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Everything posted by jct

  1. Ya the flames look home brew....but the pinstripes on the deck look cool...wish I had a color shot...I ordered some decal film so I'm going to add some...toying with a name, that will stay a surprise until the finish
  2. Did some interweb searching after our interaction yesterday....primarily George Klass's site, found some HJ gassers, not many when compared to other makes and some appear to be pre fire suit days, a few guys driving in t-shirts...looks like most of these are B and C class there are a few A's you gotta love a ride named Super Pickle...
  3. Did a little digging...seems the bathtub intake was the NASCAR deal different from the cross ram...they look very similar hers a nice shot of the cross ram in Sox and Martin Cuda Ronnie Sox was my hero back in the day "King of the 4 speed" I think I'm changing my mind again...the cross ram is calling to me
  4. I’m with you there, I’ve seen photos and film clips but nothing live st the strip...have seen a few on street but not many. Always thought the had a cool look to them, I think they were only produced from 50-54
  5. Really sweet Craig...I used to make my own panel wash out of thinned India ink, always worked great over enamels...not sure how it would work over acrylics though...nice bird
  6. An update...finished all the primer work on all but the front clip which will require more work after its face lift...the kit comes with one piece headlight lens/bucket assembly all chromed, I always thought they looked really cheesy, so a raid on the spares box yielded a set of buckets from god knows what...so the fenders were modified to fit these new accessories, lens will be formed from microscale Kristal Kleer been rethinking my decision to do this as a blown hemi...the twin carbs just don't fit the supercharger correctly, it would be really noticeable with the detail I plan to do on the motor...so I'm gonna go with a normally aspirated duel carb setup, I've got two manifolds an inline and a cross ram...leaning toward the inline, cause the carb linkage on a cross ram is super complicated to scratch build...and this is a zero budget build!! No PE allowed. You can see the evidence here that the decision was a real hair puller...and damn if it ain't one of the dark ones...may even be the last one left moved on to the distributor and plug wires...needed to make a new shaft from rod and the wires are wire wrap wire...I've used this stuff for plug wire forever...for the longest time I used to drill each knub on the cap separately, which took forever, resulted in many finger stabs, and when it was done and the wires added you couldn't see it anyway. So now I just drill one big hole in the middle, bundle the wires and glue um in...if your gonna try this a word of cation...use gel ca, thin stuff will creep up the wires and leave you with one huge mother lover of a wire completed and read for paint reworked the motor mounts and trans cross brace Next up is paint for the engine...hopefully tomorrow, depends on what the admiral has planned Later
  7. Same here, but for the aids...humorous tale...the firm I worked for offered yearly hearing tests free of charge, so out of curiosity I decided to participate . So I’m in the little booth pushing the button when I hear the tones when the door opens and the tech says ” Oh...Okay, we hadn’t got a response in so long we thought you may be having some kind of emergency “...never bothered with a hearing test after that😁
  8. Seems we all have to say huh a lot, I know my better half bitchs at me all the time for it
  9. Another drag racer...this time a gasser, this is an old glue bomb Henry J that had been disassembled a while back. The plan always was to strip and rebuild but again like the Funnies it was backburnered and then stuck in storage.... The base kit was the Revell issue of the Henry J gasser "The Saint", I can find no evidence that this was ever anything more then a model...i.e. no 1:1 Saint gasser every existed, least not in my research, so finishing this rebuild as a phantom wont be out of line To start the body was striped of all existing paint by soaking in Purple Power for about 6 hrs...then scrubbed with a stiff toothbrush... ...this stuff works real well and leaves the plastic intact... After scrubbing it down with dish-washing detergent two coats of Krylon white primer was applied this will dry for a couple days before being sanded out...it may receive another coat, depends on the finish after sanding The engine that comes with this kit is a blown Ford 427, I think. but I wanted something different...so I dug through my spares box...years back I used to build model cars under commission. Clients would want scale models of their real rides, the toughest part of this was finding a model to convert, well anyway I had a dude that wanted a 68 Plymouth Belvedere with a 340...left me with a really nice 426 Hemi in the spares box, this is from an AMT Roadrunner kit.. . The AMT engine is a really nice molding, though the intake manifold is the staggered duel carb version I'm gonna build this as a supercharged version, but with duel carbs and velocity stacks...so I've made a few blank off plates to fill the voids, and dug through the spares box for a blower Once these dry I'll start build up the engine proper, it will need some scratch build stuff...plug wires gas line carb linkage etc. Well that's all for now
  10. That is Purple Power...an automotive degreaser, some scratch but mostly bashing from the spares box. the engine is in the process of being built up...a 426 hemi from AMT's 68 Roadrunner kit, was left over from a commission build...client wanted a stock Belvedere with a 340, left me with a really nice Hemi in the spares box, will have to scratch an intake manifold for the blower though...kit has a stock staggered duel carb setup. Pics later...I may have to start a new log... Link to the gasser build Henry J gasser
  11. Thanks Sam...well the rigging is all under the body...canons may have proved to be a nice intimidating factor, was always a good time at the strip...hate to think about how long it's been since I visited one
  12. Hey Sam...good to hear from you...believe it or not I think I'm gonna redo the boat...it's to big for the deck...
  13. All you seem to see anymore are LS build ups...its a nice setup but I kinda like to see some old school stuff every once and a while too Hey Denis...here's a teaser specially for you... Gasser parts in the strip tank also manage to pick this up, close as I could get to the kleer y'all were talking about
  14. Thx Tom, ...seems we all have some memories dealing with Vegas😋 albeit some better then others
  15. Thx Denis...not sure at this point... gotta get some time in on the Hanna before I forget where I was 😀
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