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    DocBlake got a reaction from shiloh in Gunpowder Kegs   
    Very helpful, guys.  I do think I remember reading about copper hoops on powder kegs at some point.  It seems reasonable and I'll plan to paint the hoops copper on the powder kegs.  Thanks!
  2. Like
    DocBlake got a reaction from mtaylor in Gunpowder Kegs   
    Very helpful, guys.  I do think I remember reading about copper hoops on powder kegs at some point.  It seems reasonable and I'll plan to paint the hoops copper on the powder kegs.  Thanks!
  3. Like
    DocBlake got a reaction from mtaylor in Gunpowder Kegs   
    I'm planning on adding gunpowder kegs to the magazine  of my AVS.  Were these kegs marked or painted in any particular way to make sure the illiterate crew didn't do anything foolish by mistake with the kegs?  My AVS is circa 1768.
  4. Like
    DocBlake got a reaction from Canute in Gunpowder Kegs   
    Very helpful, guys.  I do think I remember reading about copper hoops on powder kegs at some point.  It seems reasonable and I'll plan to paint the hoops copper on the powder kegs.  Thanks!
  5. Like
    DocBlake got a reaction from Canute in Trabaccolo by donrobinson - FINISHED - Amati - with a little Santa bashing   
    Very nice work, Don.  I love the below deck detailing!
  6. Like
    DocBlake got a reaction from Dimitris71 in Trabaccolo by donrobinson - FINISHED - Amati - with a little Santa bashing   
    Very nice work, Don.  I love the below deck detailing!
  7. Like
    DocBlake reacted to GuntherMT in Armed Virginia Sloop by GuntherMT - FINISHED - Model Shipways - scale 1:48   
    Sneak peak on the finish line approaching..  I've been working on a display base to hold the ship at the slight angle it should be at to make the waterline 'level' with the viewer, and finally started working on the anchor buoys and I rigged the catheads.
    What could this possibly be?

    Silliness is what it is!

    And that sneak peak...

  8. Like
    DocBlake reacted to GuntherMT in Armed Virginia Sloop by GuntherMT - FINISHED - Model Shipways - scale 1:48   
    Thanks all.
    Yes I do know what the next build will be, and it's on the shelf waiting.  I'll be unveiling that after the AVS is completed, which might be sometime next week.
    The building has slowed significantly as I've decided that I needed to get off my **** (literally) and do something about my fitness before I keeled over of a heart attack.  So I joined a gym and have been working with a personal trainer, which is now eating up a large portion of what was already limited free time.  Combine that with the sailing classes on the weekend, and still trying to spend some time with my family on occasion, oh yea, and working full time, and things are quite a bit slower these days in the hobby room than they were at other points in the last year.
    I have all of next week off on vacation though, so I will absolutely finish the AVS, and then go through and try to make something slightly less messy out of the hobby room and then will begin the next ship building adventure.
    Other Mike (haha!) - the rigging line really makes a huge difference, and when you consider how long a build takes, it's not really a large cost factor.
    Edit: Hahaa.. the forum censors "a r s e".  That's pretty funny.
  9. Like
    DocBlake got a reaction from Cap'n Rat Fink in Armed Virginia Sloop Patrick Henry by DocBlake - FINISHED - Lauck Street Shipyard - Scale = 1/32 - POF Admiralty Style   
    I finished all the treenails in the outer bulwark planking.  I also changed the stern.  Something didn't look quite right back there, and I realized that the counter planking needed something to divide it from the framing visually.  Like the black strake and wales separate the bulwark planking from the framing.  So I simply had the black strake and wale "turn the corner" on each side and end at the sternpost.   I think it looks better, and it's not without precedent, even though it's not in the plans!

  10. Like
    DocBlake got a reaction from mtaylor in Armed Virginia Sloop Patrick Henry by DocBlake - FINISHED - Lauck Street Shipyard - Scale = 1/32 - POF Admiralty Style   
    Thanks, Brian.  The black strake/wale just "ends" on this model, unlike the MS AVS kit which has the wale continue up as the fashion piece and then the taff rail.  It needed an upgrade!
  11. Like
    DocBlake got a reaction from dgbot in Armed Virginia Sloop Patrick Henry by DocBlake - FINISHED - Lauck Street Shipyard - Scale = 1/32 - POF Admiralty Style   
    I finished all the treenails in the outer bulwark planking.  I also changed the stern.  Something didn't look quite right back there, and I realized that the counter planking needed something to divide it from the framing visually.  Like the black strake and wales separate the bulwark planking from the framing.  So I simply had the black strake and wale "turn the corner" on each side and end at the sternpost.   I think it looks better, and it's not without precedent, even though it's not in the plans!

  12. Like
    DocBlake got a reaction from Canute in Armed Virginia Sloop Patrick Henry by DocBlake - FINISHED - Lauck Street Shipyard - Scale = 1/32 - POF Admiralty Style   
    Thanks, Brian.  The black strake/wale just "ends" on this model, unlike the MS AVS kit which has the wale continue up as the fashion piece and then the taff rail.  It needed an upgrade!
  13. Like
    DocBlake got a reaction from mtaylor in Armed Virginia Sloop Patrick Henry by DocBlake - FINISHED - Lauck Street Shipyard - Scale = 1/32 - POF Admiralty Style   
    I finished all the treenails in the outer bulwark planking.  I also changed the stern.  Something didn't look quite right back there, and I realized that the counter planking needed something to divide it from the framing visually.  Like the black strake and wales separate the bulwark planking from the framing.  So I simply had the black strake and wale "turn the corner" on each side and end at the sternpost.   I think it looks better, and it's not without precedent, even though it's not in the plans!

  14. Like
    DocBlake got a reaction from Canute in Armed Virginia Sloop Patrick Henry by DocBlake - FINISHED - Lauck Street Shipyard - Scale = 1/32 - POF Admiralty Style   
    I finished all the treenails in the outer bulwark planking.  I also changed the stern.  Something didn't look quite right back there, and I realized that the counter planking needed something to divide it from the framing visually.  Like the black strake and wales separate the bulwark planking from the framing.  So I simply had the black strake and wale "turn the corner" on each side and end at the sternpost.   I think it looks better, and it's not without precedent, even though it's not in the plans!

  15. Like
    DocBlake reacted to robnbill in Brig Eagle by robnbill - 1:48   
    A short update on the Eagle. She now has her exterior planking completed and spiked. Next I will turn back to the interior and give my new Byrnes saw some exercise with the ladders and gratings.

  16. Like
    DocBlake got a reaction from hamilton in Armed Virginia Sloop Patrick Henry by DocBlake - FINISHED - Lauck Street Shipyard - Scale = 1/32 - POF Admiralty Style   
    I finished all the treenails in the outer bulwark planking.  I also changed the stern.  Something didn't look quite right back there, and I realized that the counter planking needed something to divide it from the framing visually.  Like the black strake and wales separate the bulwark planking from the framing.  So I simply had the black strake and wale "turn the corner" on each side and end at the sternpost.   I think it looks better, and it's not without precedent, even though it's not in the plans!

  17. Like
    DocBlake got a reaction from Cap'n Rat Fink in Armed Virginia Sloop Patrick Henry by DocBlake - FINISHED - Lauck Street Shipyard - Scale = 1/32 - POF Admiralty Style   
    Thanks for looking in, Hamilton.
    Don:  Purpleheart is a very brittle wood and hard to work with.  The grain is strong so you have to be very careful cutting with an X-Acto blade.  I'm glad I only had 2 strakes to contend with.  I did have a lot of practice on my MS AVS because I used bloodwood to plank the inboard bulwarks.  Very similar characteristics.
    I bent the wood using a steam iron.  it worked pretty well, but took awhile.  After gluing the strakes in place, I cut the upper edge of the gun ports into the purpleheart.  Here's a photo.

  18. Like
    DocBlake got a reaction from gjdale in Armed Virginia Sloop Patrick Henry by DocBlake - FINISHED - Lauck Street Shipyard - Scale = 1/32 - POF Admiralty Style   
    I finished all the treenails in the outer bulwark planking.  I also changed the stern.  Something didn't look quite right back there, and I realized that the counter planking needed something to divide it from the framing visually.  Like the black strake and wales separate the bulwark planking from the framing.  So I simply had the black strake and wale "turn the corner" on each side and end at the sternpost.   I think it looks better, and it's not without precedent, even though it's not in the plans!

  19. Like
    DocBlake got a reaction from GuntherMT in Armed Virginia Sloop Patrick Henry by DocBlake - FINISHED - Lauck Street Shipyard - Scale = 1/32 - POF Admiralty Style   
    I finished all the treenails in the outer bulwark planking.  I also changed the stern.  Something didn't look quite right back there, and I realized that the counter planking needed something to divide it from the framing visually.  Like the black strake and wales separate the bulwark planking from the framing.  So I simply had the black strake and wale "turn the corner" on each side and end at the sternpost.   I think it looks better, and it's not without precedent, even though it's not in the plans!

  20. Like
  21. Like
    DocBlake got a reaction from Canute in Armed Virginia Sloop Patrick Henry by DocBlake - FINISHED - Lauck Street Shipyard - Scale = 1/32 - POF Admiralty Style   
    Thanks, Jeff.  Don't hesitate to ask any questions...I'll help if I can.  The practicum is one thing, but building experience is another.  This is almost a custom-kit, and a lot of modifications have to be made.  I asked Mike Shanks a million questions as I've been building, and this has been a huge help.  I've had to make over  multiple parts to fit my model, so this is good practice for scratch building. The later kits may not have as many "glitches", though.   Don't worry. It will come together!
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  24. Like
    DocBlake got a reaction from mtaylor in Armed Virginia Sloop Patrick Henry by DocBlake - FINISHED - Lauck Street Shipyard - Scale = 1/32 - POF Admiralty Style   
    Thanks, Jeff.  Don't hesitate to ask any questions...I'll help if I can.  The practicum is one thing, but building experience is another.  This is almost a custom-kit, and a lot of modifications have to be made.  I asked Mike Shanks a million questions as I've been building, and this has been a huge help.  I've had to make over  multiple parts to fit my model, so this is good practice for scratch building. The later kits may not have as many "glitches", though.   Don't worry. It will come together!
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