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Everything posted by jct

  1. so I lied...I did some work on the chassis this afternoon... When I had the Mustang chassis stripped down I thought far enough ahead to get photocopies of it from the side, top, and bottom from these I was able to size the replacement sections for the damaged chassis...there is a sheet of clear glass over the photocopy The replacement parts are going to be made from styrene rod and aluminum tubing as it's what I have on hand... I made sleeves from tuning that will slide over the new chassis tubes and the existing ones once all the pieces were sized assembly started...I just laid the components on the glass and tacked them with liquid cement, once they had set a bit the joints were strengthened with ca that's where she sits for now...still have to install all the bracing in the chassis rails and scratch out a front axle assembly...I'll get some pics tomorrow without the black background. Thanks for the likes and comments THX again J
  2. Thanks CD...I'm hoping they make good on these like they did with the K&C decals...have not heard yet, if so I'll e-copy them and go that route if they go belly up...I've made simple ones with inkjet but never complex ones and now I've upgraded to a laser it is another factor to consider. In the interim I've been searching the net for an aftermarket decal adhesive...the only product I've been able to locate is a Tamiya decal adhesive, but I could not find a stateside supplier or find any comprehensive reviews of the product. At this point I'm hoping Slixx will come through again...otherwise this may end up being a generic green funny
  3. You can say that again...thought I was past the decal probs, I never had this much trouble with them, especially Slixx...I used their stuff pretty much exclusively when I was doing Winston Cup stuff with no issues whatever, the issues with these new decals just ridiculous
  4. Partially...we cut the hards lines and replaces them with rubber lines, only had to pull the passenger side, and cut out a dash brace...less hassle but still a pita
  5. Na just the heater core, though that is a beast of a job on a JK Wrangler, luckily my oldest son saved the day and did the bulk of the heavy lifting
  6. OK...I'm officially in decal hell , I decided to jump over to the Vega since I'm waiting on the new Mustang decals... these are acting like there is no adhesive on them at all...tried the white glue trick but no joy...they just curl and curl...I've reached out to Slixx again and am waiting to hear back...I'm taking the rest of the weekend off and not going near a model!!! Think I'll bing watch some Netflix
  7. SWEET...I remember this beauty now...really need my memory pills...if I could only remember where I put em
  8. nice work my man...you'll have to shot some dramatic posed shots for us to drool over...ya beat me to this finish on this one
  9. Ya I was happy to hear good news from her...one thing she did pass along, for problem decals, was that they recommend using very hot water and not soaking the decal at all...just a quick dunk and then onto the blotter for a few minutes...I would not of thought to increase the water temp....seems counter intuitive, but since I got a new set on the way I'm gonna try it and see what happens...I'll let you all know...my day semi sucked as well...beyond the decal issues...
  10. I remember building the Orange Crate looooong ago... that is a technique that I haven't tried...had not thought to take you literally!! Sounds fair my day was a bit of a bitch itself...my youngest stopped on his way to work with a heater core leaking like crazy, spent the morning up to my elbows in coolant...new one should be here today to reverse the whole process
  11. Ditto...got a glue bomb Henry J all disassembled...I was gonna shoehorn a 426 Hemi into, couldn't find a 1:1 to model though
  12. Just heard back from Becky at Slixx...they will send a replacement
  13. Thanks for all the likes and comments...an update of sorts, was able to start decal application...one step forward and two back...again I did a test to see if the decals would hold up and that turned out fine. so I proceeded with the application... the grill went well so I moved to the back... and the decal broke-up as soon as it was touched...the air was blue with expletives that would have made many an old salt blush...so I blacked out the taillight panel... and then went back to the sheet and coated all the remaining decals with this stuff...which I had read good things about after allowing two coats to dry I started again and all was going well until the large roof decal...it self destructed beyond repair you can see in the pic some of the larger decals laid out fine, So here we are, I've reached out to Slixx to see if they'll replace this set, I doubt it, but you never know unless you ask. I'm personally surprised by this as I've used Slixx decals on numerous car builds in the past and always found their product to be top notch. I'll be coating the Green Elephant decals with more then two coats...I'm about up to my eyeballs with decal issues, ok done venting now...
  14. Unfortunately we only seem to learn these thing when we lose someone
  15. Na was way down the path anyway...all you did was kick a memory...it's a nice change of pace
  16. Okay...so it goes something like this, At an unnamed, albeit world famous drag strip, our intrepid shoe mounts his trusty, unsponsored, but beautifully painted(dark blue with a touch of pearl ice, just in case you was wondering) 1973 Vega funny car. At the green our daring drag star hurls his stead to a new world record only to have a freak tornado appear and suddenly appear and "[a]t that point he was inverted at 180 miles per hour." causing sever damage to the roof and body of his trusty, unsponsored, but beautifully painted 1973 Vega funny car. With ever the nerves of steel our hero remains unfazed by this predicament and waits until aforementioned tornado rights his trusty, unsponsored, but beautifully painted 1973 Vega funny car, to the rubber side...at which time he pulls the chute release...and is aghast when the chute doesn't open...sending his trusty, unsponsored, but beautifully painted 1973 Vega funny car, for a trip through the weeds, Thus causing unmentionable damage to chassis of the trusty, unsponsored, but beautifully painted 1973 Vega funny car. The End
  17. This will be another log of an old kit that was started a long time ago (aprox 18yr) and has been in storage since then...like my Mustang Funny this was intended to be another car then what it is now, but decal issues have forced a change...so I decided to do Jim Green's 1973 championship Green Elephant Vega...this kit will under go the same chassis treatment to lower the stance as I did to the K&C Mustang funny (https://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/19936-keeling-and-clayton-mustang-funny-car-which-used-to-be-lew-arringtons-brutus-funny-car-in-124-by-jct/) But first off the Vega had experienced exposure to heat damage while in storage, the damage to the body can be seen here I was able to fix the bulk of the damage with a little heat followed by a cold plunge In these shots you can see the damage to the chassis... I'll save what I can but most will be scratch build will polystyrene rod and brass tube In the mean time the body has been painted out while I was working on the Mustang... here's a shot of the engine and decals Well that's all for now
  18. Thanks to all for the likes and comments Made a little more progress on the K&C Mustang today...got a clear coat on and the "chrome" painted out a few touch-ups needed and she'll be ready for here final markings...speaking of which...here's a shot of them hoping to start on them tomorrow, from the looks of them they are going to take a couple days, up to 3 layers in some places Started a log on the Vega build https://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/20021-green-elephant-funny-car-in-124-by-jct/
  19. Hope your eye is okay!! The decals look good, I too have trouble just leaving it alone, it seems its always that one little extra touch sends it south and makes me scream...
  20. Thx Denis...it is has a gold flake to it...the Vega will undergo a rework after the Mustang is completed...there was a lot of chassis damage as well as that to the body, I'm gonna have to scratch about half the chassis to bring it back, no fear there will be pics
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