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Everything posted by jct

  1. THX for the likes...and comments of encouragement The stars may finally have aligned for this little guy...good day at the table, the new hinge for the front clip worked out ok after a few test fits You can see in the first shot that there is some work that needed done to the primer/paint, that was all sanded out re-primed and resprayed As I mentioned in a previous post the front axle was damaged in one of the nose dives, so it was reinforced....these pins are just ca'ed to the surface, the axle was way to thin to drill and pin internally, this wont be as strong but should be ok for a static display...aluminum paint will be added to kill the shine and they should all but disappear Added some new valance lands to the top of the firewall, CA stiffened card...man my windows are a mess...need a really tiny squeegee here's a shot with the front clip and the light housings "lens" where made from Elmer's clear glue...added in layers thinking of tinting some Kleer and laying layer on, has anyone tried that with that stuff?
  2. You and me both brother...was always a Pontiac guy...first car was a 62 Tempest...didn't appreciate how cool it was till much later, followed that one up with a 64 and finally my 65 gto...the Admiral's Gram let her use her 68 Tempest and 71 Gran Prix...
  3. ooh, ooh...here's one, not sure about the markings though
  4. OK...so here we go again, got the body and chassis back together with no prob...played with some ideas for the front clip but this is what I settled on...in the circle is a hole drilled in the rad mount... into which were inserted alignment pins... and onto which are mounted two pieces of styrene tube, these were glued to the rad support with old school tube glue corresponding holes were drill in the front clip two pins were made from a heavy paper clip... the idea being to install the clip over the tube aligning the holes then simply slide in the pin...once I determine the length I'll clip off any access and ca it in place from the inside, clip should then just swivel on the tube, we will see
  5. NO Prob...stalling? Na scratching my head...definitely...spent the day fixing damage and trying to get stuff to re-align after the second crash dive...maybe I should make up some decals and call this little bitch Stuka...unnoticed in yesterdays evaluation was damage to the front axle...hairline crack at the drop spindle...the opening doors have been scrapped as the firewall damage/fix prohibited this, no great loss there, IMHO, as the fit sucked big time anyway...broken header location pin, that was a bear to get out of the block Tanz can be a distraction, she is relentless when she wants attention, plus I don't need to worry about parts that hit the floor cause she eats um! Had to replenish some good water color brushes cause she thought they was a tasty treat... The hinge is proving to be a bit of a challenge as I've lost all the kit alignment edges, having glued them solid they proved to be the weak link when it it the hardwood, I'm thinking of carefully routing a rabbit in the rear fender inside edge and body front outside edge to replicate those lost surfaces...or thinning them and adding some 0.10 sheet stock, like I said head scratching, got some errands to take care of for the admiral tomorrow, but I try to get some pics up... ...and thanks to all for the likes and comments...no need to concern about liking a negative post, the sentiment is understood and appreciated
  6. Well...this was intended to be the final installment of this build...was...being the operative word. During final assembly my best buddy...Tanz...needed to make a potty call, sooo, set the gasser down were I thought the edge of the table was... the firewall broke in two and the hood hinge was damaged, front fenders took some damage, plastic cracked beyond the glue joints, so I'm gonna revert back to the flip front and cover the damage as best I can...gotta do something about that lame a-- kit hinge though. Hoping I can save the paint
  7. I was there 90s thru the teens...always enjoyed central Fla
  8. That’s a stock pic....mine is still on the sprues never seen the light of day
  9. Would pass by Barbarville heading to Daytona...spent quite a bit of time in Around Ocala
  10. Another cool build to follow...you mentioned the Beer wagon, I found this in my storage locker the other day... Missing the rolling stock though...no idea what it was used on you gonna plank the sides or just leave it as wood sheet
  11. Hi Denis...ya they are molded in...I was gonna replace them with sheet but was reading the the rules for 1965 and found that the backseat was required along with upholstery Upholstery: Interiors may not be gutted. Must run full upholstery, equivalent to factory specifications. Floor mats optional. Bucket seats may replace stock seats (two required), only if they are fully upholstered. Rear seats when car is equipped from factory, must remain in the car during competition
  12. Hey Denis...what are you stripping the chrome with? I've had fair luck with liquid drain cleaner taking chrome but leaving the paint
  13. Seems I have to do it at least once per build...guess I'll never learn
  14. chassis is a roller interior is complete and then I knocked the body off the table so the front end will be rebuilt/assembled and paint touched up...when this is complete...again, metal foil and windows
  15. I remember the original GT40s, I think that was the first american car that was competitive in the international endurance race circuit
  16. Thanks Sam... glad you stopped by😁
  17. That is the strangest gasser I've ever seen Lou... Getting white under them is definitely a must, figuring out the best way to do it...that's a challenge
  18. I never seriously considered it but it was on the lotto list...I'm with you could never justify the cost...we ended up getting a laser for home use cause we use it so infrequently...with ink jets every time we went to use it the ink had evaporated and we needed new cartridges, yep white under it about the only way to make um work
  19. Thx...to bad they wont make it on this build and they don't go with anything else in my queue...wondering if anyone out there might be able to use um??
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