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Everything posted by marsalv

  1. To PeteB - you basically answered yourself - see picture.
  2. Hi Chris, nice to see you here with your Le Gros Ventre log. You decided to built the model in the large scale as me, I will watch with pleasure your progress. Vladimir
  3. Thank you guys. Chris - I will propably build the ship without adding the extra gun ports. So rest of filling keys is added, the groove for bilge water is made, the whole hull is sanded and prepared fot the next task.
  4. The inner part of the hull is sanded, so I started to instal the filling keys between the frames.
  5. All frames are glued to the keel, now is time to sand the inner part of the hull.
  6. Thank you guys😉. I began with bolting of the individual frames, first aft and first front frames are glued now to the keel.
  7. To Dirk - I bought this machine from one Czech company - https://cnc.inshop.cz/cnc-frezky-a-routery/mala-modelarska-cnc-frezka-pro-gravirovani-a-ryti. This company is co-owned with one man from German and milling maschines are made in China under inspection people from German. So I hope the quality of production will also be under tight control. Milling speed is in my case cca 15-20 mm/s, time required for one frame production is aprox. 7 minutes (milling maschine makes 10 passes). Beveling was done in two phases, rough sanding was made with help of Proxxon maschines, fine sanding was made manually with sanding paper glued on the wooden sticks. Beveled frames are temporarily situated on the keel.
  8. I bought a "good helper" for producing of the frames. I have lost more than three months because I have found an untrustworthy supplier and I have had to look for another one but I am still satisfied with the result. The frames are ready for the beveling.
  9. Preparation of parts for frame production - it was necessary to cut approximately 700 pcs of individual parts.
  10. Thanks for comments😉. Hawse timbers and cant frames - The construction of these parts is more complicated because the individual frames are not glued directly to each other but have a small gap between them. Only the second attempt was successful.
  11. Thank you guys.4 After several unsuccessful attempts is stern completed. The lower filling parts I had to make four times😡.
  12. Thank you Albert😉. I continue with making of stern parts - filling transoms, wing transom, fashion pieces.
  13. I glued together all the parts of the keel and put the keel into the building board. Now remains to make a rabbet and I will start preparing for the frame construction.
  14. So, the remaining parts of the keel are completed. Without a milling machine, this work would be very problematic.
  15. Thank you guys. This construction will be much more complicated than Pandora, a lot of POF techniques are new to me, but I hope I can handle it. The first few parts of the keel are done. First little complication was making some parts from two different kind of wood.
  16. Thank you guys to all for very kind comments😉. I would like to invite all my followers to watch my new building log:
  17. After a long creative vacuum, I started a new project. This is the so-called "gabare" Le Gros Ventre at 1:48 scale, the model will be realized using the POF method (plank on frame) according to a monograph by Gerard Delacroix. I will use cherry, pear, black hornbeam and maple wood for the building, without painting. Gabare is a cargo ship used by the French Royal Navy during the 18th and 19th centuries. For this reason, there is no orlop deck. The first phase of the construction was the making of a building board necessary for the installation of frames on the keel. Great attention must be paid to the maximum accuracy of the position of the bottom and top base.
  18. Thank you to all for very nice and kind comments🙂. Last week I took part in the C-class World Championship and here is the result:
  19. So finally, after about 3750 hours, I got to the finish. Thanks to everyone for watching my log and I would like to invite you to watch my next building log - Le Gros Ventre POF.
  20. Thank you guys. The boats are finally completed. It is now still to finish the oars, masts and spars and install everything on the model.
  21. Dirk, thanks for your comment. I agree, the flags could be better. But - the flags are printed with laser printer on thin batist (two times from each side) and this was one of the best attempt after a long time spent. The last part of Pandora constuction - two boats. Some pictures from hull making.
  22. Thank you montaňes. I installed the flags on the model and now only boats remain to do. The Pandora included 5 boats which all are placed in central part of the ship. To see equipment on the board I decide to make only two boats.
  23. Thank you guys. Mike Y: I's tempting, but two shows in September are enough, maybe next time. Little progress - anchor´s installation.
  24. Thank you very much guys! To dvm27 - this model will be installed in my living room together with my other models. To wyz - some people will be have the possibility to see this model in September 2018 in Romania (Naviga´s World Championship) and in Czech Republik (Czech Championship). Some pictures from lanterns production.
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