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Everything posted by jct

  1. You put a dab of ca on the very ends to prevent it from starting to unravel, but the twists in the line hold it together for the most part. Mine is just a cheap one from Model Expo, there are some pretty elaborate ones I've seen folks make though
  2. It looks good there, and you cant make out much detail in the painting, just wondering what type of mechanism they could use to operate it. she's shaping up nice
  3. Yep getting close...you should think about one, they are kinda fun to use and therapeutic
  4. Nice D, the fore deck looks good, will there be a raised deck in the stern as well? Just curious how would they have operated the windless under the foredeck?
  5. Decided to break out the rope walk and spin up some shroud lines and anchor rope these will be the upper shroud lines anchor line the upper copper lines will serve as chain plates to attach the lower deadeyes to the channels, once they're blackened that is, they are copper wire spun up on the walk finished out the anchors nd made up some mast rings test fitting the bow sprint cap Thanks for the likes thats all for today
  6. Nice progress Popeye...your jumbo fleet is taking shape decking looks real good, below is the lini to your USS United State s build
  7. Thanks for hitting the like button...today's update, made and mounted the chain plates and also the pin rails and then started laying out the deck furniture This kit comes with a lot of hardware the problem is most of it is oversize (thus Jumbo the Clipper) the supplied screweyes are no exception....so I decided to see what I could do to make use of them. I straightened them out and recurved them with a pair of small round nose. I think they will be usable Well that's it for now, thanks again for looking in
  8. After my conversation with Popeye this morning I decided to scrap the tops and go with the cross/trestle trees as he suggested... so I made some cheeks and trestle and cross trees and inset them both and glued um up then made some bolsters, just quartered dowels and glued them up and that was it...so both masts now have the appropriate trees, thanks for the likes and comments...and thanks Denis for the solid advice, much appreciated
  9. Thanks much, I’m gonna give em a try, I want to see if I can make um work, a challenge, if you would. I do greatly appreciate your offer though. Im only planning on two step masts, main and fore. Are you going to take the fore up to three?
  10. Of that I was unaware, but it makes sense...at this point I'm still replicating the kit parts that are unusable. My plan is to use the American schooner plan layed out in Rigging Period Fore and Aft Craft . Why don't you like the metal blocks?
  11. All this may be true...but just think how springtime fresh you would be!!
  12. I'm planning on installing one of these Now that we've solved that particulier crisis on with the build...still working on little odds and ends. I'm still planning to use as much of the kit stuff as possible and that includes the cast metal rigging blocks. I have no idea what these are made of and nothing I have in my chemical arsenal would blacken them, so I resorted to paint...mixed a very dark brown acrylic and painted them. Once dried they were shot with a couple coats of matt clear. Then I turned to the mast tops, new ones were made from the paper patterns, I just glued up some planking stock with cross braces underneath then cut and drilled the appropriate holes in them test fit of the fore mast top and that's all for today...thanks to all who've taken the time to hit the like button or comment
  13. Nice progress D...stain should look good, my planking was nowhere good enough to stain, just barely looks good in paint
  14. between the TP and the stock market everything is going to s---
  15. I think getting the correct"weight" to ropes is toughest part...they look pretty good
  16. Sorry to hear that, if there is a bright side you'll have more time at the table
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