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  1. Hi Zebman, thanks for your kind words. I've now completed the main and fore masts complete with yards. Fitting the sails to these masts comes next. see attached pics for the latest progress.
  2. Thanks Peter, your comments are much appreciated. Cheers, Steve
  3. Hi,this is not a build log but it shows my latest progress for this build which I started in November 2021. I took time off during the summer months as it was too hot to work on it here in Spain but for the past few months, have been giving it a few hours most days. I need to take a deep breath now before attempting what looks like a complex matter of assembling masts, sails and rigging. I'll post further pics when complete, which may be quite a way into the future!
  4. Hi Allan, some more detailed photos below. Steve
  5. Thanks E Z Breeze and others.......that's what I did in the end and it was successful. I enclose a photo showing the hull completed from keel to deck level. Just the intricate parts on the decking to complete.........and then the rigging!!
  6. Yes, that's what I thought....and why I don't want any boards showing through on the final coat.
  7. Hi, Thanks to everyone who have offered advice. I shall try and solve the problem with one of these solution. Steve47
  8. Hi, I'm building Gorch Fock by Occre and am at the stage where I've double boarded the hull, applied filler to any areas requiring filling, sanded down and applied several coats of a water based primer. What I'm finding is that the planks are lifting in some areas after applying the paint showing their outline. I sand down any slightly raised plank edges but they tend to lift again when more paint is applied. I've followed the instructions of the build to the letter, using contact adhesive to secure the second layer of planking. I need to apply the finishing coat soon and I obviously don't want any outlines of the boarding showing through. Has anyone any ideas why this is happening and any remedial solution would be really appreciated. Thanks in advance. Steve 47
  9. Hi MIke, it says in the instructions to cut the decking planks to 65mm. This can't be right looking at the pictures. I reckon they should be 101mm or thereabout. Any advice will be very welcome. Regards, Steve47
  10. Thank you all for your kind welcome.
  11. You made a lovely job of the Gorch Fock. Hope mine turns out half as good!
  12. Hi Don, I’ve just joined this forum having recently bought the OcCre Gorch Fock which I have just started. I have also just completed the OcCre Jupiter which you will know by now is quite an interesting and intricate build.
  13. Thank you both for your kind welcomes.
  14. Hi, I’m Steve47 living near Alicante, Spain but originally from UK. I have recently completed La Flore from Constructo after a four year slog on an off and more recently a loco….. Jupiter from OcCre which I completed in a couple of months. Yesterday, I took delivery of Gorch Fock, also from OcCre, but it remains in the box until I receive my Hobby Zone professional building slip to ease the build. Based on the length if time it took me to complete La Flore, I’m setting aside 6 years for Gorch Fock. Lol! I have read with interest Mike Hunt’s account of his build of the GF and will continue to follow his progress. I’m sure there are other accounts of this build but as yet, I haven’t had chance to dig into the forum’s posts. It’s good to be here amongst you fellow model shipbuilders and look forward to sharing my model building experiences with anyone who’s interested.
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