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Everything posted by marsalv

  1. Thank you guys, the deck beams are ready for later installation so I started with the internal installations. The foremast step was the first to come.
  2. To druxey: Thanks for the inspiration. I'll try it next time. But I read somewhere that the angle at which the individual strands enter the rope should be about 45 degrees. That should be harder to achieve with the solution you proposed. Making of deck beams.
  3. The last batch of ropes is finally finished. In total, I wound about 260 ropes of various thicknesses, the length of the rope is about 180 cm. And now I can start working with wood again.
  4. I adjusted the controls on my ropewalk and started winding the ropes. I started with the weaker ones, which are easier to wind, but there are a few more of them. The first batch is done.
  5. Thankl you No Idea for the reply. Christmas holidays are over, so I'm back to work. I'm continuing with the production and installation of the main mast step.
  6. It's time to cut out the "windows" in the unplanked half of the hull. And since Christmas and the end of the year are approaching, I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2025.
  7. The hull planking is finally done. I'm glad to have it done .
  8. Don't worry, the other side will be without planks and partially open, so the inside of the hull will be visible.
  9. I continue planking and nailing the hull. All that remains is to glue the last 4 planks and make the final sanding.
  10. Thank you guys for nice comments. To druxey - For Le Gros Ventre I did the same as you, but there were some problems when gluing the knee of the head - the knee of the head does not fit well to the keel and a small gap can form there. That's why I've chosen a different procedure now, the joint between the knee of the head is perfect, but it has other negatives. To EspenT - Unfortunately, the monograph does not contain digital drawings, so all drawings are scanned and further processed in a CAD program. The list of wood species is as follows: unsteamed pear (used for internal planking), steamed pear (has a slightly pinkish color shade - external planking), black hornbeam (substitute for ebony). Boxwood will also be used (carvings and decorative moldings), castello boxwood (planking above the wales), maple (decks). That's about it.
  11. I'm continuing with planking, it's going very slowly - so far I have about two-fifths of the hull done, including nailing. And although I was as careful as possible when manipulating the hull, I managed to break off part of the stem. Fortunately, it is only in the glued joint, so the repair will not be difficult.
  12. Thank you albert. I started planking the hull under wales. But I soon found out that in order to finish gluing the planks in the stern area, it is necessary to glue the planks on the stern first.
  13. Thank you scrubyj427, the black wood is blackhornbeam, not ebony. Black hornbeam is a bit easier to work with than ebony . Installation of wales completed.
  14. I proceed by installing wales. I decided to glue the upper wale first - using a "guide" strip. Wale is connected using a scraph joint and the one in the front part is directly in the bend, which significantly complicated the accuracy of connection and gluing.
  15. I finally finished the internal planking to the deck clamp level.
  16. My posts have gotten me to the stage where the actual model building phase is, so now my posts won't be as frequent . The first part of the inner planking (the ceiling) is finished, including the limber boards.
  17. Thank you guys for all likes and nice comments. It's time for inside planking. The spirketting, which is made of two thicker planks, was installed first. These planks are slightly recessed below the level of the frames.
  18. Thanky you Applying the deck clamp strengthened the hull so I could complete the limber-passage.
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