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Everything posted by Micklen32

  1. Sweet work Adriaan You should be so proud of the railings and triangles They look so good BTW I am SO pleased with the way the wheels are going I had put a couple of spokes in the first one last night and I have now finished three The two rear and one front The jig and plan that OcCre provide made it a lot easier than I expected I hope your Stagecoach goes as well Keep it up Mick
  2. Love that main staircase Adriaan So much more posh than the Spirit Looks really great You got those railings and triangles looking good too I am doing really complicated and curse making stuff at the moment I am doing the wooden spoke wheels for the taxi Keep it up Mick
  3. So the superb work can be appreciated even more Great job Grant Keep it up Mick
  4. Looking very nice indeed The railings and triangles especially as being white they will always stand out Great job Keep it up Mick
  5. Really beautiful work Grant I aspire to be as good as that one day My biggest problem though is simply not having the room or kit to be able to do the job as I would really like to Keep it up Mick
  6. Such tricky work Sjors It's coming together very nicely It's just time, patience and the confidence to walk away from it if needed Keep it up Mick
  7. I hope you get back to 110% soon I would say this is a critical part of the build But as we all know, all parts are critical Keep it up Mick
  8. That stern is looking good Sjors Lets just hope everything goes smoothly from now on Keep it up Mick
  9. Glue and metal was one of my nemesis on the Spirit I particularly remember the triangular decorations Two or three would stick nice then you would get a series that would not stick whatever you did It was a difficult place to put in pegs and a couple of times I glued pegs to the ship Then for no apparent reason they would stick I am having a lot of gluing problems on the tram as a lot of the parts of the passenger cabin are under a lot of tension and being so curved are again difficult to clamp It seems that whatever I try one corner resists all attempts to stay in place I hope when I get back to my favourite type of build, a ship, that things will go a little more smoothly Keep it up Mick
  10. Modelling is a lot like fishing If you knew you were going to catch and what they would be fishing would be boring If models almost put themselves together it would be boring Still a pain in the **** though Keep it up Mick
  11. Thank you so much for the photos Suzanne It is good to see how John left his build I hope it can give you good memories of a wonderful man All the best to you and your family Mick
  12. Coming along a treat Adriaan It's really amazing what you can do now we have the range of led's we can get now The wiring does seem a bit heavier than the gauge available from dolls house shops that I used in the dolls house I built That could be hidden beneath wallpaper Is there any reason you went for that? Keep it up Mick
  13. Hi Sjors It will all come together I am sure You have the skills to overcome your problem Regarding my builds, it wasn't so noticeable on the Spirit but the tram has shown that I am far too lazy when I comes to smoothing I should take MUCH more time both fine sanding the parts before use, then sanding smooth especially if any filler is used I have the OcCre Barcelona Taxi to practice on next before I get my next big build the OcCre Endeavour I want the Taxi to be much better and the Endeavour to be perfect It will be nice to be able to post my log on here again Keep it up Mick
  14. Hi Adriaan I am presuming these ceilings and walls are extras to hide the wiring???? I have decided my next major build will be the OcCre Endeavour as it is a nice middle build that I should really enjoy doing However the wife has just got me the OcCre Barcelona Taxi as she really likes it and she wants me to build it That will keep me going until I can afford the Endeavour Nice work on yours Keep it up Mick
  15. WOW!!!!! That looks superb Grant I just hope I can do half as well when I do my next ship build Keep it up Mick
  16. Looks like it takes some planning Adriaan Not sure whether I would like to light a model ship I did the lighting in a dolls house I made Does that get me in the club Oh yes!!! What IS that diving platform for Keep it up Mick
  17. Real good looking work Grant Such intricate work on a tiny model You have my admiration Keep it up Mick
  18. I used to think planking was a difficult way of making a hull I am not so sure now That looks very tricky After planking one hull I found it came together quite easily I am not sure I would have the courage to attempt one of those Keep it up Mick
  19. Beautiful work Grant I am just presently bending the front and back of the tram That's only two things and my brain is frying Keep it up Mick
  20. Very nice work Adriaan Everything looks to be going nicely I had a nice restful day fishing yesterday Didn't even turn the computer on Then out to lunch today so it has been two lazy days I am, awaiting parts from OcCre though Keep it up Mick
  21. Thanks a lot Grant As usual getting the painting looking good is the main problem I would love to be good enough with it to make sensible use of my airbrush but I find masking very difficult and always tend to get some run somewhere under the tape Mick
  22. Looking really nice Theo I am presuming that this build does not have a copper finish hull?? Never having actually seen one IRL I cannot imagine whether they enhance the build or whether covering the wonderful planking is a travesty Keep it up Mick
  23. I really cannot imagine what it must be like doing a scratch build of anything as it is not something I have ever tried apart from simple dolls furniture Love that curved timber Grant I have split a few over time by trying to bend them too quickly Slow and patient and leave clamped for a while Nice job I have quite a bit of bent on the tram build when I get to it Keep it up Mick
  24. Those railings are looking good Adriaan And Oooh I wish I had a workspace like that As for the lighting, is it general lighting or have you got specifics you can light individually Keep it up Mick
  25. Hi Scott It will be interesting following a solid body build I can't say I have ever seen one You seem to have made a fair start Good luck Mick
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