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Everything posted by jct

  1. Beautiful, as always Doris, fantastic stuff and a pleasure to see your work
  2. Updates...deck planking is completed... 20-20 hindsight I would have been better off if I had planked the deck prior to planking up the wales and then trimming it to size...trimming up to the margin plank was a pita...the deck still needs sanded down to 220 grit then it will be stained with natural stain, just want it to look like an oil finish The rail tops were fashioned... this is heavy card stock hardened with a coat of ca...it will receive a light sanding and a thin coat of putty prior to prime and paint...these were originally going to be 1/32nd basswood but I butchered it so bad, trying to get a uniform width, it was unusable. Figured since it's gonna get painted anyway card stock should be fine The trim under the hand rails was added, nothing dramatic here just thin strip... still needs sanding in this shot, the edges will be rounded a bit to break the edge, also added primer to the bottom...just a test to see how well the puttied sections were blended, many more coats and sanding ahead. thx for the likes and taking the time to comment
  3. Thanks for commenting and hitting the like button...just a short update...deck planking is done, details and pics tomorrow (told ya it was short)
  4. Thx Russ...I think that's what I'm going to go with...the red on the paint stick is way to bright...I'll have to brown it up a bit but that is just some trial and error, THX again for your support and suggestions, much appreciated
  5. Thanks to all who've taken the time to comment or hit the like button...another update As I said back in post 60, I'm going with a paint scheme inspired by the Gilkerson painting of the Hannah, the paint stick below shows the shades I've worked up...still undecided about the bulwark interior color... laid out the margin planks... and trimmed and mounted them got the rudder roughed out and completed then test fitted then jumped back in to the planking that's all for now, thx again
  6. Thanks Russ, I'm going to throw some blue into the mix between the trim on the upper wales...still playing with different hues, leaning towards your suggestion of Prussian but need the to get the mix right
  7. Thanks to all for the likes and comments...the stern is done, all the fashion pieces were made from a mixture of basswood, beech and birch The stern post isn't glued in place yet just set in for the test fit/photo...still have to make the rudder access hole. I decided to go with a painted finish similar to the William Gilkerson painting That's it for now, thanks aging for hitting the like button and following along
  8. Thanks the ideas Russ...I had not considered Prussian blue...I will work up some color strips...I had planed initially to leave the area above the main wale natural but am unsure if it is clear of glue at this point...I may stain it and if its not then just seal it and paint...lots to consider, thanks again for taking the time to share your suggestions
  9. THX Denis...I think the lines look pretty good, she is fleshing out nice, IMHO...here's today's update... the upper rough planking has been completed and the outer transom trim shaped just soaked some birch and bent it to contour... After all the stern tear downs and general abuse I put the hull through the bulkhead horns were a bit beat, so they have been surgically removed, once the inner sides of the bulkheads were somewhat smooth I added another layer of planking to the inner bulwarks...I had done this with my Half Moon build and liked the way it cleaned up the interior and added strength to the upper hull, I'll add stanchions after the margin planks are in Inner planking (dramatic closeup!!) Here's the shot of the almost completed warks Still a little cleanup left to do on the insides...I'm leaning towards a painted finish, after all it is just basswood, now the color, hummm Thanks to all for the likes and comments...later
  10. Nice work Denis...are you gonna weather so she looks like your reference photo?
  11. Hope everyone had a nice holiday, did you get what you wanted from Santa? The saga with the stern continues...this pic shows the original fashion pieces I spoke of back in #41... you can see how horizontal they appear compare to the plans behind the hull, and also how much distance there is between the bulkhead horns, it was the combination of these two that caused me a lot of grief. If the distance between the horns was reduced to remove some of the horizontal run, there was not enough room in the stern for the post and rudder...soooo another tear down the resolution, for me anyway, was to change the angle and height of the bottom of the stern timbers and thus the top of the counter I removed about an 1/8 inch from the bottom of the transom to align with the bottom of the stern timbers this pic show the final configuration of the transom and counter, my fashion pieces will have a slight s bend to them, but I think it will look better the the straight line it was With the stern finally were I can live with it I moved on to cutting and pining stanchions that will be needed later and got the upper planking started and got the hull sanded out... you can see the final angle of the counter in this pic...she still runs a little long but once the stern post and rudder are mounted it will be much less noticeable. Overall I'm happy with the general shape of the hull, I think she has the buff bow and sweep to the strakes required. I'll complete the fashion pieces next and then move on to the deck planking...trying to decide at this point if I'm going to paint above the main wale...has anyone left basswood bright? I've always painted it in my other builds...well that's all for now, thanks for you time and attention and for the likes and comments
  12. Hi Dave, I can't speak for others but I do believe mine will be
  13. Hi Ron...it's beginning to look like it may come to that...I'm eyeing the second stern with a critical eye and not liking what I see, cheeez
  14. OK, you're all going to think I'm around the bend...but I've torn the stern apart yet again...the upper transom this time...when I started to work on the fashion piece it became obvious that the transom was way to far back, so the fashion pieces were almost horizontal...this all stems from my initial error in interpreting the plans. This should be the last tear down...at least for the stern... No pics yet OBTW thanks for the likes and comments
  15. Thanks to all for the likes and comments...the lower hull has been finish sanded, started with 80 and worked up through the grits to 400, its about as smooth as you would expect She cleaned up pretty well and as I hoped all of the glitches fall below the waterline so they'll be covered with white stuff. The stern post is mounted and the counter planking in place... the gaps you see will be covered by trim and fashion pieces. The main wale strake is mounted and trimmed... and the waterline laid out, I may primer the bottom prior to doing anything else...still have the upper planking to do before moving on to the decking and furniture... My best to you and your's during this holiday season🎄
  16. Thanks for all the likes and comments...got the lower hull planked...early on I had set a goal for myself to make this the perfect plank job, we're gonna call that a stretch goal at this point🙄, I'm glad I had decided early on to paint the hull below the water line, it will allow me to fix/cover/hide the many fubars that reside there! most of the planks were pre-shaped using water and heat I think may have run the garboard a little long? I had all but completed the planking ( 2 strakes to go) when I decided I didn't care for the stern layout...I originally had just run planks horizontally across the stern below the transom...it just didn't look right, so off it came and I re-planked allowing the strakes to roll up under the wing transom, the edges will be covered by the counter planking the bow is a little crowded, but I'll live with it, all is clean above the wales a lot of sanding remains
  17. Still planking hope to finish in a few days, pics then
  18. Hi Cole, I've used facial tissue soaked with PVA to simulate canvas covers... here's a shot from my Harriet Lane build
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