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Everything posted by marsalv

  1. Thank you guys, the sails and riggings are finally completed. It remains now to make back lanterns, fix the anchors and the last part - the boats.
  2. Thank you guys for all comments and likes. I am very happy because number of followers reached 100. To druxey: I have tried the metod of making ropes you describe, but the result was not good for me. If you unwind the thread and rewind it left handed before spinning resulting rope is not the same quality as the ropes without unwinding (my opinion). From this reason I decided to make the left handed ropes. To cabrapente: I dont undestand the word " cabuyeria ", but all knots are fixed with diluted white PVA glue. To Ryzuhr: Most information is taken form Anatomy of the ship PANDORA book. But this book does not include the all necessary information so I use the following books for addition: James Lees - The masting and rigging of english ships of war David Antscherl The fully framed model, rigging a sixth rate sloop of 1767-1780 Klaus Schrage - Rundhloelzer, Tauwerk und Segel. So and now some new pictures - installation of topsails.
  3. The running rigging should have right direction, but it is difficult to make right-handed rigging from the right-handed threads. I tried it, but the results was not acceptable. So I decided to make all rigging as left-handed. Next part - cross jack yard and mizzen course installation.
  4. Thank you guys for so many nice responses. To aviaamator: I have found no informations about it, but there are many pictures in the Lees book (The masting and rigging of english ships of war), where can you see that direction of leech rope was the same on both sides of the sail. I continue with the fore and main course. Only these two sails will be partially furled.
  5. I started to install yards and sails. I wanted to furl the spritsail course and spritsai topsail, but I was not satisfied with the result, so I changed my mind and decided to leave these sails without furling. From this reason I had to make additionally the water holes in the spritsail course (Druxey - you were right). It was somewhat complicated because the yard with sail has already been installed on the bowsprit.
  6. To Druxey - some sails will be partially furled - fore and main course, sprit sail and sprit topsail - from this reason I saved little bit time and made no water holes - they will not be visible. To Ilhan Gokcay - there are only two folds at the edge. The edges are reinforced with diluted PVA ( 3 (water):1 (PVA) ratio). After drying is posiible tu cut the cloth without fraying.The belts are made from the same reinforced cloth - without folds. Mike R - bolt rope is attached with glue for textile. Now all the sails are attached to their yards.
  7. Many thanks. All about 600 pcs reef points are in place. Now the only thing left is to attach the sails on the yards.
  8. Thank you guys for very nice comments and likes. I added all strenghtening belts and bolt ropes with cringles. For the finishing of the sails, it is only necessary to add the reef points.
  9. Thank you guys. After a short break I started to sewing the sails. I managed to get a nice soft batiste with a slight beige touch, so I did not have to work with a dye. At this moment, I have sewn all the sails on which "only" is left to add different reinforcement and reef bands, add a bolt rope and fasten the reef points. And then, of course, bending the sails to the yards - that´s enough work.
  10. Hi druxey, I know about this problem. This situation describes David Antscherl in his book of Swan model (the picture from your post is propably from this book). But on the other hand, I have no reason to disbelive informations which was published by Lees and Petersson (both books I own). Standing rigging is finished, the rudder is in place. Now is the time to prepare the sails.
  11. The topmast level is done, it remains only topgallant level and the standing rigging will be completed.
  12. Tops are now installed on the masts, completed futtock shrouds and crowsfeets. The "first floor" is finished and I can start with "second floor" - the topmasts.
  13. Futtock staves, ratlines and catharpins.
  14. Thank you guys for nice comments and all likes. I continue with stays (including mouses), stay tackle pendant and fore hatch stay pendant.
  15. Hi Greg, it was not so complicated, it just needed enough patience and time . Next task - the shrouds.
  16. Thank you to all for the comments and likes. Tha last rigging on the bowsprit - main stay collar and bumkin shrouds - is done. Now I start the works on the shrouds.
  17. Thank you Albert. So finally is here a moment when I started the installation of masts and related standing rigging. As first I installed bowsprit and the following ropes: gammoning, inner and outer bobstay, bowsprit shrouds. At the same time, I have prepared footropes with a netting, the picture shows only temporary attachment, the final attachment will occur after the installation of the stays.
  18. Thank you NMBrook, it is nice to see you again back on the forum. Rest of yards is completed with all blocks and prepared for installation.
  19. Your welcome Harley. So all blocks for the yards are prepared and I started to install them on the yards. There are only two yards completed in this moment, but I hope that the works will go faster now.
  20. Hi Johann, it is nothing difficult. Thimbles are made from brass tube 1,0x0,1 mm (resp. 1,5x0,1 mm). The tubes are cut to lenght cca 0,8 mm (resp. 1,2 mm) (see first picture) and then they are slightly compressed on both sides by a punch and hammer. So blocks for masts are prepared and partly installed on the relevant masts, now I will continue with the blocks on the yards.
  21. Thank you Meddo. As next part was blocks for the bowsprit.
  22. Thank you guys. Toms10 - I'm very glad that my log serves as an inspiration for other modellers. And now a few more pictures - installation of blocks on the lower masts.
  23. Thank you guys for compliments. Before installing the masts on the model, they must be fitted with different blocks. I started with installing the blocks under the tops.
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