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Cap'n Snack

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  1. Hey LLM! I'm sure you're right about cutting some of the deck details away... but did you simply stick the wooden decking onto the molded deck surface? Or did you chisel away every 'slat' that was molded into the plastic?
  2. Thanks JeffT! I'm hoping you're right and I can follow your lead!
  3. Thanks for the advice; I agree, many of the original plastic parts will need to be cut away or replaced, but I'm just not sure if have to remove the molded deck as well.
  4. Hello all! I will soon begin on the Hasegawa 1:350 Mikasa, and was wondering if anyone could direct me to a resource, or let me know about adding the wooden decks to it? Do I need to scrape away the molded deck? Or does the adhesive simply go over top of it? Any info would be a great help, and thanks in advance! Cap'n Snack
  5. Well, waited too long and now the sets are all gone from eBay... gotta remember to act when I see something, otherwise... POOF!
  6. Stunning work there! It's been my dream to build this thing for years, so i wanna do it right... and I KNOW it's going to go slow. But that's what I want... great inspiration, thanks!
  7. Fantastic help, LLM, thanks so much! It confirms my concerns; the new Hasegawa Akagi is on its way to me now, along with Detail Set 'B'. I wanted to get the Super set as soon as possible, as it seems to be the toughest one to find, other than the seller in Korea I mentioned (although now a Japanese seller has popped up with one as well for roughly the same price...) The other bits seem a BIT easier to find... and I'm not sure they'll rerelease any of the sets, so better to just get these ones as I can afford them. Thanks again for your generous time!
  8. If I'm not wrong, there's the 'limited edition super set' and then there's sets 'A, B and C' sold separately... the 'super set' has three frets inside... that i believe are listed as 'A,B and C' which has caused me some confusion. Thanks for the heads-up on shipping from Korea... I'm not in a rush, I'm just collecting everything I'll need for the Akagi; it's my dream kit!
  9. This seems to be my understanding as well – there's the 'limited edition super set' and then there's sets 'A, B and C' sold separately... as well as LLM's mentioned wooden deck and jackstays sets. The 'super set' has three frets inside... that i believe are listed as 'A,B andC' which adds to my confusion. I'm pretty sure I need 'em all!
  10. That's definitely the only place I've seen the set so far... but only from ONE vendor! They seem to have cornered the market right now! Thanks for the reply!
  11. Hi All! I figured I'd ask if anyone is thinking or willing to sell the Hasegawa #40071 Detail-Up Parts Super set? I'm planning on building the 1/350 Akagi, but this item is long sold-out online (except for one seller on Ebay in Korea...) anyone not planning on using one in their collection? Or am I completely out of luck? Thanks in advance!
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