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    Stockholm, Sweden

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  1. Hello alfons ,

    Regarding your first ever model of a "Gloucester Fishing Schooner " , what was the actual name of that particular schooner ? Was it the "Smuggler "



  2. Alfons...love your Smuggler build. Have a few questions. Did you cut your own planks for the deck? If so, what wood did you use? Also, what did you use to finish the deck?



  3. Blue Pilot, I am very glad to learn that you like my work, thanks for the nice words. Building the Blue Jacket Smuggler kit is a pleasure, you made an excellent choise. There are very few pre cut parts in the kit, when I think of it, the only part that comes shaped (rough) is the hull itself. So the possibilites to apply your own touch to the model are wast. The supplied wood is of excellent qulity, as are the drawings. You might want to consider not using the supplied deck veneers, as you perhaps have seen in my log, I tared the sheets to pieces and rebuilt the deck with the correct curvature. The result turned out quite OK, the only thing I regret is not having created the planing butts. Sadly, my Schooner i tucked away in a box since some time, we moved to our new house a year ago and I still havent set up my working bench. Family life is also taking its time. But I will be back, trust you me! I am looking forward to following your bulid log! /Alfons
  4. Good to see you back Russ, and nice work. My Schooner is still tucked away, awaiting me finding time to rebuild my workbench. /Alfons
  5. Thanks Lawrence. I am really looking forward to setting up my new ship yard, too many months has passed since my last update! /Alfons
  6. Thanks Gerty. I hope to be back working on the Smuggler during the spring. We are moving to our new house shortly, so I am planning to set up a more permanent ship yard as soon as we have settled down. /Alfons
  7. Here is challenge for you Tim! Place your PT-124 in a diorama, i.e at full speed in the sea, with the exploding Japanese destroyer as a background poster. I would imagine that creating the water in a realistic way would be quite a challenge. /Alfons
  8. Great work Tim. I cant wait to see the tubes painted and fitted to your PT. /Alfons
  9. Hi Lawrence. I really enjoy following your progress, and to try to help you out every now and then. My detailed knowledge of fishing schooners from the early 1900 is quite limited, but I will try to answer your question based on how I completed my deck. My waterways are made from 1 mm thick plywood. This way, I was able to achieve the quite complex shape of the plank. The plywood sheets are really hard to work with though. Based on the fact that water on the deck actually needs to be evacuated via the waterways and then through the scuppers, I wouldn't use a thicker waterway compared to the deck planks. I am not sure that this is historically correct, but I am quite happy with my deck anyways. Perhaps some of the more knowledgeable members can comment this as well. Keep up the good work. /Alfons
  10. Hi Lawrence. No worries, I am always happy to help you out. The width of the deck planks are about 2,5 mm, the waterways are varying over the length of the ship, but the size is roughly 4 mm. As for the deck planks, they came from a sheet of shrived veneer, which I then cut plank by plank. This method produced planks that are almost identical in terms of width. Furthermore, each plank is somewhat chamfered along the edges, which gives a nice look ones painted and sanded (with fine steel wool). As said before, the only thing I regret is that I didn't introduce planking butts. /Alfons
  11. Hi Bob. I am so sorry, using my IPad mini, I managed to hit the wrong button and gave you a "dislike"!!! That was absolutely not my intention, and I cant find a way to change it. Any of the moderators that can help me????, I would hate it if the dislike stays. Again, sorry Bob, your schooner turned out absolutely beautiful. /Alfons
  12. Hi Lawrence. Thanks for the kind words. Before the actual planking of the bow area started, I carefully measured and marked the centreline. Secondly, I made the two water planks, without any cut outs for the stepped planks. The water planks were then dry fitted to the deck. Then I laid the deck, plank by plank, starting from the centreline. When I came to the first stepped plank, it was cut to the correct shape, and a similar cut out was made to the water plank. Having completed the planking, the water planks were removed and painted white. The deck were sanded and painted to its final color, and the water planks were glued in place. As always, continuos and careful measuring helped me to achieve a nice results. I also made sure that all the planks were similar in terms of width. The only thing I regret is that I didn't do any planking buts. The would have been an excellent addition to the level of detail. You will find a few pictures in the beginning of my log, I am sorry that I don't have any more of the detailed progress. Thanks for dropping by. /Alfons Ps. Your HMS Victory looks even more fantastic with the addition of a crew, a true masterpiece.
  13. Hi Frank. I started planking at the waterways and worked my way inboard. The outer plank fits perfect to the waterway, and any flaws at the deck center will mostly be covered by the deck structures. /Alfons
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