being highly shaped I am hoping the CA glue works well So I know how you feel It is very aggravating I have sent off for the Endeavour though so hopefully I will soon be back here with a ship build Keep it up Mick
  20. Looking good Sjors Impressed by the thought and workmanship I should be back here soon I have been talking to OcCre and have told them to send me a PayPal invoice for the Endeavour so hopefully soon I will be building a ship again Keep it up Mick
  21. Nine looking work Grant Really impressed with your work Keep it up Mick
  22. Nice work Theo I hope it all comes together for you Keep it up Mick
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