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Everything posted by Tobias

  1. We've been back from vacation since Sunday night and I went back to work at Wert on Tuesday evening. I managed to finish the last 6 frames, a small milestone in a mega project. in the next few evenings, the bow and the nail picture of the frames are due, as well as the filler pieces and many small things. I'll keep you posted until then. Thank you for looking.
  2. Great result and well solved, then I wish you a wonderful holiday and lots of rest.
  3. Hello Maik, I ordered my Speedwell books on Monday and according to UPS they will be delivered tomorrow, I have to say that went quickly. General comments and my personal opinion is that the shipping costs are ok, around 56€, yes it may be a lot for some, but it is very fast 4-5 working days and if I calculate it on the time I can spend with this book and which ones friends it can prepare it is justified. I bought the two books of the Naiad in January last year, I can't remember exactly the shipping costs but I think it was around 30€ but with a delivery time of over 6 weeks. Finally, I would like to thank Maik again for keeping Sea Watch Books alive by taking it over and giving us the opportunity to continue buying the great books. Greetings Tobias
  4. Sunny holiday greetings from Croatia. The work in the shipyard will probably have to rest for a few days. The Admiralty and I needed this after 2 years of Corona. Thanks for your comments and likes, much appreciated.
  5. Good evening everyone, thank you for your interest and your likes. The last frames still have to be built and then the scaffolding is in place.
  6. Hello Yves, there were about 60 model builders on site and just as many models, if not a little more. You can find one or the other here in the forum.
  7. Hello Yves, on May 28th, 2022 there was a meeting of model builders in Augsburg. @Oliver1973 was also there with his impressive Le Redoutable. Here are some pictures.
  8. Vielen Dank für Ihr Interesse und Ihr Like, sehr geschätzt.
  9. Done, all built frames pre-ground and fitted. Spant 34-50 is still to be built, then the game starts all over again. I wish you a nice evening.
  10. Thank you for your interest and your likes. Now I have started to grind the frames to size and to fit them in the shipyard.
  11. Hello Oliver, now that I've seen your beast live, I have to say she's fantastic.
  12. Hello Jan, a very impressive and accurate work, great wood and very nicely coordinated in terms of colour.
  13. Ein kleines aber feines Update, ein kleiner Turm aus Rahmen. 1-34 sind fertig, also sind 2/3 fertig und es müssen nur noch 18 Rahmen gebaut werden. Ein paar Bilder, wie ich die Rahmen baue. Vom Aufkleben der Papiervorlage bis zum fertigen Rahmen. Als Werkzeuge werden eine Dekupiersäge, ein Tellerschleifer, ein Spindelschleifer und eine kleine Oberfräse verwendet. Zuerst kopiere ich die Pläne und schneide den Rahmen grob aus, dann glätte ich die Papierschnipsel und fixiere sie. Jetzt geht es ans Sägen und dann schleife ich sie. Kleine Fräsarbeiten am Unterholz für den Kiel. Dann wird alles verleimt und jede Hälfte flach geschliffen. Jetzt schleife ich die Hälften auf dem Spindelschleifer vor und kann sie nach dem Entgraten der Kanten wieder verleimen. Dann spanne ich es fest zusammen und nach einer Trocknungszeit kann es wieder mit dem Spindelschleifer geschliffen werden.
  14. Hello everyone, there hasn't been much new in the last few weeks as I'm concentrating more on building La Palme, but I don't want to let Le Coureur slide. A small update
  15. Hello Strelok, thank you for your interest, yes I thought long and hard about which ship to start with. My selection of monographs is not large, but not small either. La Renommee was my second mono I bought and was shortlisted.
  16. My first 6 frames were unfortunately for the wood stove, I had milled them wrong. To date, I have completed half of the frames.
  17. A couple more pictures. Construction of the rear end
  18. Hello dear forum members, I'm new to scratch building and would like to build my first ship in POF style. Regarding my project: I am building the La Palme 1744 on a scale of 1:36, it is the first Corvette of a 3-series, its sister ships are the L' Anémone (1747) and the L' Amarante (Dec. 1747) whose plans were drawn up by Joseph- Louis Ollivier, who was only 15 when he began construction. I use the monograph "L' AMARANTE" by Gérard Delacroix as a template. Well I hope that I get your support with tips and tricks, as well as constructive criticism.
  19. Hi folks, first of all, thank you for your nice and positive comments, much appreciated. It's that time again for a little update. Starboard and port side scuppers completed and forward railing completed.
  20. Thank you for your compliments I'll try my best.
  21. Hello everyone, in the last few weeks I haven't been able to do anything on the Lugger because I've moved my workshop to a new room. Yesterday it was time for the first chips to fall. I have started to install the first water drains. 2x2mm brass tube sawn and blued. And here 3 pictures of my new shipyard I'm far from finished with the shipyard, it will take some time until everything is in place.
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